
Aeravas-a Sharonian city in Harkala; located in approximately the same place as Shiraz, Iran.

Alathia: one of the provinces of the Ternathian Empire, it is the trans-temporal analog of Italy.

Andara-the Arcanan equivalent of the continent of North America. Andara is the home of the warrior kingdoms of the Andarans and provides the backbone of the Union of Arcana's military.

Arau Mountains-the Sharonian equivalent of the Yoblonovy Khrebet mountain range east of Lake Baikal.

Arcana-the home universe and Earth of the Union of Arcana. Its physics are based on "magic."

Arpathia-the Sharonian equivalent of the area stretching from the Caspian Sea through the Siberian tundra north of Mongolia to the Pacific Ocean. While there is no united government for this region, it is often referred to as the Septentrion, which is a trade union developed by the septs (see Septs and Septentrion, below).

Aruncas of the Sword-the Uromathian god of war.

Baranal-literally, "protector" in old Andaran. A baranal is the individual responsible for protecting a shardon (see below).

Barkesh-a city in Sharona located at the approximate trans-temporal site of Barcelona, Spain.

Bergahl-the dominant deity of the Order of Bergahl. Bergahl is a god of both war and justice. His order is a militant one, which has traditionally provided the judges and law enforcement mechanism in the Kingdom of Othmaliz.

Bergahl's Comforters-an ironic nickname for Berghal's Dagger (see nelow).

Bergahl's Dagger-a highly militant cult within the Order of Bergahl. The Dagger was officially disbanded over a hundred years ago.

Bernith Island-the Sharonian analog of the island of Great Britain.

Bernith Channel-the Sharonian analog of the English Channel.

Bernithian Highlands-the Sharonian analog of Scotland.

Bison-the steam-powered tractor portion of the Ternathian Army's experimental mechanized transport.

Blade of Ibral-the Sharonian analog of the Gallipoli Peninsula.

blood debt-an ancient Ransaran concept of justice based on the principle of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." It also has personal conotations of vengeance, but has been renounced by modern Ransarans as a barbaric and horrific basis for true justice. The term is sometimes still used as a slang phrase to describe a highly personal form of redress for wrongful actions.

blood vendetta-Shurkhali blood vendetta is triggered when a massive miscarriage of justice leads to someone's death. Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr's apparent murder by Arcanans triggers a blood vendetta reaction in every Shurkhali alive.

Bolakin, Queens of-the queens who collectively rule the ten Bolakini city-states which control the southern short of the Mbisi Sea.

Bolakini Strait-the Sharonian analog of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Book of the Double-Three-the holy book of the Church of the Double Triads, the imperial religion of Ternathia.

Book of Secrets-one of the two seminal holy books of the Mythalan shakira caste.

Book of the Shakira-one of the two seminal holy books of the Mythalan shakira caste.

Calirath-the imperial dynasty of Ternathia. The Caliraths have ruled Ternathia for more than four millennia.

Celaryon II-King of Ancient Ternathia who negotiated the treaty which bound Ternathia and Farnalia as allies in the year 203 of the Ternathian calendar.

Central Bank of Mythal-the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful of the Mythalan banks. The CBM, unlike the private Mythalan banks, is directly subject to government supervision, and a full third of the seats on its Board of Directors are held by government appointees.

Cerakondian Mountains-the Sharonian equivalent of the Altai Mountains.

Cetacean Institute/Shurkahli Aquatic Realms Embassy: the Sharonian research institute and embassy founded and operated by Shaylar's mother, Thalassar Kolmayr-Brintal, who is a cetacean translator. Similar embassies serve the sentient great apes and higher primates of Ricathia (Africa), Uromathia (Asia), and New Farnal (South America, with its New World monkeys).

Chairifon-the Sharonian equivalent of the Eurasian supercontinent.

Chalar-an Arcanan maritime Empire, based on the island of Chalar (Cuba) and dominating the Chalaran Sea (Caribbean Sea) and Gulf of Hilmar (Gulf of Mexico). Chalar is the dominant naval power of Arcana.

Chalgyn Consortium: survey company that employs Jathmar Nargra amp; Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr. The Chalgyn Consortium is an independent survey company based in Shurkhal.

chan-"veteran" in Ternathian. This is an honorific indicating someone who is currently or has been a member of the Ternathian military.

Chinthai-a Sharonian breed of horses very similar to Percherons.

Commandery-the Arcanan equivalent of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Conclave: The formal multi-nation crisis-management organization established when the first portal opened in Sharona. Its members are the heads of state of every sovereign nation in Sharona and, on paper, Sharona's new, independent colony universes.

Cratak Mountains-the Arcanan equivalent of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Crown of fire-the Sharonian term for our own volcanically active "ring of fire" in the Pacific.

Daggerstone-a sarkolis crystal used to store short-range combat spells. Maximum range is no more than twenty feet, and they are impossible to conceal from any Gifted person, but they can store antipersonnel spells of great power.

Dalazan River-the Sharonian analogue of the Amazon River.

Daykassian-the premier Arpathian breed of cavalry horse. Very similar to the Turkoman.

Delkrath Mountains-a mountain range in Delkrathia Province; the Sharonian equivalent of the Santa de Guararrma Mountains of Spain.

Delkrathia Province-a province of the Ternathian Empire north of Narhath and east of Teramandor; it consist of the equivalent of central Spain, from just south of Madrid to the Bay of Biscay.

Dosaru-the Uromathian god of justice. Also known as "Dosaru of the Watching Eyes" and "Dosaru of the Scales."

Ekros-an Arcanian demon; the equivalent of our own Demon Murphy.

Elath-an Andaran kingdom whose territory covers roughly the area of the United States as far west as Kansas and Nebraska and extends as far north as Newfoundland.

Emergency Voice Network-a planet-wide network of Voices capable of linking all Sharonian heads of state in a real-time conference.

Emergency Transportation System-a Sharona-wide teleportation system capable of transporting very small groups of passengers. The ETS is designed for the emergency use of heads of state and diplomats in time-critical crises.

Emperor Edvar Mountains-the Sharonian equivalent of the Pyrenees Mountains.

Empress Wailyana II-Wailyana Calirath, Empress of Ternathian, 4172-4207. Generally referred to as Wailyana the Great.

Eniath-a technically Uromathian Kingdom in the eastern region of the equivalent of Mongolia. A land renowned for its falcons, its people are as much Arpathian as Uromathian and not particularly fond of the Empire of Uromathia.

Eraythas Mountains-the Sharonian analogue of the Cantabrian Mountains along the Biscay Coast of Spain.

Ermandia: a province of the Ternathian Empire, corresponding to Austria Erthain the Great-semi-legendary founder of the House of Calirath and the Ternathian Empire.

Esferia-the Sharonian analog of Cuba.

Estafel-the capital city of the Ternathian Empire.

Evanos Ocean-the Arcanan name for the Pacific Ocean.

Faltharia-a republic in New Ternath, located in the general vicinity of the Great Lakes. The homeland of Jathmar Nargra.

Farnalia-the Sharonian equivalent of the Scandinavian peninsula.

Farnalian Sea-the Sharonian equivalent of the Baltic Sea.

Farnalian Empire-a Sharonian empire stretching from its home Farnalia across the northern periphery of the Sharonian equivalent of Europe to the equivalent of the Sea of Japan.

Farshal-a Hilmaran Kingdom in Arcana whose territory includes the equivalent of Guyana, Surinam, and French Guiana.

Finger Sea-the Sharonian analog of the Red Sea.

Firsoma-Uromathian goddess of wisdom and fate. Also known as "Firsoma of the Shears" and "The Cutter."

Fist of Bolakin-the Sharonian analog of the Rock of Gibraltar.

Flicker-a Talented Sharonian capable of teleporting, or "Flicking," relatively small objects over long distances with considerable precision.

Flight-an Arcanan Air Force formation consisting of four combat dragons, organized into two pairs of wingmen.

Fort Brithik-Sharonian portal fort in the universe of Thermyn, covering the outbound portal to New Uromath. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Fort Ghartoun-formerly Fort Raylthar, Sharonian portal fort in the universe of Thermyn, covering the inbound portal from Failcham. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Carson City, Nevada.

Fort Losaltha-the Sharonian portal fortress protecting the entry portal of the Salym Universe. Located approximately at the trans-temporal site of Barcelona, Spain.

Fort Mosanik-Sharnonian portal fort in the universe of Karys, covering the outbound portal to Failcham. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Astana, Kazakhstan.

Fort Rycharn-the Arcanan coastal enclave in the universe of Gharys, serving the swamp portal to Hell's Gate. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Belem. Brazil.

Fort Salby-Sharonian portal fort in the universe of Traisum, covering the outbound portal to Karys.

Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of the Sharonian city of Narshalla, or our own Medina, Saudi Arabia.

Fort Shaylar-Company Captain Halifu's portal fort in New Uromath.

Fort Talon-Arcanan fortress in Erthos located roughly on the transtemporal site of Ust Ilimsk, Siberia.

Fort Tharkoma-Sharonian portal fort in the universe of Salym covering be outbound portal to Traisum. Located roughly on the trans-temporal side of Sofia, Bulgaria.

Fort Wyvern-the Arcanan fortress and base in the universe of Gharys at the entry portal from the universe of Erthos. Located roughly on the trans-temporal site of Manzanilla, Cuba.

Gariyan VI-the Ternathian Emperor who began the phased withdrawal from the easternmost provinces of the Ternathian Empire.

Gariyan VII-the son of Gariyan VI; the last Ternathian Emperor to rule from Tajvana.

Garmoy, Sunhold of-a Sharonian dukedom in southeastern Uromathia. Roughly equivalent to the country of Laos.

Garouoma-a Sharonian city located on the Narhathan Peninsula; roughly equivalent to Cordoba, Spain.

Garsulthan-a Manisthuan word which translates roughly as "real politics." Its practitioners believe that all international relations ultimately rest upon the balance of military power and that morality and ethics must take second place to that reality when formulating foreign policy.

Gartasa Mountains-the Sharonian analogue of the Iberian Mountains in Spain, separating Teramandor from Delkrathia.

Garth Showma Institute-the Academy established by Magister Halathyn vos Dulainah at the site of Showma Falls in New Arcana. It is the second-largest magical academy anywhere and its prestige is rapidly overtaking that of the Mythal Falls Academy.

Garth Showma-a large and powerful duchy and city in the universe of New Arcana. Located at the Arcanan equivalent of Niagara Falls and the headquarters site of the Arcanan Army.

Garthan-the non-magic users of the Mythlan culture. They make up at least eighty percent of the Mythlan population but possess only extremely circumscribed legal rights.

Gerynth-a city in the southern portion of the Andaran Kingdom of Yanko roughly analogous to Durango, Mexico.

Gorhadyn Protocol-a Mythalan assassination technique.

Grand Ternathian Canal-the Sharonian equivalent of the Suez Canal.

Grocyra-the Sharonian equivalent of Siberia.

Grocyran Plain-the Sharonian equivalent of the West Siberian Plain.

Gulf of Shurkhal-the Sharonian equivalent of the Gulf of Aden.

Hammerfell Lake-the Arcanan equivalent of Lake Huron.

Harkala-the Sharonian equivalent of India. The ancient Harkalian Empire extended from India through Afghanistan and into Iran.

Hell's Gate-the Sharonian name assigned to the universe where their survey personnel first encountered the Arcanans. Later adopted by Arcana, as well.

High Commandery-the high command of the Union of Arcanan's Army. Essentially, the equivalent of the Pentagon and the Chiefs of Staff, rolled into one. Traditionally, the High Commandery is heavily dominated by a senior Andaran officers.

Hilmar-the Arcanan equivalent of South America.

Hinorean Empire-the smaller of the two empires which dominate Uromath. The Hinorean Empire includes the Sharonian equivalent of western India and Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia.

Hook of Ricathia-the Sharonian equivalent of the southern side of the Strait of Gibraltar; the transtemporal equivalent of Morocco and Ceuta, Spain.

Horn of Ricathia-the Sharonian analogue of the Horn of Africa between the Gulf of Adenand the Indian Ocean.

Hummer-a magically enhanced bird developed from normal hummingbirds by Arcanan sorcerers as high-speed, highly aggressive "carrier pigeons."

Hurkaym-a small town/communications post located at the trans-temporal site of Palermo, Sicily, in the Salym Universe expressly as a Voice link between Fort Tharkoma and Fort Losaltha.

Hurlbane-a Ricathian deity associated with the Queens of Bolakin. She is a warrior goddess who protects the Bolakini (see Bolakin, Queens of), and her clergy have always been very influential in the Bolakini city-states. Hurlbane's High Priestess, for example, advised the Queens of Bolakin to ally withTernathia thousands of years ago.

Ibral Strait-the Sharonian equivalent of the Dardanelles Ibral's Blade-the Sharonian equivalent of the Gallipoli Peninsula.

Indelbu: Ternathian port city; the trans-temporal analogue of Belfast Inkara-the Arcanan equivalent of the island of Great Britain.

Isseth-a kingdom situated between Harkala and Arpathia in the Sharonian equivalent of #Kashmir, Tajikistan, and northeastern Pakistan.

Isseth-Liada-a portal exploration company owned/sponsored by the Kingdom of Isseth.

Ithal Mountains-the Sharonian analog of the Hejaz Mountains.

Janu River-the Sharonian analog of the Rhine River.

Jerekhas-the Sharonian analog of the island of Sicily.

Journeyman-a formal rank for Arcanan practitioners of sorcery who have completed their formal education but have not contributed a new application of sorcery. The majority of sorcerers do not progress beyond this rank. (See also "novice," "magister," and "magistron."

Judaih-a city in Sharona located on the site of Ghat, Libya.

Juhali-a volcanic island on Sharona; the Sharonian analog of Krakatoa.

Kanaiya-a duchy in central Lokan, consisting of much of the central portion of the equivalent of Manitoba. Its capital, also called Kanaiya is located on the eastern shore of Lake Kanaiya.

Karmalia-the Sharonian analog of Hungary.

Kerllian Accords-the Andaran military accords drafted centuries ago by the Andaran Commander of Armies Housip Kerellia and adopted by the Union of Arcana as the official standard for treatment of POWs and as the code of conduct to be followed by Arcanan personnel who become POWs.

Kershai-the ancient Mythalan word for "lightning;" the release code for a black dragon's breath weapon.

Kingdom of Shartha-a Ricathian kingdom in Sharona; it occupies roughly the area of Somalia, eastern Ethiopia, and most of Kenya. (See also "Lubnasi.")

Kosal River-the Arcanan analogue of Spain's Ebro River.

Kythia-a region of Arcana roughly equivalent to Gujarat, India.

Lake Arau-the Sharonian equivalent of Lake Baikal.

Lake Kanaiyar-the Arcanan equivalent of Lake Winnipeg.

Lake Wind Daughter-the Arcanan equivalent of Lake Michigan.

Larakesh-the site of the first Sharonian trans-temporal portal on the Ylani Sea. The Sharonian analog of Varna, Bulgaria.

Larkima-the ancient Mythalan word for "strangle;" the release code for a yellow dragon's breath weapon.

Lifter-a Sharonian telekinetic Talent. Most Lifters can handle only very small objects; a very small percentage of exceptionally powerful Lifters can manipulate objects wing is much as thirty or forty pounds.

Limathia-a kingdom in New Farnal, located between the Sharonian equivalent of #Chile and Argentina. One of the Directors of the Portal Authority is from Limathia.

Lissia-the Sharonian equivalent of Australia; the main landmass of the Lissian Republic, which also includes New Zealand, the islands of Oceania, and a fair percentage of the South Pacific Islands of Polynesia. Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr's mother is Lissian.

Lokan-an Andaran kingdom whose territory covers the equivalent of most of Canada and Alaska, but sweeps down to include Oregon and most of California, as well.

Losaltha-the Sharonian city located at the entry portal of the Salym universe. Located roughly at the trans-temporal location of Barcelona, Spain.

Lubnasi-an ancient independent city-state located within the boundaries of the Kingdom of Shartha

(see above) in Sharona. Like the Bolakini city-states (see "Bolakin, Queens of"), Lubnasi was an ancient treaty partner of Ternathia, which is the historic guarantor of its independence.

Lugathia: a province of the Ternathian Empire, equivalent to France.

Magister-a formal title earned by Arcanan practitioners of sorcery. It requires the completion of an arduous formal education and the creation of at least one new, previously unknown application of sorcery. There are additional ranks within the broader title of magister. (See also "novice,"

"journeyman," and "magistron.")

Magistron-a formal title, equivalent to "magister," but reserved for those whose Gift and training are specialized for working with living things. There are additional ranks within the broader title of magistron. (See also "novice," "journeyman," and "magister.")

Mahritha-the Arcanan-explored universe connecting to Hell's Gate. Named by Magister Halathyn in his wife's honor.

Manisthu, Kingdom of-the dominant political unit of the Manisthu Islands.

Manisthu Islands-the Arcanan analogue of Japan.

Marnilay-a Sharonian goddess, "Sweet Marnilay the Maiden" is one of the Ternathian Double Triads, which are the foundation of the religion for at least half of Sharona, as Ternathia once controlled and/or colonized so much of that world.

Mbisi Sea-the Sharonian equivalent of the Mediterranean Sea.

Melwain the Great-the Andaran equivalent of King Arthur. Melwain lived well over a thousand years ago and is revered as the perfect example of Andaran honor.

Mind Healer-a Sharonian with a complex of Talents which permits him to treat mental disorders.

Mithanan-the Mythlan god of cosmic destruction.

Monarch Lake-the Arcanan equivalent of Lake Superior.

Mother Jambakol-an Arcanan evil goddess or demoness, both worshiped and feared in Hilmar. She is the personification of destruction, vengeance, and hatred.

Mother Marthea-a Sharonian deity. In the Shurkhali pantheon, she is revered as the water-bringer and life-bringer. She is called the Mother of Rivers, the Mother of Springs, and the Mother of the Sea.

Revered as Mother of the Sea, she brings wealth in the form of pearls and coral, and watches over Shurkhali ships. She is viewed as a mother of abundance, whether from the sea, agricultural crops, or herds and flocks.

Mount Karek-a mountain peak west of Fort Salby in the Ithal Mountains.

mul-"warrior" in ancient Mythalan. As a part of a Mythlan's name, it indicates that he springs of one of the family lines of the multhari warrior caste. If the individual is also shakira, the higher caste indicator vos is used for most purposes instead of mul, but the proper formal usage is "vos and mul," so a shakira officer named Sythak of the Yuran line would properly be "Sytyhak vos and mul Yuran," but would normally be referred to as "Sythak vos Yuran."

Mulgethia: a Ternathian province, equivalent to Germany/ Switzerland.

Multhari-the second most important caste group of Mythalan society. The multhari are the military caste. Some members of multhari are also shakira. These normally tend to dominate the upper ranks of the Mythalan military.

Mythal Falls Academy-the oldest and most prestigious magical research and teaching Academy in Arcana.

Mythal River-the Arcanan equivalent of the Nile River.

Mythal-the Arcanan equivalent of Africa. Mythal is dominated by a caste-based society which enshrines the total superiority of the shakira magic-using caste to the garthan caste of non-magic users.

Mythal Falls-the Arcanan equivalent of Victoria Falls.

Mythalan Hegemony-the supranational Mythalan political body representing all Mythalan states.

Effectively, the governing body of the Mythalan Empire, although there is no official Empire of Mythal.

Narhath-an affluent province of the Ternathian Empire, consisting of the equivalent of southern Spain and Portugal.

Narhathan Peninsula-the Sharonian equivalent of the Iberian peninsula.

Narshalla-a Sharonian city located approximately on the site of Medina, Saudi Arabia.

Nessia: eastern-most modern Ternathian province, equivalent to Greece.

New Ramath-the port city built specifically to serve the rail line to Fort Tharkoma in Salym. Located on the trans-temporal equivalent of Durres, Albania.

New Sharona-the first additional universe surveyed from Sharona.

New Ternath-the Sharonian equivalent of North America.

New Farnal-the Sharonian equivalent of South America.

Norgamar Works-one of the great locomotive foundries of Sharona. A prime supplier to the Trans- Temporal Express.

Nosikor-a Sharonian city located at the southwestern end of Lake Arau.

Novice-the title awarded to a Gifted student in Arcana. A student remains a novice, regardless of age, until his or her graduation from formal training. (See also "journeyman," "magister," and "magistron.")

Order of Bergahl-the religious order of the war god Bergahl (see above). Because of its special position in the Kingdom of Othmaliz, the Kingdom's Seneschal must, by tradition, be selected from the Order's priesthood.

Osmaria-the Sharonian analog of Italy.

Othmaliz-the kingdom which dominates the eastern end of the Mbisi Sea and the outlet from the Ylani Sea. It is roughly equivalent to the western half of Turkey and the southern third of Bulgaria. Its capital is Tajvana, the ancient Imperial capital of the Ternathian Empire.

PAAF-the Portal Authority Armed Forces. The military units of various Sharonian nations placed under the Portal Authority's command for frontier security operations.

Paerystia-a region of Arcana roughly equivalent to Oman.

Pairhys Island-the Sharonian equivalent of the Isle of Man. The premier training camp of the Imperial Ternathian Marines is located there.

Plotter-a Sharonian with the "Plotting" Talent. Plotting is a specialized sub-variant of the Mapping Talent which is particularly useful in military service. Plotters, unlike Mappers, detect the presence and location of living creatures, like human beings.

Portal Hound-a Sharonian psionic sensitive to trans-temporal portals.

Porter-a Sharonian Talent with the telekinetic ability to teleport (or "Port") passengers or limited freight via the Emergency Transportation System.

Projective-a Sharonian psionic with the ability to project detailed and accurate mental images for nontelepaths.

All Projectives are also Voices, but less than .01% of all Voices are Projectives.

Queen Kalthra's Lake-the Arcanan equivalent of Lake Ontario.

Queriz-a city in Arpathia, located at the equivalent position of Astana, Kazakhstan.

Queriz Depression-the Sharonian equivalent of the Caspian Depression.

Rahil-the Great Prophetess, the founder of and patron saint of mercy and healing in the Fellowship of Rahil, one of the dominant religions of Ransar.

Rahilian-an adherent of the Fellowship of Rahil.

Rankadi-Mythlan ritual suicide.

Ransar-the Arcanan equivalent of Asia. Ransar is home to a highly humanistic, democratic, and innovative culture which places an extremely high value on the worth of the individual. This makes Ransar an uncomfortable fit with the Andaran warrior aristocracy at times, but an even more uncomfortable fit with Mythal's caste-based society. Ransarans enjoy the most comfortable life styles of any Arcanan social group.

Razinta Basin-the depression between the Gartasa Mountains, Teramandor Mountains, and Emperor Edvar Mountains of the Narhathan Penninsula; drained by the Razinta River.

Razinta River-the Sharonian analogue of Spain's Ebro River.

Recon crystal-also called "RC;" a sarkolis-based reconnaissance device capable of recording and storing visual imagery and sounds within specified radii of the crystal. It is a storage device, and has no ability to transmit reconnaissance data across any distance.

Ricathia-the Sharonian equivalent of Africa.

Ricathian Desert-the Sharonian equivalent of the Libyan Desert.

Rindor Ocean-the Sharonian equivalent of the Indian Ocean.

Rokhana-a nation of New Ternath on Sharona which occupies the western coast from what would be our own Oregon to just about the line of the Mexican border.

Saint Taiyr-also called Taiyr of Estafal, the patron saint of the House of Calirath.

Saramash-the Shurkhali devil.

Sarkolis crystal-the extremely strong, quartz-like "stone" (actually an artificifally manufactured crystal) used as the matrices and storage components for Arcanan spell-based technology.

Sarlayn River-the Sharonian analog of the Nile River.

Sarthan Desert-the Sharonian analog of the Sahara Desert.

Scurlis Sea-the Sharonian equivalent of the Sea of Japan.

Sea of Ibral-the Sharonian equivalent of the Sea of Marmara.

Septs-Arpathian clan-based social units, most of which are nomadic herders. Arpathian septs breed some of the finest horses in Sharona. Septs are mistrustful of outsiders, due to unscrupulous traders who sought to take advantage of "nomadic barbarians" and due to the tendency of other cultures to view them as primitive and make them the butt of unpleasant humor.

Septentrion-Most septs of Arpathia do not have a formal government outside the ruler of each tribe/

clan-based sept. Their territories are somewhat fluid, particularly in the region of the Siberian plains.

The septs banded together in the matter of trade, however, creating the Septentrion as a trade union that protects the financial interests of all the septs. The representatives of the septs who serve in the Septentrion deal with outside merchants and bargain the best prices for Arpathian goods, including the legendary work of Arpathian goldsmiths. The Septentrion established regional trade centers along the borders with Arpathia's neighbors. The Septentrion also sends a delegate to serve as a director of the Portal Authority and assists septmen who want to join the PAAF as soldiers or to apply to the Portal Authority for training to explore the multiverse as members of a civilian survey crew.

Serikai-"City of Snow," a lakeside city in Sharona, which is the equivalent of Buffalo, New York.

Serikai is the capital city of the Republic of Faltharia.

Sethdona-the capital of the Sharonian Kingdom of Shurkhal. Located at the trans-temporal equivalent of Jiddah on the Arabian peninsula's Red Sea shore.

Shakira-the magic-using caste which totally dominates and controls the culture of Mythal. These are the researchers, theoreticians, etc., and control virtually all of Mythal's "white collar" occupations.

Shalana-"Mother Shalana" is one of the Ternathian Double Triads and one of the most-revered and powerful deities of that Double Triad. Blue is her sacred color, which is why her Temple in Tajvana is covered with lapis lazuli and sapphires. She is also known as Shalana the Merciful. Her priestess-hood is one of the wealthiest in Sharona.

Shaloma-The Arcanan equivalent of Western Europe.

Shardon-a technical term, from the Old Andaran. It translates literally as "shieldling," and indicates an individual under the protection of an Andaran warrior and his family. (See baranal, above.)

Sharona-the home universe and Earth of the Ternathian Empire. Its physics are similar, but not identical, to our own, and its society is largely based upon highly developed psionic Talents.

Shartahk-the main Ternathian religion's devil.

Shartha Highlands-high, rugged mountains in northwestern Shartha; the Sharonian analog of Ethiopia's Eastern Highlands.

#Shartha-a kingdom in eastern Ricathia (see "Kingdom of Shartha," above).

Sherkaya-the ancient Mythalan word for "fire;" the release code which triggers a red dragon's breath weapon.

#Shikowr-a breed of riding/cavalry horse developed in Ternathia over the space of several thousand years. The Shikowr resembles the Morgan horse in conformation and stance, but stands between 16 and

17 hands in height. The name is taken from a type of Shurkhali cavalry saber which was adopted by the Ternathian cavalry.

Showma Falls-the Arcanan equivalent (in New Arcana) of Niagara Falls. Site of the Garth Showma Institute of Magic.

Shurkhal-a Sharonian kingdom, roughly equivalent to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the Sinai Penninsula.

The Kingdom of Shurkhal is the largest of several "Shurkhalian" kingdoms, closely related culturally to Harkala, but clearly a distinct subculture, which dominated the area of Syria, Iraq, and most of Iran.

Sifter-a Sharonian psionic whose Talent allows him to determine whether or not any statement is the truth or a lie.

Sky Blood Mountains-the Sharonian name for the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Sky Blood Lode-the Sharonian name for the Comstock Lode.

Slide rail-also "slider." The Arcanan equivalent of a railroad.

Sniffer-another term for a "Tracer." (See "Tracer," below.)

Snow Sapphire Lake-the Sharonian name for Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Strait of Tears-the Sharonian equivalent of the Bab el-Mandeb Strait connecting the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden.

Strait of Bolakin-the Sharonian equivalent of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Strike-an Arcanan Air Force formation consisting of three "flights," for a total of twelve dragons.

sunhold-the Uromathian feudal territory held by a "sunlord" (see below); roughly equivalent to a duchy or grand duchy.

Sunlord-a Uromathian aristocratic title roughly equivalent to that of duke.

SUNN-Sharona's Universal News Network, the largest news organization in Sharona's multipleuniverse civilization, with both print and telepathic broadcast divisions.

Tajvana-the capital of the First Ternathian Empire at its height; the Sharonian equivalent of Constantinople or Istanbul.

Talon-an Arcanan Air Force formation consisting of three "strikes," for a total of thirty-six dragons.

Temple of Saint Taiyr of Tajvana-a temple in Tajvana, comemorating Saint Taiyr of Estafel, built by Empress Wailyana I in 3016. Traditional site of Calirath coronations for almost two thousand years.

Teramandor-a province of the Empire of Ternathian located in northwest Narhath; roughly analogous to Catalonia and western Aragon, Spain.

Teramandor Mountains-the Sharonian analogue of the Cataluna Mountains of Spain.

Ternath Island-the ancient homeland of the Emperors of Ternathia; the Arcanan equivalent of Ireland.

Ternathian Empire-the most ancient human polity known in any of the explored universes. The Ternathians established an effective world-state during the Copper and early Iron Age eras of Sharona, largely through the recognition, development and use of psionic talents. Originally located on Ternath Island (Ireland), it is the largest, oldest, most prestigious empire on Sharona. Its major component states include, besides Ternath Island: Alathia: Italy; Jerekhas: Sicily; Bernith Island: Britain (Scotland, England, Wales); Delkrathia: part of Spain; Ermandia: Austria; Karmalia: Hungary; Lugathia: France; Mulgethia: Germany/ Switzerland; Narhath: part of Spain; Nessia: Greece; Pairhys Island: Isle of Man; Teramandor: part of Spain.

Tharkan-a grand Duchy in Shaloma, an imperial territory of the Kingdom of Elath located in the Arcanan equivalent of Poland where the first Arcanan trans-temporal portal was discovered.

Time of Conquest-the period of ancient Ternathia's most sustained, militant expansion. Generally dated by Sharonian historians as extending from approximately 2025 to 3650.

Torkash-the chief deity of the ancient Manisthu pantheon in Arcana.

Tosaria-an ancient Ransaran kingdom on Arcana. Its ancient capital was located in the same approximate geographical spot as Shanghai. Tosaria had attained a high and sophisticated level of civilization while most of the rest of present day Ransara was still in a state of primitivism.

Tracer-a Sharonian with the Tracer Talent. One who is sensitive to the current location, or at least direction to, another individual or object. They are also called "Sniffers".

Trans-Temporal Express-a privately-held corporation responsible for building and maintaining the primary rail and shipping connections linking the Sharonian home universe to the expanding frontier.

Although it is the single largest, wealthiest privately-held corporation in Sharonian history, the TTE is subject to close regulation and oversight by the Portal Authority, which has granted-and retains the legal right to revoke-the TTE's multi-universal right-of-way.

Tukoria-the largest and most powerful of the Hilmaran kingdoms, consisting of the equivalent of most of Argentina and Chile. Tukoria was the only Hilmaran state which maintained its independence against Andaran conquest and colonization.

Union of Arcana-the world government of the home universe of Arcana.

Union City-a city at the entry portal into New Sharona, located about fifty miles east of Bloemfontein, South Africa.

Union Trans-Temporal Transit Authority-the agency of the Union of Arcana's government charged with overseeing trans-temporal travel and commerce, including regulation of sliderails and maritime transport infrastructure.

Union Arbitration Commission (UAC)-a quasi-diplomatic commission which answers to the Union Senate's committee on inter-universal disputes.

Uromathia-a general term applied to the Sharonian equivalent of Asia south of Mongolia and west of India. This area is divided into many smaller kingdoms and two empires, all of which share many common cultural traits.

Uromathian Empire-the larger of the two empires found in Uromathia. It occupies the Sharonian equivalent of China and includes the equivalent of Vietnam and Cambodia.

Usarlah-a Sharonian city located in the Delkrath Mountains (just north of Madrid) in the Ternathian province of Delkrathia.

UTTTA-see Union Trans-Temporal Transit Authority, above.

Vandor Ocean-the Sharonian equivalent of the Atlantic Ocean.

vos-"of the line of" in ancient Mythlan. The use in a Mythlan's name indicates that the individual is of high shakira caste. (See also "mul," above.)

Vothan-the Ternathian deity called "Father Vothan," who serves as Ternathia's war god, is one of the Ternathian Double Triads. "Father Vothan" protects the Empire in military combat and is therefore also called Protector Vothan or "The Protector" by the people of Ternathia and those regions colonized by Ternathia.

Vothan's chariot-the armored chariot of the Ternathian Double Triad deity who serves as Ternathia's Protector, or god of war.

Vyrlair-an Arpathian region of Sharona roughly equivalent to our own Turkmenistan.

Western Ocean-the Sharonian name for the Pacific Ocean.

Whiffer-a Sharonian with the Whiffer Talent. One who is sensitive to residual psychic impressions.

White Mist Lake-the Arcanan equivalent of Lake Erie.

windhold-the feudal territory held by a Uromathian "windlord" (see below); roughly equivalent to an earldom.

Windlord-a Uromathian aristocratic title, roughly equivalent to that of earl.

Winged Crown-the imperial crown of Ternathia. This ancient crown (still used in coronations) was made by Farnalian goldsmiths almost 5,000 years ago as a surety for the treaty negotiated between the Kingdom of Ternathia and Farnalia by Celaryon II of Ternathia (see above).

Yamali Mountains: the Sharonian analogue of the Himalaya Mountains, they lie north of Harkala, stretching from Isseth in the west into the Uromathian Empire in the east.

Yanko-the third major Andaran kingdom, which includes the equivalent of most of central North America, from the Canadian border south, and virtually all of Mexico.

Yarahk-an Arcanan city located at the equivalent of Aswan, Egypt.

Yirshan River-the Sharonian equivalent of the Columbia River.

Ylani Strait-the Sharonian equivalent of the Bosporus.

Ylani Sea-the Sharonian equivalent of the Black Sea.

Yurha-the soul as conceptualized by Mythalan religion. The yurha is the basis of Mythalan reincarnation beliefs, which enshrine the concept of "spiritual evolution" to a higher state of being.

Zaithag-an Arpathian city in Vyrlair, located at approximately the same spot as Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
