She parked the car at the back of Fury’s house, glanced around and made sure no one waited to stop her. She shut the engine off and jumped out of the car. She studied the backyard fence, deeming it wasn’t too high to climb. Ellie cursed and grabbed hold of the top of it. She hadn’t sneaked over a wall since she was a teenager.

It turned out to be harder than she remembered but she made it over. She limped as she headed toward the back bedroom. She’d cut her foot when she’d jumped from the top of the fence to the patio below. She cursed not having shoes. Her palms burned and, as she glanced down, she saw a few scratches she’d received from the rough textured wall. The sound of furious growls and breaking glass made her hobble faster toward the back of Fury’s house and the sliding glass door of their bedroom.

“No,” Fury snarled.

Ellie didn’t think or pause before she grabbed the sliding-door handle and just yanked it open. She stepped through the drapes and stared in shock at the scene before her.

The bedroom had been trashed. The dresser lay on its side, the nightstand was broken and the mirror that had been over the dresser was smashed into pieces that littered most of one corner of the room. Breeze huddled in that same corner between the closet and the bathroom door, trapped there against the wall. A red mark showed on the side of her face. Blood smeared from her mouth on that side as well and dripped down her chin to the front of her shirt.

Breeze appeared frightened and Fury had her trapped in place with his body mere feet from hers. He growled viciously. He’d torn off his shirt and crouched down as if he were going to launch himself at Breeze. His hands were fisted.

“Fury?” Ellie’s voice trembled from shock and fear.

Fury snapped his head in her direction. The cold look in his eyes made Ellie actually take a step back. He snarled at her, a deep, vicious sound, and barred his sharp teeth.

“I’m home,” Ellie whispered.

“Run,” Breeze hissed. “Run now.”

Ellie glanced at Breeze and took notice again of her injuries. That meant Fury had done it. It stunned Ellie that he’d actually hit a woman. It escalated her fear, knowing he really had lost his control. The man she knew and loved would never have struck Breeze. Her gaze returned to Fury, unsure if he recognized her in the state he was in. He growled again and straightened, taking a step in her direction.

“Flee,” Breeze growled. “Get out of here.”

Ellie tensed but didn’t break eye contact with him. “Fury? Can you hear me?”

He lunged toward Ellie. She stumbled back, terrified at the scary look on his face. Breeze leaped on Fury’s back and both of them crashed to the floor almost at Ellie’s feet.

“Get out of here,” Breeze panted, fighting to keep Fury down. “He’ll kill us both. Run!”

Fury threw Breeze away from him and she slammed into the nearby wall. Ellie heard the thump when Breeze hit the plaster. Broken glass from the mirror crunched under Breeze’s body when she landed. Fury rose up to a crouch and his wild eyes were locked on Ellie. He growled again viciously, deep within his throat. She saw a stranger staring at her, someone who wasn’t all there, totally insane. She took a step back and then another as Fury rose to his full height.

“Drop to your knees,” Breeze groaned, pushing up from the glass-littered floor. “Don’t look into his eyes. Put your head down.”

Ellie was so terrified she didn’t hesitate to follow Breeze’s orders. She dropped to her knees and curled into a ball. Her eyes squeezed tightly closed and she was afraid to look up at her seriously drugged-out boyfriend. She knew Fury hovered over her now, stood very close, because she could hear him breathing heavily.

“Fury?” Breeze growled when she spoke. “Listen to me. You don’t want to hurt Ellie. You love her. Remember?” Material tore. “Look at me, Fury. Here.”

Ellie lifted her head and opened her eyes. Breeze had torn her shirt wide open to expose her breasts. She rubbed her hand across some of the cuts on her arm from the broken glass she’d fallen into and wiped the blood across her breasts. She held her hands out to Fury slowly, as if to make certain the blood there drew his attention. He sniffed, growled, turned away from Ellie to face Breeze.

“That’s it,” Breeze crooned softly. “Come to me.”

Fury took a few hesitant steps toward her. He started growling again. Breeze shook with fear and paled more but she didn’t back away. She did drop her offered hand slowly to her side where it fisted.

“Get out of here now,” Breeze ordered her softly.

Ellie knew Breeze spoke to her as she struggled to stand. “What’s wrong with him?”

“That nurse worked for Mercile. I think she gave him something that’s made him totally violent,” Breeze whispered. She slowly eased back into the corner until her back pressed flat to the wall and turned her head cautiously until she could glance at Ellie. “Get out of here while he’s focused on me and the blood. I don’t know if he will breed me or kill me.” She gave Fury a worried stare.

Breed her? Ellie shook her head. “I’m going to distract him. Get out of here, Breeze. Tell everyone to stay out. He won’t kill me.”

Breeze’s head snapped back in her direction to give her a shocked look. Fury stood mere inches from the other woman now. He sniffed at the blood on Breeze’s chest and growled. He gripped one of Breeze’s hands suddenly and yanked it to his mouth. Horrified, Ellie watched Fury sniff at the blood smeared on her palm. She guessed it was better than biting her hand off.

“Get out of here, Ellie,” Breeze whispered.

“You go!” Ellie quickly removed her clothes. If Fury wanted a woman, he would get one—her. “Leave, Breeze. He won’t kill me. Tell them to stay out of the house. Fury?” Ellie walked slowly toward him. She raised her voice. “Fury! Let that woman go, damn it!”

Fury’s head snapped in Ellie’s direction. For one instant panic set in when his dark look hungrily fastened on her bare body. She still didn’t see Fury in those eyes.

“Hey, big guy. Remember me? I’m Ellie. I love you and you love me. Let her go and come to me if you want to touch a woman.”

He released Breeze’s hand and turned. His gaze ran down her body again and his nostrils flared as he sniffed. Ellie’s heart beat erratically. Breeze grabbed at Fury, trying to pull his attention back to her.

Fury flung out a hand, hitting Breeze in the side of the head. He knocked her toward the door where she sprawled on the carpet. Fury took a step toward Ellie and then another. She nodded at him and inched backward in the direction of the bathroom. She prayed he’d follow her in there. She could lock the door and hopefully he wouldn’t be able to throw her around in the smaller space.

“That’s it, Fury. Come on, big guy. It’s Ellie. Let’s go inside the bathroom where we have more privacy.” Ellie glanced over to see Breeze on her hands and knees, getting up.

“Breeze,” Ellie urged softly. “Leave. Tell them to stay out no matter what.”

Ellie backed up more. Fury growled at her and slowly stalked her. She moved closer to the bathroom.

“Come on, baby,” Ellie crooned to him. “Come to Ellie. Let’s both play nice.”

“Fury!” Breeze growled his name.

“Stop it, Breeze. Stay out of this,” Ellie demanded. “Don’t look at her, Fury. Focus on me. I’m right here.”

That scent called to him. Fury sniffed, fighting the daze that gripped his mind, making it nearly impossible to for him to think. He knew rage and pain, so much agony. His vision cleared as he fought the darkness that fogged his mind.

A human woman stood naked feet from him and she looked familiar to him. Her blue eyes were wide, terrified, and he sniffed again, fighting to think. He was back inside his cell, they’d done something to him, and the human had to be responsible but other images suddenly filled his mind.

That human smiling at him, the sound of her laugher, and his hand caressing her cheek flashed through his confused memories. He knew her well, even though he couldn’t think clearly. He sniffed again, her scent filling his nose, and more flashbacks replayed inside his mind.

His gaze lowered and pure lust slammed him. He wanted to grab her, throw her down and take her. He hesitated though. He knew he’d hurt her and it mattered to him for some reason that he not do that, shouldn’t want that. She was important to him somehow. He fought to push back the haze that dimmed his ability to think. He struggled to remember who she was, why a human would mean a damn thing to him, since they were all his enemies.

More images surfaced in a confused montage. Her smiling while she ate at a table across from him, her sitting on his lap with her arms around him. They were sharing a shower together while she washed his chest with her pale, small hands, and he leaned down to kiss her. Her name was there just on the tip of his tongue and then as he fought with the pure scalding-hot pain, his brain burst with knowledge.

Ellie had become his entire world, the woman who made him happy, and he stumbled a foot closer to her, fighting the rage that threatened to consume him and the painful stabs of agony that threatened to take him to his knees. He needed to hold her, to touch her, and he knew her name. He loved her. Her scent helped him and he needed to get closer to her.

“Ellie,” he growled the word.

Something finally flickered inside Fury’s eyes, a hint of recognition and real emotion. Ellie smiled. “It’s me, Fury. Come to me easy. You don’t want to hurt me.”

He took big stumbling steps forward and suddenly paused in front of her. She reached for him slowly, wanted to comfort him, and then he had her. His arms wrapped around her waist and her back slammed into the wall hard enough to knock the breath from her lungs. Fury shoved his face into the cradle of her shoulder and neck to breathe against her skin. Ellie sucked in air. Breeze stood in the middle of the room watching them with a worried expression.

“I’m fine,” Ellie whispered. “You can leave.”

Breeze hesitated.

“Ellie,” Fury growled.

Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, hugging him. “Yeah, baby. It’s me.”

He growled again but then licked her neck. He panted. His hand around her waist moved to cup her ass, one large hand gripped her soft flesh in a near-bruising hold. Ellie nodded assurances at Breeze over his shoulder. Breeze nodded, backing up. Ellie watched her exit the bedroom and close the door.

“Ellie,” Fury growled.

“I’m here.”

He shifted his stance. He pressed his chest against hers and one of his hands left her hip. Material tore. Ellie closed her eyes. She tried to calm her breathing.

“Fury? Can you hear me? Talk to me.”

He growled. One of his arms wrapped almost painfully around her waist. The other hand gripped her thigh. He forced them open by pressing his hips between hers. She gasped in pain. Fury viciously growled but stopped crushing against her so hard.


He instantly released her and stumbled away. Ellie trembled as she struggled to gain her balance after he suddenly let her go. Fury dropped to his hands and knees and made a horrible sound filled with pain and misery that make Ellie wince. She lowered to her knees behind him and didn’t hesitate to curl her body over his back and wrap her arms around his waist.

“I’m here, Fury. You’re going to be fine. Can you hear me? I love you.”

He moved suddenly, turned his big, strong body, and it sent Ellie from a bending position to landing on her ass sitting on the carpet. Fury ended up pressed against her in a heartbeat. He curled onto his side facing her, using her thighs for a pillow, and curved his legs around her back. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and clung to her. His face pressed into her stomach and a soft whimper came from his throat.

Ellie looked down, seeing him that way that tore her up and tears filled her eyes. She blinked them back. The look of fear and confusion on his face broke her heart. She trembled slightly as she combed her fingers through his hair with one hand while she rubbed his back with the other one.

“It’s okay, Fury. I’m here. We’re both going to be all right.”

“What’s wrong with me?” He groaned and held her tighter.

“They think one of the healing drugs you were given is making you a little nuts. It’s going to be fine.”

He shook his head. “No. They are wrong. I have been on those drugs before but this is different. Sudden.” He shivered hard, his big body quivered around her. “It’s hard to think and I feel so much rage.”

“It’s going to be all right,” Ellie promised softly. “We’re together and I’m going to sit here with you for however long it takes for you to feel better. You aren’t going to hurt me. I know you won’t because you love me as much as I love you.”

His face brushed against her stomach. His tongue came out and he licked the underside her breast. It tickled. Ellie jerked away so he couldn’t do it again.

“That tickles.”

“You’re naked.”

“Well, yeah. I needed to get your attention.”

“You always have that.”

Ellie’s gaze ran down Fury’s body and noticed that he’d torn open the front of his jeans—the source of that ripping sound when she’d heard material tear when he’d pinned her to the wall. She shivered. If she hadn’t calmed him down, hadn’t reached him emotionally, he would have taken her against the wall aggressively without care or regard to her pain or his injuries. Ellie continued rubbing him as her fingers brushed through his hair.

“Talk to me. I’m fighting to stay with you but the blackness is so near.”

Ellie peered down at Fury’s head resting on her lap to discover him staring at her. His dark gaze was filled with confusion when their gazes met.

“I’m right here, Fury.” She forced a smile, trying to hide her alarm and worry. “I’m going to hold you until you feel like yourself again.”

“Did I hurt anyone? I’m having a difficult time thinking and remembering.”

“Everyone is fine.” She hoped Breeze wasn’t too hurt but she wouldn’t bring that up.

He squeezed his eyes closed. “I want you.” He growled softly.

Ellie tensed. “Fury? Let me go put some clothes on.”

He shook his head. “It distracts me from my rage and it wouldn’t matter. I’d still scent you no matter what you wore. You’re bleeding. Did I hurt you?”

“No. I got some cuts and scrapes from climbing the back fence to reach you.” She turned her foot until she could view it more easily. The cut looked bigger than she thought and she saw a smear of her blood on the carpet. “My foot is bleeding. If you move a little I think I can reach something to put under it. Otherwise I’ll get blood on the carpet.”

“I don’t give a shit.”

Ellie laughed. “You say that now when you’re not feeling like yourself but wait until tomorrow when we’re trying to find a piece of furniture to put over the stain to hide it.”

Fury groaned. “I love you, Ellie.”

“I love you too. How are you feeling?”

“Rage,” he growled. “So much rage and pain. My skin feels on fire.”

“Just hold me.”

“I don’t think I could let you go. Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m sure. You didn’t hurt me. You just scared the”

The bedroom door cracked open. Ellie glanced over to the door. Fury tensed, growling.

Trisha’s face appeared as she peeked inside. “Are you okay?”

Ellie rubbed Fury’s back, trying to calm him. “We’re good now,” Ellie spoke loudly for all of their benefits, hoping it was true. Her voice softened. “Relax, Fury. It’s just Doctor Trisha.”

“May I come in?” Trisha whispered. “I need to examine him if I can.”

Ellie wasn’t sure if he could take other people being close to him as she studied him. “Just hold onto me, Fury. Trisha really needs to examine you so she can help.”

“No,” he growled. His arms tightened painfully around Ellie as he turned his head to stare up at her. “You’re mine. They can’t take you from me.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I won’t move, okay? Please let the Doctor check on you. We’ll just stay this way while she does.”

Fury took a shaky breath and blinked up at Ellie. He jerked his head in a nod and turned his face into her stomach. Ellie glanced at Trisha.

Trisha stepped into the room slowly and eased out from behind the door. “I need Ted in here too, Ellie. He might be able to identify whatever drug Fury was given by his symptoms.”

Ellie winced over her naked state. “Could you hand me something first?”

Trisha stepped over debris to reach the bed. She yanked the sheet from the mattress and hesitantly approached them. She tried to wrap it around Ellie carefully, making sure she didn’t touch Fury. Ellie hesitated, realized that to cover herself, the sheet would have to cover Fury too since he molded to her body and wrapped tightly around her.

“That’s not going to work. How about giving me one of the shirts in the dresser?” She suddenly remembered that the dresser was facedown. She sighed. “How about the one he took off? Do you see it anywhere?”

Trisha tossed the sheet at the bed and made her way to the corner, carefully stepping on the broken mirror that crunched under her shoes. She picked up Fury’s torn shirt and carried it to Ellie. Ellie had to release Fury to put it on. The second her hands left his hair and back, he tensed, hugging her harder, and buried his face deeper into her stomach. Ellie shoved the shirt over the front of her to cover her breasts then caressed Fury again. His hold eased instantly at her soothing touch and he relaxed enough that he wasn’t digging his face painfully into her belly anymore.

“I’m right here,” Ellie whispered in assurance. “You just hold me. They will figure this out and make you better.” Ellie glanced up at Trisha. “I think you can bring him in now. My breasts are covered and you can’t see the rest of me with Fury wrapped around me, can you?”

Trish shook her head. “We’re doctors anyway. He didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m fine. I told you, Fury would never hurt me.”

Fury growled in response. Ellie held him tighter, massaging him with her hand on his back and her fingers brushing his hair with the other one. “Shush, Fury. It’s fine. Just hang onto me.”

Doctor Ted Treadmont entered the room and Justice paused outside the doorway behind him. Justice sniffed, tensed, and his gaze fixed on Ellie with a frown.

“He didn’t hurt me. I jumped the back wall and got a little dinged up if you smell blood.”

“I know that. We’ve been listening at the door and heard everything you’ve said. I am trying to smell him.” Justice stayed at the doorway as he carefully studied Fury. “This isn’t right, Ted. He smells wrong, not the way he did before with the drugs he’s been on for days.”

The doctor nodded. “I know. These symptoms aren’t from what we’ve been giving him.”

“What’s going on?” Ellie glanced between both men.

“The drug we gave him shouldn’t have done this.” Ted knelt by Fury and Ellie. He opened his bag and glanced over at her. “I need to draw blood. We think that nurse might have given him something else to make him this way. We have to take some blood to test.”

Fury tensed and growled but Ellie held him tighter. “Fury? Listen to me. I’ve got you and you’ve got me. They are going to help you, okay? Just relax for me.”

He nodded against her stomach.

Justice turned and spoke softly to someone out of sight in the hallway. “Go check the nurse’s things and the house. Bring whatever drugs you find to us.” Justice faced Ellie. “How is he doing?”

“He’s doing good. How is Breeze?”

“She’s worried about you.”

“I’m fine.”

Ellie watched Ted and Trisha as they examined Fury. She rubbed him, made soft, soothing sounds often, and talked him in to staying very still as Trisha took blood from his arm. He tensed and growled a few times but he kept holding Ellie, listening to her words. His face stayed pressed against her stomach the entire time.

“Fury?” Ted spoke softly. “How do you feel, son?”

“Rage,” Fury whispered. “Horny. Hard to think. My skin burns. Confused. So much pain. I want to fuck Ellie, and if I don’t, I think I might die.”

Ellie blushed but she wasn’t shocked. She knew he was sexually excited. His jeans were torn open with his lap against her hip. He wore boxer briefs and she couldn’t miss the feel of the bulge against her.

“Are you experiencing any bloodlust?” Ted reached into his bag and withdrew a vial of clear liquid. He pulled out a syringe next, removing it from the sterile container.

Fury nodded. “I desperately want to tear something apart.”

“Son, I won’t do it if you don’t want me to but can I give you a shot? It will put you to sleep. You will be down for a few hours and hopefully whatever was put into your system will work out by the time you come back around. If something goes wrong both Trisha and I are here to attend you immediately.”

Fear gripped Ellie. “No! Tiger said something about how giving him more drugs could kill him.”

The doctor met her gaze grimly. “That was concern over another drug but that isn’t what we thought he’d been drugged with. I’m fairly certain he can take a sedative. We’re right here on hand if we’re wrong.” He held up a second shot. “That’s what this is for if his heart stops. We’re prepared but he is suffering. He needs to be sedated.”

Fury tensed hard but then he relaxed. “Do it,” he growled. “Don’t leave me, Ellie.” He clutched her tighter.

“I won’t let you go,” Ellie swore softly.

Ted gave Fury the shot and then nodded at Ellie. “It will only take a few minutes. He’ll relax and go to sleep.”

“I’m right here, Fury,” Ellie whispered to him. “I won’t leave your side. When you wake up things will be better, all right? I’ll be the first thing you see.”

He nodded into her stomach. Minutes passed and she realized Fury’s body on hers seemed heavier, nearly crushing her legs. She had to hold him against her chest to keep his head from rolling back at an odd angle. His arms slackened around her waist until they rested against the floor behind her ass. She nodded at Trisha and Ted.

“He’s out.”

“Let’s move him off you.” Justice entered the bedroom.

“Let’s not,” Ellie countered. “I’m kind of naked.”

“We’ll do it in a way that won’t flash you to the guys.” Trisha rose to her feet. “Ted, you and Justice take his arms. Close your eyes when you lift him. I’ll hand Ellie a towel to wrap around her. After we get her out from under him, she can go inside the bathroom and get dressed while you lift him onto the bed. It’s the only place in here not destroyed.”

They carefully maneuvered Fury with their eyes closed and Ellie covered her naked body with the towel Trisha fetched. She was pulled to her feet with Trisha’s help and then fled into the bathroom. She closed the door and hurried to put on her dirty clothes, still scattered across the floor where she’d left them. By the time she stepped back into the bedroom, the room had filled with a few more people. Fury lay sprawled on his back, unconscious. Ellie moved to his side and sat on the edge of the mattress. She clutched his limp hand.

“He’ll be fine,” Ted assured her.

“Look at this,” Trisha ground out. She held up a dark brown bottle from Belinda’s medical bag that had been delivered to the bedroom. “It’s Freltridontomez.”

Ted cursed. “Damn. Good thing we didn’t tranquilize him when he was on his feet. He could have stroked out from the rage at being shot before it took effect.”

“What is that?” Ellie glanced at both doctors, wanting an answer.

“It is a chemical that attacks the mind. It sends false signals to the brain that it’s in blinding pain without the actual physical discomfort. It usually drives the patient into rage, confusion, and destroys rational thinking. It would explain all Fury’s symptoms. He would have progressively grown worse within the hour.”

“Why would she do it?” Trisha continued to search through the supposed nurse’s bag. “She knew it would be dangerous as hell. From what I’ve read in the reports they used that drug occasionally on a few Species to force physical fights between their test subjects.”

“They did,” Tiger growled from the door. “I’ve been given that shit before. I couldn’t even remember my name. I just wanted to kill something and anything that moved would have provoked me. When I’d come out of it I could barely remember what happened and sometimes I couldn’t remember anything at all.”

Ellie stared at Tiger as he walked into the bedroom and wondered if he was angry that she’d ditched him at Trisha’s house.

He shot her a glare. “You are in deep shit with me. Don’t ever give me the slip again or steal my car.”

“Don’t be stupid enough to leave the keys inside the ignition. I told you he wouldn’t hurt me,” Ellie shot back, angry that he’d get attitude with her.

“I made that decision,” Justice sighed. “I feared your life was in danger, Ellie.”

“Well, I told you he wouldn’t hurt me.”

“You got lucky,” Trisha intervened. “I’ve read the reports on a handful of subjects Mercile tested this drug on.” Trisha shook her head. “Brutal, insane, killing rage is usually the result. Then again I doubt they ever tried to turn a man on the woman he is in love with.”

Breeze took hesitant steps into the bedroom. She’d cleaned her face and had on a new shirt. Ellie studied her with concern. “Are you all right?”

Breeze approached and sat at the end of the bed. She frowned at Ellie. “I’m good. You on the other hand are either very foolish or very in love.”

“I’m kind of both,” Ellie admitted.

A smile flashed on Breeze’s face before she flinched, gently touching her mouth. It looked swollen and a bruise had started to form. Ellie studied the injured area.

“I’m sorry he hit you. I know he normally wouldn’t have.”

“He wanted you and grew very angry that he had me here instead. I figured that out pretty quick. He could have hurt me a lot worse but he didn’t.” Breeze darted a glance at Fury. “You chose well, Ellie. He’s an amazing male with extremely good control.”

“How can you say that after he hit you? You should be pretty upset at him.” Ellie didn’t understand Breeze’s reaction.

“I’ve seen our males go crazy and they can inflict a lot of pain but he fought it all the way. He only hit me when I touched him or when I tried to stop him from going to you. He didn’t try to wound me but instead batted me away with slaps.” She hesitated. “He didn’t hurt you. You don’t know how much he must love you to fight through all that was going on inside him to calm down.” Breeze nodded. “He’s a good male, a very strong one, and very protective of you. You chose well, Ellie Brower.”

Ellie nodded. “Thank you for risking yourself for me.”

“This is a love fest.” Tiger groaned. “Please stop.”

Slade laughed. “I wasn’t going to say it but group hug?”

“Stop it,” Justice ordered softly. He looked mildly irritated as his gaze darted between his men. “It’s sabotage. Slade, go speak to that nurse.” Anger tensed his features. “I don’t care what it takes but find out why she did this and who helped her.”

Tiger’s smile faded. “May I go with him?”

Justice studied him with suspicion. “You spent time with that woman. Do you have feelings for her?”

“No. I’m angry. She did this right under my nose. If Slade has a problem terrifying some answers out of her, I don’t. I won’t kill her but she might wish I would.”

“Fine.” Justice paused. “Be aware of the security cameras and know the humans will watch. They may not approve of your methods.”

“Not a problem.” Slade smiled coldly before he turned and strode away.

Ellie watched Tiger follow him until they were out of sight. Her attention shifted to Justice. “Why would someone do this to Fury?”

“You,” Ted answered instead. “Well, the relationship you have with Fury has been high on the radar of the media and the hate groups that don’t want a fairytale romance.”

“I think it’s more than that,” Trisha declared. “Mercile Industries would love nothing better than if Fury had gone insane and killed Ellie. Let’s face it. They look like shit for having kept people locked up inside their research facilities and running illegal experiments on them. They keep stating that New Species are more animal than human, trying to desensitize the media and general public who support them. If a New Species male turned murderous and killed his live-in human girlfriend it would look really bad. Ellie and Fury are the perfect targets since the world is watching them so closely.”

“Beatrice Thorton worked for Mercile Industries,” Breeze growled.

“Who’s Beatrice Thorton?” Ellie frowned.

“She’s an ex-employee of Mercile Industries. You knew her by the name she’s going by now, Belinda Thomas,” Justice said as he walked to the upended dresser and sat on the edge of it.

“That bitch worked for Mercile Industries?” Shocked, Ellie gawked at Breeze for confirmation.

“I recognized her stench when I walked inside the house.” Anger deepened Breeze’s voice into a near snarl. “I would never forget an enemy. She was the worst. She tortured our people and always pushed needles into us with a big grin. She enjoyed our pain.” Breeze turned to Justice. “You sure you never met her?”

“No. She must have only worked on the female side of the testing facility.”

“You would think she would have been afraid that one of you might recognize her,” Ted speculated.

“Maybe she thought she would be safe since she only worked with women New Species.” Ellie glanced around the room. “I mean, the only woman in Fury’s life is me. They know I’m not going to recognize her. I worked in the testing facility where Fury was held captive and she didn’t work that one. It’s public knowledge that all the New Species women live inside a dorm and there aren’t supposed to be many of them here. I watch the news and they make it sound as though there’s only a handful.”

“You worked for Mercile Industries?” Ted glared at Ellie.

“It’s not what you’re thinking.” Justice shot the doctor a frown. “She worked for Victor Helio. You’ve met him. He approached Ellie when she had a job at Mercile Industries in their corporate offices, not knowing what they really did. He approached her, told her what they suspected, and asked for her help to discover the truth. She smuggled out evidence, risked her life to do it, and gave them enough to get search warrants. Some of the medical and testing reports you’ve read are ones she stole.”

“Oh.” Ted relaxed. “You were brave. What made you do it? Did you always want to be a secret spy or work for a police agency?”

Ellie held back a snort. “No. I’m not that adventurous. It just really got to me when Victor Helio came to me and told me what the rumors were. I had to do anything I could to find out if they were really experimenting on people. I was horrified at the concept.”

“You’re a good person.” Ted spoke to Trisha next. “If they are using drugs to attack New Species we need to be aware of it. We need a lockdown on all incoming products that could be affected.”

“Starting with the food,” Trisha agreed.

“You think it’s possible?” Justice looked wary.

“I’m thinking about what I could do if I wanted to sabotage your people, Justice. Contaminating the food would drive everyone crazy,” Ted stated grimly.

“Wouldn’t it affect humans too?” Justice didn’t look convinced.

Ted shrugged. “Sure but I bet they don’t care. They are being prosecuted for what they did to you and their only defense is claiming you aren’t human. What would hurt New Species more than making at least a good portion of you go nuts enough to turn it into a bloodbath, and the press running with that story?”

“We don’t even know if the plot is that big,” Justice growled. “I don’t want to panic anyone.”

“Right,” Ted snapped. “I’m going to start looking for something that will counteract Freltridontomez. That way if they use it again we can use darts to deliver an antidote to anyone affected before someone gets hurt. That is the safest thing to do. As I said before, if we sedated them while they are in a full-blown, drug-induced rage it would most likely kill them. They could have a stroke or a heart attack.”

Trisha stood. “Do you think we can find something for it? We’ll have to work quickly, Ted. We also should order random testing on the water and food shipped in.”

“They had some research notes included with the file we got about Freltridontomez. They may have been close to finding a drug to counteract it.” Ted collected his bag. “Just because we don’t have the end result on paper doesn’t mean it’s not right there.”

“Let’s go.” Trisha grabbed hers. On her way out she stopped to smile at Ellie. “When Fury wakes up he might have a headache and be sore but he should be fine. If not, give us a call. We’ll be at the medical center.”

“Wow,” Ellie muttered as the couple left. She arched her eyebrows at Justice. “I think my head just spun. Are they like that all the time?”

He nodded. “Ted is what you’d call paranoid but he’s the best at what he does. I don’t think it is a big-scale plot against us. Eat your meals without fear, Ellie. If they were going to attack our food or water they wouldn’t have had to send in a woman to poison Fury with her needles. They would have already attacked us that way.”

“Do you think she came from one of the hate groups or Mercile?”

“Mercile makes more sense to me. Two birds with one stone.”

“Two birds?”

His eyebrow arched. “You brought them down, Ellie. What better revenge than to make the man you risked your life to save become the man who caused your death? Fury could have killed you. The bad publicity would have crushed us in the press. Ted’s right. The only defense they have for their crimes is convincing people we aren’t human and therefore it’s impossible to abuse us. They’re facing criminal charges but we’re suing them for money as well.”

She let it sink in. “My vote is on Mercile too.” She checked on Fury. He slept peacefully.

“I need to make some phone calls, Ellie. I want to check on what this Beatrice Thorton is saying. I’ll be in the living room if you need anything.”

“You don’t have to stay. Thank you for everything today, by the way. Well, except for having Tiger toss me inside a car trunk and kidnap me.”

He winced. “I’ll be in the other room. We need to stay close to make sure Fury is really fine when he wakes.” Justice jerked his head at his men to follow him out.

Breeze stood. “I’m going home.”

Ellie gave Breeze a sincere look to convey her gratitude. “You’re really a good friend to have come today and I won’t forget it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“I’ll see you when you come back to work. Take a few days. We’re good at the dorm. Don’t worry about us.”


Ellie watched everyone leave the bedroom. She was alone with Fury again. She turned on her side and curled against his warm body.

“I love you,” she whispered. She just held him, knowing one of them could have died. It scared the hell out of her.

Chapter Twenty

Ellie wanted to go down to the detention center and punch Beatrice Thorton, otherwise known as Nurse Bitch, Belinda Thomas. Tiger and Slade had interrogated the woman until she’d broken and confessed everything. Someone from Mercile Industries had hired her to sabotage the New Species for the bad publicity it would earn. They thought making Fury resemble an unfit animal would turn public opinion in their favor.

Fury had recovered fully but he’d been really upset that he’d lost control the way he had. The blame fell strictly on Nurse Bitch’s shoulders for having no morals. The NSO turned the woman over to the authorities to be prosecuted for a long list of crimes but it barely consoled Ellie or Fury.

That bitch had nearly destroyed their lives. She’d picked Fury because he’d been easily accessible after the shooting. She’d just had to be hired to do homecare and bribe a few people on the list to refuse to work for New Species.

Beatrice Thorton had admitted to being curious about what it would be like to have sex with Fury. It was why she’d hit on him and had made Ellie’s life miserable. When she finally realized Fury would have nothing to do with her she’d decided to implement her plan while Ellie took a shower so he’d hopefully go insane and kill the woman he loved. It was a vicious scheme and it could have worked in the woman’s favor but she hadn’t counted on how deeply Fury loved Ellie.

Justice stared at Ellie and Fury grimly. “I swear, she’s going to get some serious time. They promised me that she would be made an example of. We have to totally change our security protocols now. We’ve decided to start schooling some of our people in nursing. That way if we need help in the future we aren’t totally dependent on humans for nursing care.”

Fury shifted in his seat and glanced around Justice’s office. “Did she say if she knew if Mercile would send others?”

Justice’s shoulders slumped. “We are sure they will try to infiltrate us again. At least it wasn’t as large of an attack as our doctors feared. Our food supply and water were never tampered with. We just have to be very careful of full humans.” He gave Ellie an apologetic look. “No offense. I would trust you with my life. It’s just strangers we have to be careful with. From now on we do full background checks on any humans who are allowed through the gates.”

“We need to rely more on ourselves,” Fury concluded. “We have a lot of full humans working here. If Mercile wants to get ugly they could start attempting to bribe them into allowing someone to get past security to cause us harm.”

“I’ll leave you in charge of that.” Justice appeared tired. “It’s always going to be a battle for us, my friend. There are always going to be enemies we will have to deal with. Hopefully Mercile will be completely destroyed by the lawsuits and bad publicity. One day I hope they no longer exist. Then all we’ll be left to deal with are the humans who think we’re an abomination against humanity.”

Fury sighed. “Don’t forget the arrested Mercile employees are facing a lot of years in prison. I’m sure their families and friends feel rage toward us. There’s also the ones who are still out there who avoided arrest. We need to be wary of them. Our people can identify them and this incident has made me realize the danger we pose to them. That woman could have gone after our women who knew what she looked like and could have picked her from a lineup. We were lucky she didn’t attack them too.”

“That’s just another fear we’ll struggle with.” Justice ran his fingers through his hair.

Ellie glanced at her watch. “Hey, sorry to leave but I have to get to work. The women are expecting me. We’re throwing a birthday party and I can’t be late.”

Fury slowly grinned. “A birthday party?”

Ellie stood and leaned over to cup his face in her hands. “Yes. We have presents, a cake, decorations, and everything. It will be fun.”

Fury kissed her. Ellie grinned, backed away, and waved to both men. “Nice seeing you, Justice. See you at home later, Fury.”

“Yes, you will,” he growled. “You and I have plans now that I have been deemed completely healed.”

Heat rushed to Ellie’s cheeks when Justice laughed. Did anyone not know that Fury was cleared for sex this morning? Probably not. She walked out of the building to settle into her golf cart. She’d missed it. She fished out her key and drove to the women’s dorm.

Inside everyone was aflutter with excitement. They were throwing a birthday party for one of the women, getting it ready while she took her class at the New Species school. Ellie took charge. The women had made sure they were home to yell at the birthday girl when she entered the library.

The poor stunned woman jumped a good two feet, looked very confused, but grinned when she realized what they’d done for her. It was the happiest Ellie had ever seen the woman, making it worth every ounce of trouble it had been to plan the surprise party.

By six o’clock Ellie unlocked the front door to her and Fury’s house. She’d beat him home and ran for the kitchen. She’d hidden sandwiches at the bottom of the fridge earlier that morning after Fury had left to go to a security meeting. She pulled them out, grabbed a few sodas, a bag of chips from the pantry cupboard, and hurried to the bedroom.

Ten minutes later the front door slammed. Ellie jumped off the bed and darted to the closet. She laughed as she hid inside and waited. Fury always looked for her the second he entered the house. She knew he’d sniff her out pretty quickly and he’d be amused that she’d tried to hide. She heard him coming.

Ellie tried not to laugh as the closet door jerked open. Fury frowned until his gaze slowly raked down her naked body. She grinned.

“It took you long enough to find me.”

“Why are you hiding?”

Ellie took a step toward him. “I thought I should at least make you work for it a little.”

“Work for what?” His focus stayed on her bare breasts.

“Me.” She gripped the front of his uniform. “I thought about waiting on the bed but that was just too easy.”

Fury helped her remove his vest and shirt and kicked off his shoes. “I like easy.”

She chuckled. “Did you see the picnic I set out? I thought we could get naked, have dinner together, and then maybe watch some TV. That sounds like a great way to spend our evening,” she teased.

Fury’s lips twitched. “That’s fine.” He backed out of her range to prevent her from touching him. He unfastened his pants and shoved them down with his briefs. The socks were removed last. Totally naked and aroused, he grinned broadly at her.

“Let’s eat.” He moved toward the bed.

Ellie followed him. She sat down on the other side of the mattress cross-legged, facing him, flashing her pussy. Fury’s dark gaze locked on her lap. He took some long, deep breaths and growled low in the back of his throat.

“What was that, Fury? I didn’t quite understand what you said.” Ellie allowed her amusement to show in her eyes when he looked up.

“Nothing.” He grinned. “This looks really good. I love roast beef.”

“I tried to put everything out on the bed that you love.” Ellie licked her lips, letting her tongue slowly trace first the lower seam, and then the top.

Fury stared at her mouth. He bit into the sandwich, chewed and swallowed it. “Screw this,” he growled and tossed the sandwich aside as he lunged at her.

Ellie hit the bed on her back, laughing as Fury knocked her over and pinned her under him. “The only thing I want to really eat is you.”

“What about the game?”

He nuzzled her neck and brushed his lips on her shoulder. “The only thing I am interested in watching is you.” He cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. “I am fully healed and plan on doing everything I want to you.”

“Did you lock the front door?”

“Locked and bolted. I still keep the handgun inside the nightstand drawer too. I’m going to shoot anyone who comes into this bedroom.”

Ellie raked her fingernails down his back. Fury arched against her body and growled. “Easy. Don’t excite me too much. It wouldn’t take much for me to lose control. I want this to be good for you too.”

“Do you trust me?”

Fury didn’t hesitate. “With my life.”

“Can I be on top?”

Surprise crossed Fury’s features but lines slowly appeared at the corner of his eyes as he stared at her. “You want to be on top? Am I crushing you with my weight?” He lifted his chest away from hers to put a few inches of space between them.

She pulled him back down. “You’re never too heavy. I love your skin touching mine and I love being under you. I just want to straddle you.” Her gaze studied him intently. “Breeze mentioned your males won’t allow women on top but I want to be. Will you at least try it for me?”

Fury’s jaw clenched. “You want me to submit to you?”

She smiled. “No. I want you to trust me and let me be on top. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

He rolled them suddenly until she straddled him but he didn’t look happy about doing it. “I love you. If it is important to you then I will submit. I can prove that I’d do anything for you, even this.”

Ellie’s smile fell. He didn’t look happy or turned on. He actually looked kind of miserable. Damn. She hadn’t meant to upset him or have him react badly. She straightened, straddling his stomach. She bit her lip, tempted to have him roll her back under him, but instead she carefully examined his stretched-out body under hers.

Ellie scooted back over his straining erection, happy to see it didn’t turn him off in that department, and inched down to sit on his thighs. She leaned forward and licked one of his nipples, tugging the firm nub into her mouth, arching her stomach up enough to put a little space between them when his cock dug into her belly.

Fury tensed under her and growled. Ellie used her teeth to play with his nipple and sucked. Fury’s hands gripped her hips firmly but he didn’t move. She couldn’t miss the way his cock hardened even more against her stomach.

“Ellie,” he growled. “It’s been too long since I’ve been inside you. I can’t wait anymore. I’m trying to submit for you but I’m not one of your human males. I don’t have that patience you keep expecting from me.”

She laughed, releasing his nipple, and sat up. Her smile faded. “Relax.”

He arched an eyebrow and then lowered his gaze to the protruding flesh in front of Ellie’s stomach. His eyes met hers. “Do I look relaxed to you?”

Ellie lifted her hips and gripped Fury’s cock. She curled her hand around his stiff shaft and brushed her fingertips down the underside of it, tracing it lightly with her fingernails. He gave a throaty growl and his hands released her hips. He reached up and grabbed the headboard. Wood creaked in protest as his hands clamped down strongly. Her focus shifted to them, noticed his knuckles were white and his muscles grew rigid throughout his body. She stared at him, thinking how beautiful he looked to her.

Ellie lifted up until her pussy was positioned over Fury’s cock and sank down slowly, adjusting to him until their bodies were perfectly aligned. She experienced intense pleasure. She ached to have him buried deep inside her and feel what their bodies did together.

She was wet and more than ready to ride him to show him how good being straddled could feel. She moaned as she took him deeper inside her. Every inch of his cock slid snuggly into her pussy as she lowered herself on him until he was fully seated right where he belonged.

Fury threw his head back and growled deeper as wood snapped. His gaze flew up to verify that he’d broken off one of the bars on the headboard. He tossed the wood aside and gripped another one. Their gazes locked. This seemed important to Ellie and he had to admit she looked sexy wrapped over his hips. The feel of her tight, warm sex snug around his cock left him fighting the urge to thrust up into her.

“You’re going to kill me.”

She started to move on him. “If this is dying, I’m almost ready,” Ellie moaned before she slammed down on him, lifted, twisted her hips, and drove down hard again.

Fury released the headboard and reached for her. One of his hands cupped her breast while his other hand slid between their moving bodies. Ellie threw back her head, moaning louder as Fury rubbed his thumb against her clit. Frantic, she moved on him even faster, riding him roughly. Fury growled, his hips thrusting up into her, using his heels on the bed for leverage to slam into her deeper.

He viciously cursed as his cock started to swell, his balls drew up tight, and knew he couldn’t hold back anymore. The pleasure experienced every time she drove her body down into him, combined with her muscles clenching around his cock with her pending climax from his thumb massaging her clit was pure paradise. He snarled, trying to fight coming, and managed to hold off until she screamed his name as he sent her over the edge.

Fury shook under her, nearly unseating her as he gave a final thrust up. He groaned loudly as he came. He bucked his hips and groaned deeply from being sent to heaven. Ellie collapsed against his chest, both of them panting.

His arms wrapped around her and pure joy made him grin. Ellie was heaven to him. She’d come into his life when he’d been in hell, an angel of sunshine and hope, even if he hadn’t realized at the time why his attraction to her had been so intense. Somewhere deep inside he must have known she was the other half of his soul.

He’d nearly lost her when he’d been drugged and it terrified him how close he’d come to hurting the one thing he loved most. Even insane, he’d known that she was special, that she mattered, and he never would have survived if she’d died. His precious Ellie made life worth living to him. Being with him put her in danger but a life without her wasn’t a life at all. He couldn’t live without his Ellie.

“So,” she panted against his chest. “How was that?”

All the dark thoughts disappeared. Fury chuckled. “I’ll submit to you doing this any time.”

Ellie caressed him. “I thought you might love that.”

“I just love everything about you.” He suddenly rolled them to pin her flat under him.

Ellie stared up at him as her legs wrapped around the back of his legs and her arms wound around his neck. “Couldn’t take it anymore, huh?”

“I want to make sure you don’t try to get up.”

“We’re locked together. I wouldn’t dare try to leave you until that swelling goes down. I told you, I want to make a cuddler out of you.”

“You can do that but that’s not why I don’t want you to get up just yet.”

“You just want to hold me? That’s so sweet.” She kissed his chin. “I love it when you do.”

He chuckled. “That’s not why either but I enjoy us being connected and holding you is my second favorite thing. I have time to make up.” He moved inside her, thrusting gently. “This is my absolute favorite thing to do to you.”

Ellie moaned at the instant pleasure, wanted him, but it surprised her. “Again? So soon?”

He nodded, lowering his head until his lips brushed her throat. “Again.”

“I so love you,” she whispered.

Chapter Twenty-One

“Calm down,” Ellie laughed.

Fury paced and a soft growl rumbled from his parted lips.

Ellie approached him to grab his arm and pulled him to a stop in front of her. She reached up to caress his cheek. “Nothing bad is going to happen.”

“Something dire always happens.” He sighed but wrapped his arms around her waist while his intense gaze studied her face. “Are you sure that you don’t mind doing it this way? Breeze and some of the females have informed me that I’m making a mistake. They believe you will resent it later. I hope they have been watching too many movies. Breeze reminded me about human families and they think we should have more of your people here.”

“They have been watching too many movies. That’s true and it’s my fault. We watch them almost every day to help them learn about normal life…up to a point. This is what I want. You’re my family now, Fury. I love my blood family but they weren’t real understanding of our relationship when I spoke to them. I have to face the fact that, no matter what I do or who I’m with, they won’t be happy. They will just have to deal with it. If they don’t, too bad. This is my life now, here with you. You’re everything to me.”

Fury chewed on his bottom lip. “What about children? I wish I could give you those but I’m unable.” Sadness haunted his eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. Do you want to have some?”

Ellie’s heart missed a beat at the idea of having a little Fury running around their home. She bet it would be one adorable little baby but she knew it would never happen.

“I would like to.” Fury pulled her tighter against his chest. “But mostly I just want you. All that matters is we are together and I am so grateful to have you, Ellie. You are always going to be more than enough to make me happy.”

“I would like a few little rug rats myself.” She smiled up at him. “We’ll work it out somehow. Trisha and Ted are great doctors who might be able to find a way to fix what was done to you and if not, we could always adopt. There are always options. If we never have children, that’s okay too.”

He nodded. “We can at least talk to the doctors. It would be the first time in my life that I wouldn’t mind being tested and prodded. I never believed I’d say those words after all that was done to me inside my cell.”

Ellie’s heart nearly stilled at the reminder of their past and how they had met. “Will you ever forgive me for what I did to you?”

He met her gaze and held it. “You don’t even have to ask that. I already have. You did what you had to do to save us all.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

Fury’s smile faltered. “Are you sure you aren’t going to be sorry for today? Are you certain this is what you want? I need this to be perfect for you.”

“Hey,” Ellie whispered. “Don’t look sad. Being with you makes me happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life. How many times do I have to keep saying that before you believe me? I love you. If you had any idea how happy this makes me, you wouldn’t even think to ask me. I’m positive that this is exactly what I want, just this way, because I’m doing this with you.”

The conference room door opened and Ellie twisted her head to glance back. Justice entered and a group of people followed him. Ellie smiled at familiar faces.

“Are you sure, Ellie? We could wait and plan something better, something more traditional.”

Ellie met his gaze. “I told you. I don’t care where it’s held or how it’s done, Fury.”

“I want nothing to go wrong,” Fury growled. “No shooters. No crazy nurses.”

Ellie bit her lip hard. She didn’t want to laugh. He looked so certain something would go wrong. “This is why we decided to do this today with only a few people clued in to what we’re about to do. No one can mess up something they aren’t expecting.”

“I like your logic.”

Ellie moved closer, rising to her tiptoes to brush her lips against his ear. “I love your ass and the fact that you’re totally healed up. I can’t wait to get you alone.”

“Ellie?” Slade spoke.

Ellie turned her head. “I’m talking over here.”

“And we’re all listening,” Slade chuckled while he tapped his ear. “Keen hearing. Glad to know Fury is back to a hundred percent though.”

Blushing, Ellie glared at him. “What is it with you guys? Couldn’t you at least pretend you didn’t hear that?”

Slade winked. “Where would be the fun in that? You blush so cutely.”

Fury growled, shooting his friend a warning glare, and Slade moved to take a seat. Ellie shook her head while Fury shrugged.

A white-haired man walked through the door last. He wore a black robe and held a bible in his hand. He took his place in front of Ellie and Fury. His serious gaze traveled around the room.

“I need everyone to please take a seat.”

The room became quiet. Ellie saw confusion on a lot of faces as they sat, staring at the couple in front of them with the unfamiliar human male. Most of them had no idea why they had been called to a mandatory meeting but there were a few who smothered knowing grins. Breeze waved at Ellie from a chair in the front. Ellie waved back and then looked up at Fury. Their gazes met and held.

“We’re gathered here today,” the white-haired man stated loudly, “to join together Fury North and Ellie Brower in marriage.” He took a breath.

“Don’t say it.” Fury gave the minister a scary look. “Don’t you dare ask if anyone has any objections. We talked about this.”

The man paled and cleared his throat. “Fury, do you take Ellie to be your wife?”

“I do.”

The minister opened his mouth but Fury growled again. White eyebrows shot up and his voice lowered. “How much do you want me to cut here?”

Dark eyes narrowed as Fury softly growled again and Ellie bit back a laugh. The minister cleared his throat again.

“Ellie, do you take Fury to be your husband?”

“I do.”

“I pronounce you husband and wife.” He peered at Fury warily. “Was that fast enough for you? You may kiss your bride. You’re legally married.”

A wide grin split Fury’s features. “No one stopped us.”

“Someone would have to be a speed protester to get a have gotten a word in there.” Ellie leaned into him and a chuckled. “Now kiss me.”

Fury lowered his head and Ellie closed her eyes, her heart racing. Life was never going to be boring with her husband. His mouth took possession of hers and she got lost in the man she loved, in front of a roomful of witnesses.

“Aren’t they supposed to exchange rings?” Halfpint whispered the question.

“Oh, they’ll be exchanging plenty.” Slade chuckled. “I think putting something on her is the last thing Fury wants at this moment.”

Breeze laughed. “Um, maybe we should separate them or leave the room because it looks as if he’s about to take everything off both of them. They are really excited to be married.”

Justice stood. “Let’s clear out of here,” he whispered, knowing his people could hear him. “Now.”

He glanced at the couple kissing at the front of the room, entwined together, and mixed emotions stirred. He was grateful they’d found that much happiness together but at the same time, it made him ache to find it too.

A hand touched his shoulder and he forced his gaze away from Ellie and Fury to meet Tiger’s stare.

“They are clearing out,” Tiger whispered. “I’ll order one of our men to stand outside to prevent anyone from disturbing them. Slade is escorting the minister outside.” He paused. “They are so wrapped up in each other that the room could catch fire and they wouldn’t be aware of it.”

Justice glanced at the front of the room and then grinned. “Let’s go.” He closed the doors to the conference room when they reached the hallway. “I want that one day,” he admitted.

Tiger paused, tilted his head slightly, and watched Justice for a long moment. “I would be too afraid to find and then lose that kind of love.”

Justice nodded. “We’re free. Anything is possible now if we just reach for it.”

Slade walked up. “Are they naked yet and having sex on top of one of the tables?”

“Probably.” Tiger grinned. “Justice is getting sentimental and wants a woman of his own. I don’t. I enjoy my life just as it is. What about you?”

Slade had a mental image of Doc Trisha and her smile flashed through his thoughts. “I’m undecided but who knows what the future holds.”

About the Author

I’m a full time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when your write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love it when I sit down at my computer desk and put on my headphones to listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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Also by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice

Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal

Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus

Mating Heat 1: Mate Set

Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate

Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine

Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me

Zorn Warriors 1: Ral’s Woman

Zorn Warriors 2: Kidnapping Casey

Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

Print books by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction: Burning Up Flint

Cyborg Seduction: Kissing Steal

Zorn Warriors: Berrr’s Vow

Zorn Warriors: Loving Zorn

Zorn Warriors: Tempting Rever

Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.
