Jack was dozing in the family waiting room when his phone started vibrating. He recognized the caller's number—Russ—so he roused himself, stepped into the hall, and hit SEND.

"Jack? Did it. Decryption accomplished. Made the deadline, right?"

Jack glanced at his watch: 5:47.

"Just barely. Any mention of Nantucket?"

"Yeah. A few. Don't know what you're after, but what I've found doesn't look like much. Something like a Quicken file."

Quicken… money-management software. If the MV was making mortgage payments on the Nantucket place…

"Be right over."

He decided to hoof it. Russ was only a mile and a half or so away. Jack had garaged the car and by the time he got it out on the street or found a cab he could be there. Besides, the cold air would revive him.

Christ, he was tired.

The air, the exercise, and the cuppa Joe he grabbed from an all-night coffee shop on 81st combined to revive him, leaving him alert and fairly energetic by the time he arrived at Russ's.

Jack had seven-fifty in bills ready in his hand when Russ opened the door. He didn't want any jive—he wanted info.

"Here." He handed Russ the wad. "Show me."

Russ stared at the bills, then at Jack. He wore a stunned expression. "That was quick."

Jack pushed past him and stalked toward the computer. He was not in a chatty mood.

"Show me."

Russ pocketed the cash as he scooted ahead. He hung over the chair and started banging the keyboard.

"It's right about—here." He pulled out the chair and motioned for Jack to sit. "There's six gigs of data on that drive. I searched high and low but this was the only mention of Nantucket I could find."

Jack saw bar graphs and calendars but no mention of Nantucket.

"What am I looking at?"

"It's a bill management program. Let's you know if and when you paid a recurring expense." He ran his finger along a line. "See these numbers. They all went to a guy named Darryl Heth on Pocomo Road in Nantucket—or should that be on Nantucket?"

"And who might he be?"

"Well, he's listed under 'Maintenance,' so I'd guess he's some sort of handyman or caretaker."

"Does it say where he does his maintaining?"

Russ shook his head. "That's about it: name, address, and 'Maintenance.' That what you're looking for?"

"Not quite. No mortgage payments listed?"

"Maybe. But if so, they're not linked to Nantucket." He reached over Jack's shoulder and entered a few bursts of typing. He shook his head. "Nope. No mortgages at all."

Jack stared at the screen. He hadn't learned any more about the location of the new MV home, but he'd bet the ranch that Darryl Heth could tell him.

"Print out his name and address for me."

"Gonna write him a letter?"

"Nope. Going to pay Mr. Heth a visit."
