
The Death Ship is trapped by our disjunctive energy lattices which wrap around the black-sailed ship like webbing around a flailing insect. And we fire another fusillade of missiles from all our vessels, for Explorer and I now exist in sixty different ships at the same time.

The odds are overwhelming! We surely must prevail!


Quipu and I looked at each other; puzzled and alarmed. The strangeness had passed, but now a terrible foreboding filled us.

Then the ground beneath us shook.

“We’ve been hit!” Quipu One exulted. “Someone is actually firing missiles at the ship!”

“That is,” screamed Quipu Two, “a fair surmise.”

The ground shook again. The aerials in the sky were dashed out of their flight patterns, thrown around like pebbles tossed in the air. And the sky-the sky!-actually flickered. And then the earth rocked violently to one side and I was rolled across the grass.

Nearby Fray fell too, then fumbled up to her feet, and bellowed at me.

Quipu was hissing with fear, clinging to a tree with his strong feet. Lirilla screamed, with rapid shrill shrieks like nothing I had ever heard before.

And then the world turned upside down.

And the waters from the lakes and rivers were now pouring down upon us like rain. And creatures were tumbling through air, clutching at trees and rocks, and the air, the air itself was whirling in thick clouds and we were all choking, unable to breath.

“What’s happening?” someone screamed.

“Is something attacking us?” another voice yelled.

“I believe so!” screamed Quipu One.

“I’ve never felt it like this-”

“The gravity!” screamed Quipu Two, “has failed!”


The hull is ruptured. The Death Ship is dying.

We’ve won. We’ve won!

Haven’t we?
