Author’s Note and Thank You

Thank you so much for reading Golden Braids and Dragon Blades: Steampunk Rapunzel. I really hope you enjoyed my take on the Rapunzel fairy tale. Growing up, I devoured anything and everything Arthurian. I read every Arthurian fiction book I could get my hands on when I was in middle and high school. I loved Mary Stewart, Rosalind Miles, and Marion Zimmer Bradley (and was utterly crushed when horrifying details were released about Marion Zimmer Bradley a couple of years ago). My love of Arthurian literature led me to the halls of the Comparative Literature department at Penn State University. I earned a minor in Comparative Literature at Penn State (my major was Psychology) and went on to earn advanced degrees in English Literature. My passion for Arthurian literature and mythology never died. As I set out to write Rapunzel’s tale, I knew I wanted to draw on Arthurian myth. And what’s better than dragons? Maybe unicorns. Still haven’t figured out a good way to work them in just yet. Thus, a backstory for Rapunzel was born.

As for the other story elements, I love Disney’s Tangled. Flynn Ryder is probably the best “prince” out of all the suitors in the princess movies. I wanted my Rapunzel to have an equally loveable guy, someone not too perfect, quirky enough to fit her. Ewan is a fun character (who may be a little inspired by Ewan McGregor) with a goofy personality all his own. Through him, we are able to see a view of the Red Cape Society that Clemeny (my Steampunk Red Riding Hood) just doesn’t see.

You may also notice I was on a Jane Austen kick while writing this novel. I revisit Austen’s works every few years. Austen’s works are something all the young ladies should read. If you have never read Austen before, start with Pride and Prejudice. Be sure to watch the 1995 BBC miniseries with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth—it’s divine.

I have to admit that digging into my roots and exploring old Arthurian tales has druids, knights, and Romans milling about in my head. Let’s see if anything comes of all that chatter.

In the meantime, thank you for reading. If you have a moment, would you mind leaving a review? Word of mouth is always an author’s best friend. Other readers want to hear what you think. Thank you so much.


