Chapter Four

Kenna liked exactly where she was, cuddled up with Tor while the two of them were completely naked. She breathed in the scent of his aftershave and one that was uniquely his own. She could get used to having his strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close.

She ran a hand along Tor’s well-muscled chest, stopping at the tattoo on the left side, right over his heart. It was ancient Egyptian in style and done in black. Inside a cartouche was a picture of Anubis with a jackal’s head. In one hand he held an ankh while in the other was a flail. Kenna traced it with a fingertip. Seeing it, and thinking about Tor’s dark good looks, tanned skin and slight accent, it made her wonder if he was Egyptian.

Lifting her head off his shoulder, Kenna sat up straight. “How much longer do we have before you have to leave for work?”

Tor brought her lips down to his for a thorough kiss before he pulled away. “Only enough time for us to finish our beers. And not enough for me to do what I want to do with you. We could have a quickie, but I want to take my time, savor every minute of it. We’ll have to continue this tomorrow.”

Kenna sighed with regret, but nodded. “It will have to be after I finish my shift again. But the next two days after that I’m off for the weekend.”

“I can take those days off as well. We’ll spend them together.”

She smiled. “I like that.” Kenna ran her hand over Tor’s chest again. “I guess we’d better get dressed. For me, sitting here like this with you, it’s only going to make me want you again. And since there isn’t any time for that, I’d rather have your delicious body covered before I get any ideas about getting you to change your mind about going into work.”

Tor chuckled. “I agree. I find you just as tempting.”

Kenna slid off his lap and took one last good look at him, running her gaze over his hard, muscled body and landing on his cock that appeared semi-hard. Oh, all the things she wanted to do to him. At least they were off to a good start. The oral sex had been the best she’d ever had. And pleasuring Tor had been just as good. She could foresee herself using the majority of the weekend to explore every inch of him, finding out what really turned his crank.

She gathered up her clothes before she pulled them on. Once they were both dressed, they sat on the couch with beers in hand to watch more of the movie that still played on the television. It was nice sitting there with Tor, the heat from his body sinking into hers as he held her against his side.

They finished their beers and Tor put the empty bottles on the coffee table before he turned to face her and swept her up into his arms once again. He kissed her with enough heat to have her body burning for his. Kenna almost begged him to stay, but stopped herself. She didn’t want to come across as too needy. They were still too new for that. He had to work, just as she had to the following morning.

Kenna walked Tor to the apartment door. “Do you want to meet here tomorrow after my shift?”

He nodded. “Sure. Then you can come to my place. I’ll make you dinner.”

She smiled. “I’d like that. I’ve never had a man cook for me before. Are you any good?”

Tor laughed and shook his head. “I promise you I’m an excellent cook. I like to eat, so I learned a long time ago how to make meals I’d enjoy.”

“Then I’ll look forward to it.”

With one last kiss that made her knees weak, Tor left. Kenna closed and locked the door behind him. Her social life had definitely taken a turn for the better. Nick would be proud of her.

* * *

Tor didn’t bother to go home to change his clothes before he went out on a night of hunting evildoers. He drove to a section of the city that he’d chosen earlier and parked his car. He found it was easier to hunt down his prey if he walked the streets. In a seedier section of Las Vegas, there was no shortage of mortals who committed evil acts.

It didn’t take long before he felt the familiar pull. Tor followed where it led, catching the unmistakable odor of evil tainting the air. He found his prey hunched over in a dark corner of an alley, counting money he’d taken out of the purse he held. Obviously, it wasn’t his.

The change took over Tor as he walked closer. He gritted his teeth as the pain that went along with the shift tore through him. Once it was complete, he growled, drawing the evildoer’s attention. The man took one look at Tor’s half-human and half-jackal furred form and bolted. Tor managed to easily catch him before he could get very far.

He flung his prey against a brick wall hard enough for the man to have the wind knocked out of him. Tor moved in and grabbed him by the throat as he looked the evildoer in the eyes, forcing his way into the man’s mind. What he saw there, feeling the pain and fear of all his prey’s victims, Tor knew without a doubt the man was guilty.

“Time to pay for all the crimes you committed,” Tor said in a voice that was gruff and deep.

Willing his gold dagger into his hand, Tor held his prey still. The man babbled, pleading for his life. Tor struck fast and true, slicing the blade across the man’s chest through to the skin. His prey uttered one last cry of alarm as he slowly faded out of sight.

Tor willed the dagger away and headed for the entrance to the alley. As he walked he shifted back to his human form. He could expect to experience that pain at least a couple more times before he called it quits for the night.

Before he reached the street side of the alley, Tor felt a pain inside his head unlike anything he’d felt in the past. It was even worse than what he experienced with a shift. He dropped to his knees gasping, holding his head as the sensation hit him full force, as if something burrowed its way inside his brain. His eyesight faded to black a couple of times. Tor was pretty sure he was on the verge of passing out when the pain suddenly stopped. He took stock of himself before he stood on legs that shook a little. He seemed okay, his head just throbbed a bit with what felt like a normal headache.

He’d gone two steps when a disembodied male voice said, “You’re mine now, warrior of Anubis.”

Tor stiffened. Thanks to the god of the underworld’s warning, he had a feeling he knew who the voice belonged to. “Show yourself, demon. Let’s put an end to this now. Unless you’re too afraid to face me.”

Laughter seemed to bounce off the alley’s brick walls. “All in due time.”

No matter how many times Tor bellowed for the demon, the creature didn’t respond. Tor continued on his way. If the demon had tried to use the spell that had been used on the other of Anubis’ warriors, it mustn’t have worked on Tor. He was still in his human form, not trapped in his other. Maybe this demon wasn’t as skilled with spells as the other had been.

Tor walked down the street and rubbed his forehead. All this demon had managed to do was give him one hell of a headache. He snorted. If that was all the creature was capable of, it would take a lot more than that to bring Tor down.

* * *

Kenna couldn’t believe how slow the day seemed to pass. Normally, she didn’t mind being at work. That wasn’t the case now. All she kept thinking about was that she’d see Tor again once her shift ended. What they’d done the night before had been good, but she craved more of Tor. Wanted to have his cock buried deep inside her. She figured sex would be good with him. The way he’d touched, stroked and licked just about every inch of her last night showed he wasn’t the selfish type of lover some men could be.

During their lunch break, Nick had barraged her with questions about Tor and how her evening with him had gone. She’d only told her friend that she and Tor had worked out well enough and that she would see Tor after work, then spend the weekend with him. Nick had been very impressed with how fast she moved with her new man.

After her shift finally ended, Kenna hurried out of the hotel and to the parking lot. Once again she had that same unsettling feeling she got whenever she came there at the end of her workday. This time she was able to ignore it better as she hurried over to her car.

Kenna headed straight for her bedroom to change out of her work clothes once inside her apartment. Figuring eating dinner at Tor’s place would be casual, she pulled on a pair of blue jeans and a turquoise t-shirt. Having worn heels all day, she opted for wearing a pair of runners.

She’d just tied the last lace on her shoes when the phone rang with a double ring to let her know someone buzzed up to the apartment from the secured front entrance. Kenna grabbed the cordless phone that sat on the nightstand next to her bed and answered it. Hearing Tor’s deep, slightly accented voice on the other end, she pushed the numbers to unlock the door at the lobby for him.

Kenna waited at the door with purse in hand for Tor to arrive. Once he did, she opened it and smiled. “Hi.”

“Hi back.” He put his arms around her and kissed her as if he hadn’t seen her in a year. He had her clutching him when he finally let her up for air. “I’ve done nothing but think of having you in my arms again.”

Trying to think clearly while arousal heated her blood proved more than a little difficult. Kenna pulled her wits about her and smiled. “I did the same thing, think about you that is.”

Tor released her. “We should go. I have food in the oven.”

As if on cue, Kenna’s stomach rumbled. She gave him a half smile. “Sorry. I didn’t have a very big lunch. I wanted to make sure I was good and hungry. You did promise me a good meal.”

He chuckled. “Don’t apologize. Let’s go.”

Kenna locked the door behind them, then placed her hand in Tor’s when he held it out to her. They rode the elevator down to the lobby and went outside to the visitors parking. He helped her into his car before going around to the driver’s side.

She wasn’t surprised when they drove to the MacDonald Highlands community. Tor had money. He’d of course live where the wealthy did. The house at the end of the drive he finally pulled into was huge. The large two-story edifice looked as if a movie star lived there. The front lawn had been professionally landscaped, just adding to the grandeur of the property.

Tor parked in front of the four-car attached garage and shut off the engine. “Welcome to my home,” he said before he opened his door and got out.

Kenna joined him, still looking at the huge house. “It’s beautiful,” she said. “And massive. Don’t you get lonely living here all by yourself?”

He chuckled. “No. I’m what you’d call a bit of a loner.”

Tor took her hand and walked her to the front door. He unlocked it and stepped aside for her to go in ahead of him. Kenna was pretty sure her eyes popped out of her head and her jaw was on the floor. The inside was just as gorgeous as the outside. It was also spotlessly clean from what she could see of it in the huge foyer.

She turned and looked at Tor. “If you tell me you do all the housecleaning here on top of knowing how to cook, don’t be surprised if I get down on one knee and ask you to marry me.”

He caught her around the waist and pulled her close. “What? You only would want to marry me for my domestic skills? You can’t think of anything else I have going for me?”

Kenna lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck. “Well, now that you mention it, you do have a killer body.” She took a deep breath. The smell of something heavy with spices and utterly delicious filled her nose. Her stomach growled again. “Whatever you have cooking in your kitchen smells to die for.”

“Come on,” Tor said, then released her. “I better feed you before you pass out from lack of food.”

She followed him past the two curved staircases that led to the upper floor and to the spacious kitchen. All the appliances were stainless-steel. The oven was gas and looked to be chef quality. Obviously, Tor took his cooking very seriously. And what he had in the oven made her mouth water.

“Take a seat at the island,” he directed. “I thought we’d have our first course here. That way I can keep an eye on the other food while we eat.”

Kenna took a seat on one of the tall stools at the marble-topped island. Tor placed a plate of pita bread cut into triangles along with another filled with hummus in front of her. She loved the chickpea dip. She picked up a piece of the flat bread and dipped into the hummus. It made her taste buds sing.

Once she swallowed, she said, “This is really good. Did you make it from scratch?”

Tor nodded. “Of course. I also made the Egyptian-spiced chicken that is in the oven from scratch as well.”

She looked at him. “You’re Egyptian, aren’t you?”

“Yes, but I haven’t lived there for a great many years.”

“I thought maybe you were, especially after seeing the tattoo on your chest. I wasn’t sure of your accent, though.”

“My accent has faded a bit the longer I’ve stayed away from the land of my birth. Plus, I don’t speak my native language much.”

“Have you ever gone back for a visit?”

“No. I haven’t found the time.”

“I’ve always wanted to go to Egypt.” She smiled. “I think part of the reason why I chose to apply for a job at the Luxor was because of the pyramid and Sphinx. But don’t tell anyone that. They’ll think I’m just being silly.”

Tor leaned toward her. “If you think that’s silly, you’ll think this is even worse. I have purposely driven by the hotel for that same reason. They remind me of home.”

“I guess we have that in common.”

“Yes, and our love of beer,” he said with a wink. “Eat up. The main course will be done shortly.”

Kenna had more hummus than she should have, but enjoyed it so much she had a hard time stopping. That course done, Tor led her to a spacious dining room just off the kitchen. It was already set with plates and cutlery. Once he seated her, he returned to the other room and came back with a platter of chicken and roasted potatoes. In a large serving bowl were steamed mixed vegetables.

The chicken breast tasted as to die for as it had smelled while cooking. It tasted of lemon, and if she wasn’t mistaken, also beer along with a bunch of spices she couldn’t single out. As she ate, Kenna had to admit Tor was a better cook than she was.

After they ate their fill, Kenna wiped her mouth on a cloth napkin. “That was really good. If I eat any more you’ll have to roll me out of here.”

Tor chuckled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I told you I knew how to cook.”

“That you did. I’m hoping you’ll make us another meal sometime.”

“I’d be more than happy to. Let’s go sit out on the back patio and let our food settle.”

Kenna nodded and stood when Tor did. He led her through the french doors at the end of the dining room. It was still light out and not too hot. They each took a seat at the wrought-iron table. Tor reached for her hand and laced their fingers together. She looked around the backyard, finding it just as professionally manicured as the front. There was also an in-ground pool.

“You mustn’t have lived here for very long, since this is still a fairly new community,” she said as she turned back to look at Tor.

“No, I haven’t. When I saw the area I knew I had to have a home here. I like the large lots and privacy they afford.”

“I can see why. I’d want to live here too.” She watched as Tor lifted his free hand and rubbed it across his forehead. “Have a headache?”

“Yes. It just started. I don’t normally get them.”

Kenna let go of Tor’s hand and motioned him closer. “Here. See if this helps.” She reached over and used her fingertips to massage his temples. “Better?”

“A little.”

He closed his eyes and moaned. She had a feeling it wasn’t a sound of pleasure but of pain, since he furrowed his brows as well. “Not much, though.”

“It’s not getting any better. Maybe we should move back inside. The sunshine could be making it worse.”

“You’re probably right. But there is one thing we can do that is supposed to help get rid of headaches,” she said with a wink.

“Really? What would that be?”

Kenna ran a hand down the side of his face and swept her thumb across Tor’s bottom lip. “Sex.” She licked her lips. “You want to give it a try?”

He gave her a sexy grin. “Definitely.”

Tor stood, then pulled her to her feet. Once they were back inside the house, she walked at his side as he guided her to the foyer and up one of the curving staircases. She only had a short time to take in the huge master bedroom and king-sized bed before Tor pulled her into his arms, his lips claiming hers. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on as he hungrily took her mouth.

An ache built deep inside her pussy at the feel of his hard cock pressing against her. This time she’d have all of Tor. She’d been daydreaming about this all day. Both of them breathing hard, Kenna pulled back and stripped Tor’s t-shirt off him. With all that naked, male flesh on display she couldn’t hold back from caressing it. Her lips made a wet path across his wide, muscular chest. She even traced the outline of his tattoo.

Tor took off her shirt and bra before he bent her slightly over his arm and sucked a taut nipple into his mouth. Kenna moaned, holding on to his broad shoulders to keep herself upright. Arousal surged through her body as wetness pooled between her legs.

Once he’d showered her other nipple with the same attention as the first, Tor turned her and slowly backed her toward the bed. The back of her legs hit the mattress, but he didn’t push her down onto it. He reached for the fasteners on her jeans and undid them. As he pulled the material down past her hips, Kenna toed off her shoes, kicking each one away.

Tor lifted her and placed her on the center of the bed once she was free of her jeans and panties. She lifted up on her elbows to watch him take his pants off. His erection stood out straight from his body and bobbed with his movements. She couldn’t wait to have it buried inside her. Wetness leaked onto her thighs as she ran her gaze over every delectable inch of Tor.

As naked as she, Tor climbed onto the bed next to her and stretched out alongside her. Kenna lowered herself onto the mattress. He ran a finger from the top of her chest, between her breasts and down her stomach until he reached the mound of her pussy. Everywhere he touched he left a trail of fire and need.

His hand dipped between her legs and Tor moaned. “You’re already wet for me. I thought to take it slow, but I crave you too much.”

Kenna took hold of his cock and pumped it, eliciting another moan out of him. “We can do slow another time. Right now I want you inside me.”

Tor settled himself on top of her, his hips spreading her legs farther apart. The very tip of his cock brushed against her slick opening. That small touch sent jolts of pleasure through her. Going slow was definitely not an option for her. Ever since the night before, she’d longed for this. Ached for him.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he pushed the head of his shaft into her. Kenna rocked her hips with Tor, taking more of his length with each thrust until he was sheathed to the hilt. He was big and thick, stretching her to her limits and filling her to capacity. And she loved it. Then he pulled back and seated himself again, and she loved that even more.

Kenna lifted her legs and put them around Tor’s hips as he surged in and out of her. She squeezed her inner walls around his plunging cock, increasing the pleasure she felt.

As he continued to thrust inside her, he whispered gruffly in her ear, “I’m not going to last long.”

“I won’t either,” she quickly whispered back.

He pumped his hips faster, taking her harder. She matched his pace, her breath coming in gasps. Tor pulled almost all the way out before he thrust back in, butting up against her cervix. Kenna’s body coiled tighter as an orgasm inched closer.

She teetered on the edge when Tor suddenly stopped pumping. His body grew stiff on top of her, his arms clenching until the veins stuck out. She was about to ask him what was wrong, but he let out an animalistic growl and put his arms around her. In a show of strength, he lifted her as he shifted to a sitting position so she ended up straddling his hips, his cock still buried deep inside her.

Tor dropped his hands to her hips, holding on tight enough that Kenna was sure he’d leave bruises behind. He had her ride him fast and hard. She placed her hands on top of his shoulders, rocking against him, taking his cock as deep as he could go.

Just as Kenna came, Tor fisted the hair at the back of her neck and roughly pulled her head to the side so her ear almost touched her shoulder. He bent his with a growl that an animal would make and bit her where neck and shoulder met. At first, she felt a sharp pain as his teeth broke the skin, but then a sudden rush of intense pleasure tore through her, making her have back-to-back orgasms. Tor thrust up into her one final time, then stiffened as his cock pulsed, filling her with his cum. His teeth were still buried in her skin. She gasped as she felt something snap between them, almost as if an invisible bond formed, tying them together.

Tor’s hold on her loosened and he slowly pulled his mouth away from her neck. His gaze zeroed in where he’d bitten her, and his eyes widened ever so slightly. She would have missed it if she hadn’t watched him so closely. Kenna went to kiss Tor, floating in the afterglow, but he stiffly lifted her off him and placed her beside him. Without a word, he slid off the bed and walked into the en suite bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind him.

Kenna stared after him, really not sure what was up. They’d just had what she thought was the best sex of her life. Something had to be bothering Tor for him to just get up and walk away. Maybe it was because he’d gotten a little carried away and had bitten her. She reached up and touched where he’d sunk his teeth into her. She felt nothing there, and after getting off the bed and looking in the mirror attached to the dresser, she saw there wasn’t even a mark. She guessed it only felt as if he’d broken through the skin.

With a shrug, Kenna walked back to the bed and climbed onto it to wait for Tor to come out of the bathroom. If that was his problem, she’d just have to set him straight. As far as she was concerned, he could lose control like that any time. She’d loved every minute of it.
