Lost in Booth Nine: Silver Salamander

X-Men and Spider-Man: Time’s Arrow, Book 2: The Present (with Tom DeFalco)

Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six

An Alien Darkness

A Desperate Decaying Darkness

Spider-Man: The Revenge of the Sinister Six

Spider-Man: The Secret of the Sinister Six

Vossoff and Nimmitz: Just a Couple of Idiots Reupholstering Space and Time

Tangled Strings

With the Stars in their Eyes (with Jerry Oltion)

Emissaries from the Dead

The Shallow End of the Pool

The Third Claw of God

Gustav Gloom and the People Taker

Gustav Gloom and the Nightmare Vault

Gustav Gloom and the Four Terrors

Gustav Gloom and the Cryptic Carousel
