
Lodovik invoked the last of the codes he knew, and the door to the transfer corridor from the Courts Building still refused to open. He worked the code around again on the finger pad beside the doorframe, and the tiny simplified face in the display proclaimed once again that the code was incomplete. It would be so like the palace security detail to add a few numbers, but not change the beginning numbers.

I am working, Voltaire told him. There must be many security measures being triggered now-multiple intrusions, perhaps!

The girl and the large young man behind him shifted from foot to foot.

“It won’t be good to stay here,” Brann said. “Something feels very bad.”

Voltaire’s features appeared in the display, simplified to cartoon detail. The mechanical voice now said, “Additional numbers are required under the revised security procedures.” The new face winked at Lodovik. “Test procedure fifteen A for verification,” the voice added. “You may enter code for personal use only during this test period. Upon completion of test period, a formal entry code or new password must be established and fixed.”

Lodovik glanced over his shoulder at Klia as he entered seven new numbers. She stared at the display with furrowed brow.

“Who is that?” she asked.

“The sim,” Lodovik said.

The door opened. Lodovik beckoned for them to pass through first.

“Is Hari Seldon near?” Klia asked.

He is very near, Voltaire said. And he is in imminent danger.
