Chapter Thirteen

THERE DIDN'T SEEM TO be anything unusual going on at Northwest National Savings and Loan. From the parking lot,

Jenna could make out the shadows of figures inside the bank, not running or moving in any suspicious manner. She couldn't tell if any of them were her classmates. The four of them left Madame's car and started across the street.

Jenna's senses were on high alert, and she knew she'd pick up the thoughts of her classmates as soon as she was close enough. But she didn't expect to hear Emily while she was still in the parking lot.

I wish I could be inside with the rest of them. I can't even see what's going on.

"I hear Emily!" she told the others.

"Is she in the bank?" Madame asked.

"No. The others are inside, and she's thinkingabout how she wishes she could be with them. I'm sure she's in one of these cars." But there were at least twenty cars in the parking lot, and she couldn't tell where the thoughts were coming from.

I'm scared. Clare looks so calm and confident, like nothing can possibly go wrong. I'll bet she'd use that gun on me, too, if the others tried to get away. And they might try. They've only got Howard and George in the bank with them, and they're not the sharpest crayons in the box. I don't think they're even armed. Clare's the brains.

"Howard. . isn't that the name of the dead woman's son?" Jenna asked Ken. "He's in the bank with the others. Emily's in a car with someone called Clare, and Clare's got a gun."

"If I knew which car they were in, I could get the gun away from her," Charles said.

"Okay, you and Madame find the car," Jenna said. "Ken and I will go into the bank."

"No," Madame said. "Wait until we get the gun. I'm not letting my students go into that place when there's someone around here with a firearm."

Jenna took the handles of Charles's wheelchair.

"Maybe Emily's thoughts will get louder when we get closer," she said. She began pushing Charles between two rows of cars.

"Don't go so fast, Jenna," Madame chided her. "You don't want to attract attention. I think this Clare person just might notice someone running with a wheelchair in a parking lot. Not to mention the fact that she might recognize both of you."

"How?" Jenna wanted to know. "She hasn't seen me.

Madame spoke quietly. "You don't know that, Jenna. I have a very strong feeling that this Clare is no ordinary criminal. And this is no ordinary bank robbery."

Jenna had no idea what she was talking about, and she couldn't worry about it now. But she slowed her pace, and Ken and Madame followed closely behind. Jenna kept her eyes and ears open and hoped her special ability was in prime working order.

I wish I could see what was happening in the bank. The guard-he wouldn't shoot a kid, would he? Even if the kid was trying to rob the bank?

Emily's thoughts were definitely louder. Despite Madame's warning, Jenna quickened her pace. Was it that truck over there? Or maybe the green car with the dent in the bumper. If only the lights in the parking lot were brighter so she could see people inside the cars. .

"It's the SUV," Ken whispered.

Jenna stopped. "How do you know?"

"Howard's mother. She just told me it used to be her car."

Jenna brought the wheelchair up behind the SUV. She bent down to speak into Charles's ear. "Can you sense the gun yet?"

"No. I have to get around to the driver's side. Let go of the chair."

Something told Jenna not to argue. She lifted her hands. Slowly, Charles began pushing himself around to the side of the vehicle. Jenna stayed behind with Madame and Ken. She held her breath, and she couldn't hear any breathing coming from the other two either.

Suddenly the driver's window rolled down. Jenna heard a woman's voice.

"What the-"

And then a gun came flying out of the window. Ken's former life as an athlete came in handy, as he ran and caught it. Then all the car doors opened. Emily leaped out, and at the same time, the car started up. Jenna and Madame leaped out of the way as the SUV backed out. With doors still open, it sped out of the parking lot.

Charles spun his wheelchair around, but it was too late. The big car was out of his sight before he could stop it.

Jenna didn't care. She was too busy hugging Emily tightly. Only for a second though. Jenna wasn't into public displays of affection.

"The others are in the bank," Emily told them.

"We know," Madame said. "Are the men with them armed?"

"I don't think so."

"We're armed," Ken said proudly, holding the gun.

"Put that down," Madame snapped. "I don't want any shooting. I'm calling the police. You stay here."


She took out her cell phone. Jenna looked at Emily with her eyebrows raised.

She told Ken to stay put. Not us.

Jenna nodded. She grabbed Emily's hand, and while Madame's back was to them, they ran to the bank.
