Yvka, Tresslar, and Hinto had run out of small talk and were getting tired of drinking the King Prawn's lousy ale. The broken door of the common room slammed inward.

As Asenka dashed in and ran over to their table, the three companions rose to their feet.

"Where are they?" Yvka demanded.

Asenka frowned in confusion. "Who?" she said between gasps for breath.

"Diran and Ghaji," Tresslar said. "We haven't seen them for a while, and from the way you burst in, it's obvious they're in trouble."

"She can tell us on the way!" Hinto said as he started for the door. "Come on!"

Yvka and Tresslar followed after the halfling, running past Asenka and leaving the woman standing alone at their abandoned table. She shrugged, turned, took a deep breath, and ran after them.

They were halfway to the dock by the time Asenka told the others what had happened to Diran and Ghaji. From what she'd heard of the priest and his half-orc friend, they weren't unfamiliar with trouble, and the speed at which their companions had reacted to Asenka's appearance told the Sea Scorpion commander just how familiar with trouble they truly were.

Yvka stopped and motioned for the others to do the same. The elfwoman swiveled her head slowly as she scanned their surroundings. Asenka knew that elves' vision was far keener than humans', especially in the dark, but she nevertheless wondered if Yvka could actually see anything. Though the fog had dissipated somewhat, the night was still murky, so that even elf eyes might have difficulty penetrating the mist roiling through Perhata's streets. Still, Asenka hadn't survived in the Sea Scorpions as long as she had by ignoring potential danger.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she drew her sword.

"I'm… not sure," Yvka admitted. "There's something…"

A figure stepped out of the fog then, seeming to coalesce out of the mist as if born of it. The figure came closer, and Asenka recognized the woman-if such a creature could be called a woman-who had confronted her before.

Yvka reached into the pouch hanging from her belt and withdrew a wooden juggling ball. Asenka noticed that the elf-woman's hand trembled. Tresslar stared open-mouthed at the blonde woman, his expression one of absolute shock. The old artificer recovered quickly and from his belt drew a wand that terminated in a golden dragonhead.

Asenka expected the halfling to react the same way as his two friends, but he didn't reach for a weapon, didn't gaze upon the blonde woman with fear. Instead, his mouth stretched into a wide grin.

"You're Makala, right? Will Diran ever be surprised to see you! I never got a chance to meet you, at least not formally." He stepped and held out his hand. "But I looked in on you a couple times while Diran tried to… tried to…" His hand began to shake then, and the tremors quickly spread to the rest of his body until the halfling was trembling so hard Asenka feared his small heart might burst.

The woman smiled sadly at Hinto. "While Diran tried to prevent my becoming a vampire."

Hinto nodded, but he didn't lower his trembling hand.

"There is no need to fear me," Makala said. "I know what's happened to Diran and Ghaji, and I wish to help."

"How can we trust you?" Yvka said. Her voice was firm, but there was a trace of fear in her eyes. "You're not human anymore."

For an instant, Makala's eyes flashed crimson, but then they returned to normal. "You're not human either, but I don't hold that against you."

"Elves may not be human," Tresslar said, "but they aren't blood-drinking monsters."

The vampire turned to the artificer. "If I wished to harm any of you, I could've done so long before now. All that need concern you-" she glanced at Asenka-"all of you, is that I wish to use my abilities to help rescue our friends. If you can't accept what I've become, perhaps you can at least accept that."

The tension in the air was far thicker than any sea fog could ever be. Yvka, Tresslar, and Hinto exchanged glances, and Asenka could guess what they were thinking: if it came down to it, could they stand against Makala without Diran and Ghaji's aid?

"We're wasting time," Asenka said. "While we stand here talking, the Coldhearts are sailing farther out to sea. We can worry later about whether or not we can trust one another."

The elfwoman, the halfling, and the artificer exchanged glances once more then nodded in silent agreement.

Makala smiled grimly. "Good. I'll meet you at the Zephyr. I have something I need to put aboard first if I'm to sail with you." The woman made no outward display of power, but her form grew hazy and indistinct, and then her body separated into shreds of mist that curled away and vanished into the night.

"What's the Zephyr?" Asenka asked, but the other three were already running again, and she hurried to keep up with them.
