Lucius Shepard Green Eyes

I have no more desire to express

The old relationships of love fulfilled

Or stultified, capacity for pain,

Nor to say gracefully all that poets have said

Of one or other of the old compulsions.

For now the times are gathered for confession.

Alun Lewis


BIAP Interview No 1251

Host Name: Paul Pelizzarro

BIAP Name: Frank Juskit

Length of Interview: fifty-seven minutes

Interpretation: None. See video.

Comments/Personal Reactions/Other: I am, as usual, both saddened by the death and repelled by the patient’s actions, by my dutiful response; in fact, by the nature of the work: the tricks we play and the patients themselves, comic in their weakness, horrible in their desire for life and the flash of ardor that ends them… Green fireballs lodged in their eye sockets, their minds going nova with the joy of a lifetime crammed into a few minutes. Still, I find that the patients in their compressed, excited states are far more interesting than any of my acquaintances, and I believe that even relative failures such as Mr Juskit would - had they lived a full span at this accelerated pace - have accomplished a great deal more than they have related. Their repellent aspects, in my opinion, are outweighed by the intensity of their expression. For this reason I wish to withdraw my resignation tendered yesterday, October 24, 1986.

Therapist’s Signature: Jocundra Verret

Staff Evaluation: Let’s assign Verret to a slow-burner as soon as possible, but not just the first one that comes along. I’d like to see a photograph and data sheet on each new slow-burner, and from that material I’ll make an appropriate selection.

A. Edman
