Chapter Fifteen

“Ow, dammit. What the hell? I feel like I'm caught in some ugly déjà vu.” Hale grimaced as Doc prodded him with a needle.

“And once again, I have to listen to Hale whine.” Sabrina rolled her eyes.

This time, Paige stood with him, and Derrick was nowhere in sight. “Baby, tell the mean lady to go away.”

“Hale, honestly.” Paige grinned. “I'm just so glad you're okay. I can't believe the antivenom didn't work. Robbie saved you. I think you owe him a great big thank-you.” Hale scowled at Robbie, lying with his hands behind his head and his ankles crossed on the huge exam table next to his. Like sunning himself at the damned beach.

“Jerk. Thanks.”

“No problem, playboy.” Robbie tugged at the IV in his arm. “Hey, Doc, when are we done? Because Paige and I need some alone time together. It's been an exhausting evening, waiting for you guys to get back.”

“Robbie, for God's sake.” Paige flushed a bright pink, and Sabrina laughed at her.

“I think it's sweet. Beauty and the beast.”

“Don't start, Sabrina.” Paige seemed in such high spirits, and Hale couldn't blame her. He was on the mend, Doc had returned hearty and happy, with Diego practically crawling on all fours for forgiveness. And the way Robbie kept watching her and him, Hale figured they had a good time coming their way.

The damned mutant venom was no match for Robbie's “super” blood.

Unfortunately, the damned Circ and his ego made sure everyone knew how superior he was. God, Hale loved him. He couldn't wait to get his hands on Robbie and Paige again.

He needed to reconnect with the pair. Desperately.

“Okay, Doc. I feel fine. So fine, I need some time with my mates, right now, if you get my meaning.” He moved a hand toward the tape holding the bandage over his wound.

Sabrina slapped it away. “Leave it alone. You need time to heal. Paige,” she said, turning to her new best friend. Hell, anymore, the two were as thick as thieves. All the women were. It was a little frightening. “Go easy on him. But have at it with Robbie.” Once Roane called him that, everyone had taken to calling McKinley Robbie, a name incongruous with the beast who could crush them if he put his mind to it. Still, the gentler side of Robbie showed when he looked at Paige. Hale could see the love shining in that bright gold gaze. And then he turned it on Hale, and Hale felt like a goddamn girl, because he wanted to cry. Has to be my injury, for sure.

“Oh, all right.” Doc sighed. He disconnected the IV from Robbie and collected his blood while Sabrina patched up Hale and moved out of his way. “You three take care.

Hale's healing remarkably fast, but he's been through some trauma.”

“We all have, Doc,” Robbie said in a gravelly voice. “Thanks for taking care of him.”

Doc smiled. “You're welcome. Now, I'm off as well. I have a date with a man in need of more groveling.”

Everyone laughed as he departed with a spring in his step. Hale had a feeling all would work out between Doc and his lover. They made a fine pair, and God willing, the meals at the compound would once again be edible.

“Just think,” he murmured to Sabrina, “no more cooking.”

“Don't jinx it.” She slapped him on the back, making him wince. “Now I have a date of my own. I'm taking Derrick ring shopping.” Hale blinked at her.

“Yes, ring shopping. He's going to marry me.” Her tone dared anyone to contradict her. “There's something in the wind,” she said with a wink at Paige. “Rumor has it, Roane's going to propose. And Kelly will soon be Mrs. Zackary and Ace English.”

“I thought Ace's last name was Two Bears,” Paige said.

“It is. Legally speaking, Kelly can only marry one man. But she's already mated to both of them. You ask me, she just wants to wear a bridal gown.”

“It better not be white. The woman's pregnant, not innocent,” Robbie muttered.

Paige punched him in the arm, and he frowned. “Watch it, mate. I'm not that innocent, either, and I definitely plan on a white gown.” Hale and Robbie exchanged a wary glance, concerned at the gleam in Paige's eye.

Sabrina chuckled. “Good point, and one we all feel, I'm sure. You might want to treat these two the way I'm handling Derrick. I'd rather him find a ring I like instead of one he thinks I'll like. Some men have no taste in jewelry.” She eyed Hale and Robbie as if they were lacking. Such a pain in the ass. God, she and Derrick had been made for one another. “Have fun, you three.” Sabrina said, leaving with a flourish.

Paige and Robbie helped Hale off the table. The three of them walked down the hall to their temporary bedroom in comfortable silence, until Paige blurted, “I can't wait until our house is built. I chose a plan like Kelly's. We'll need the space.”

“We will?” Hale asked, wide-eyed. A house? They needed space? Was she talking about being pregnant already?

Robbie looked just as ill. “Ah, honey?”

“You know. Because you're so big, and Hale and I aren't exactly small. Besides, I'm just not used to being around a lot of people. I need space.” Hale breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

“And then there's the baby.”

He tripped.


“The baby we're going to have, just as soon as Robbie stops being so damned gentle and fucks me.” In seconds, she changed into her alter ego, a stronger, meaner Circ, and dragged both men into their room.

Paige glared at Robbie, letting Hale off the hook this once. “I'm tired of your tenderness. I love you, both of you, dammit.” Hale's delighted and surprised grin had her pausing. Did the man not know how much she cared? Dimwits, the both of them. She ripped through Robbie's shirt before he could blink, deliberately drawing blood. “I want it rough. I want it hard. No more holding back.” Robbie didn't move.

Hale winked at her. “Oh, man. I can't wait. I'm going to sit right here and heal, fast. Take him, Paige. I know you can.”

“That's all you have to say to me?” she shrieked, on a roll. “You nearly died yesterday. I want the goddamn words. Three of them. Think hard. I'm sure it'll hit you.”

He winced. Robbie remained frozen, staring at her in awe or fear, she didn't know.

“Hell, Paige. Isn't it obvious how much I love you? And Robbie too?” Hale sighed.

“I haven't known either of you as long as you've known each other. I can't explain it, but the feeling's there. I honest-to-God love you. Hell, I dreamed about you both, even when the thought of touching McKinley made me want to puke.” He smirked at Robbie's glare. “Don't worry, hot stuff. I think you're fine. But you're not as attractive unless you're ripping into one of us. Quit hiding behind that fake softness. Let go and give it to her. She's asking for it, man.”

Robbie licked his lips, and Paige wanted to groan. She'd been in love with him for so long. Just once he'd given her his affections without holding back, and then he'd been immediately sorry. She wanted it all. His love, his respect, his honest desire.

“But I don't want to hurt her—”

Before he could finish, she attacked him. No more holding back, no more fear of offending Robbie. She raked her claws over his body, her beast only interested in a male strong enough to conquer her. Hale had proved himself. Now, it was Robbie's turn.

Shoving herself at him, she knocked him back onto the bed and bit his nipple hard enough to draw blood. She sucked, relishing his taste. Before she could move to the other one, she felt a firmness prodding her belly. So long and hard; her Robbie wanted her.

Fuck. You want it hard, you got it.” Robbie growled low and flipped her onto her back. He tore her clothes off her body and licked, sucked, and bit her all over. When his lips and tongue dug between her folds to caress her clit, she nearly shot off the bed.

Robbie's strong hands held her there.

She tried to escape. Paige writhed and squirmed, but he only sucked harder, pushing her into an orgasm. Robbie quickly moved up her body, shoved her thighs wide, and thrust deep. He was so large that even changed—as changed as she could be—

she felt crammed full.

“Yes,” she groaned, needing more.

“Take him, Paige,” Hale encouraged, his throaty rasp suddenly right by her ear.

“Feel that thick cock stroking. He's going to fill that pussy. All that hot cum splashing inside you.”

Robbie grunted and fucked her harder.

“Oh, please,” she cried, squeezing him tight.

He shouted and unloaded into her, shoving her thighs wider so he could push deeper into her.

Hale turned her head to kiss her, until Robbie gripped her chin and pulled her back to face him.

“My turn.” He thrust his tongue into her mouth and took possession of her mind, body, and soul. She submitted everything, overjoyed as he mastered her so beautifully.

He withdrew and pushed her over onto her belly, then pulled her up on her hands and knees facing the headboard. She eagerly looked forward to being reamed, and closed her eyes.

“Not too hard,” Hale warned.

“Shut up,” Robbie muttered and began inching between her cheeks. Her beast welcomed the pain and opened for him, widening the passage into her anus and past her sphincter. When Robbie groaned her name and began pumping once more, she found heaven.

“Open your mouth,” Hale growled.

Paige opened her eyes to find Hale's cock hard, wet, and right in front of her face.

She let him fuck her mouth, feeling deliciously used by her mates, who wanted everything she had to give. When she nipped Hale with her teeth and sucked harder, he groaned and gripped her breasts, which swayed with each of Robbie's punishing thrusts. Hale squeezed and tugged, stimulating her into sucking still harder and harder until he came.

He yelled her name as he spent, his cum dribbling down her chin in her haste to swallow as much of him as possible. Robbie stiffened and clutched her hips with his sharp claws, and she felt him pulse inside her, her body incredibly sensitive when fully Circ. She wriggled, milking as much of him as she could, until both her mates withdrew from her body and collapsed on the bed on either side of her.

“Holy shit. Paige, you can attack me anytime you want,” Robbie breathed.

“Ditto for me,” Hale wheezed. “God, I'm still coming.” He groaned and continued to spew as Robbie reached over her and finished him off.

“This is it, fellas,” she felt compelled to say as she purred with contentedness.

“This is forever, no matter where we live or what we do.” She had plans to go back to school and study genetics, as taken with science as her uncle was. Apparently, brains did run in the family; she was smart enough not to let her mates dictate to her, after all.

“You're the boss,” Hale agreed.

“Wait a minute now. Paige isn't—ah, right. Whatever you say, Paige,” Robbie said in as meek a voice as she'd ever heard him use. She tweaked his nipple, fully aware of his erection, which never seemed to go away. “Come on, baby. You know we love you.”

We,” not “I.” Paige lay down, covered in their scent and seed, and hugged them both to her. “That's right. We. Now, that was only round one. And playboy, I'm taking off the kid gloves as soon as you're rested. So take advantage of me being nice.”

“Nice?” he groaned. “What is it with these violent tendencies you females seem to have?”

“I'll show you some violence,” she started, when someone banged frantically at the door.

Robbie rolled off the bed and opened it to find Derrick looking shell-shocked. The big guy didn't even seem to notice Robbie's state of undress as he stared over Robbie at Hale and Paige.

“Sorry, guys, but you're not going to believe this. Simon Dunn just tried to attack Kelly outside.”

“Is she okay?” Paige asked as she hurried into a robe, ready to go to Kelly's aid.

Fuck. Tell us she's all right,” Hale said on a groan as he rolled to his feet. “Where are my jeans?”

“All right? The woman took his head off!” Derrick's broad grin eased Paige's mind.

“I'm telling you guys, right now, do not, and I repeat, do not make a pregnant Circ mad.

Ace said she grew twice as large as she usually does when changed and snapped Dunn in half like a twig. Zack's cleaning up his remains as we speak.” Derrick faltered as he took a harder look at Robbie. “Oh Christ. That image is going to haunt me for weeks.

Go back to whatever it is you were doing. Damn.” He backed away and left, grumbling under his breath.

Paige stared at her mates, speechless.

“Females are the root of all evil,” Hale said sadly, shaking his head. Her mates shared a conspiring grin. “It's you and me, Robbie. We'll have to stay strong around Paige. First, she'll go into heat and drive us crazy. Then, she'll be demanding when we go through our stupid wedding ceremony. And you, my friend, are not making me wear a tux all by myself. Then it'll be the pregnancy, babies, chocolates, flowers. Where does it end?”

He and Robbie sat back down on the bed, and the pair of them watched warily as Paige stalked them.

As Hale lay back and continued to lament the woes of his female mate, Paige smirked and settled between her men, where she belonged.

“He's right, you know.” Robbie drew her onto his lap. “A bit dramatic, but it's all true.”

“I've been told I'm a real animal. Hell on wheels.”

“Honey, you are,” Hale sighed, looking utterly spent.

She laughed.

Robbie sighed and hugged her close. “Ah, babe, we wouldn't have you any other way.”
