I rest my forehead against Devlan’s and press my hands over his wound, trying to staunch the blood. It’s higher up on his chest than I thought—just below his collar bone. I lift up and look into his eyes. “Hold strong,” I say, then get to my feet.

I stumble into the control room and slam the lever down.

Pressing my hands against the glass wall, I hold my breath. Almost immediately, the Taken drop their weapons. They stand still—still as death. The Rebels that have survived glance around the field, confused. Then cries sound over the battlefield, penetrating the thick walls of the chamber, and they raise their weapons into the air. I watch as they wrap their arms around the Taken, hugging their long-lost family and friends.

I take in a shaky breath, then a laugh tumbles from my mouth. I’m delirious, exhausted, beaten, and shaken, but the sight on the field fills me with so much elation that I nearly fall over.

“Oh, my God,” a voice says from inside the chamber. I turn and see Fallon leaning over Devlan.

My joyous mood vanishes. I limp over to Devlan and fall beside his splayed body. I run my hands through his hair, pleading for him to open his eyes.

When he doesn’t, I choke out a sob. I press my hand to his wound, bury my head between his neck and shoulder. Fallon is quiet beside me. I forget she’s there.

I rise up, hovering above him, and stare down. Then I brush my hand over his pale face. “You just admitted that you love me,” I whisper, barely audible, as my chest crushes my heart like a vise. “You’re not getting out of that.”

His chest rises, and a shallow breath escapes his mouth. Hope fills me, and I release a sob with a hiccup. It burns my throat. His lips curl into his beautiful smile, and I laugh with relief.

“I’m forever at your service.” Devlan reaches for my hand and threads his fingers through mine. “If you demand I live, I have no choice but to obey.”

I gasp in a breath and press my lips to his, taking in the feel of his smile forming against my mouth. My heart trembles in my chest. I’m afraid to move, scared he’ll slip away.

“I’ll find help,” I tell him and try to stand.

He grips my hand tighter, keeping me by his side. “He missed,” Devlan says. “Well, he missed the important stuff. But I’ve lost some blood. I’ll need mending.”

I smile down at him. “I think I can handle that.”

Fallon and I dress Devlan’s wound, wrapping his chest and shoulder tightly with bandages Fallon found in the back medical chamber.

When Fallon’s ready to help him stand, she halts mid-lift. Her face pinches, and I follow her gaze to where Xander stands, motionless. His expression steals the air from my lungs. He slowly walks toward Sebastian, his mouth a hard line, and lowers himself beside the fallen king.

I watch, confused, as Xander lifts Sebastian into his arms and cradles the body against his. Fallon crawls toward them and lays her hand on Xander’s shoulder.

“You tried, Xander.”

He nods. “I did. I tried so hard to get through to him,” he says. “For weeks, I spent time with him, trying to get closer. I thought telling him the truth would change things.” He closes his eyes and releases a heavy breath. “But he feared I’d try to steal his power—his crown.”

“But he let you leave,” Fallon says. “He let you live. He must have cared, deep down.”

“No.” Xander shakes his head. “He locked me up. I only escaped in time to slip the potion to the knights.” His lips quiver, and he looks up at Devlan and me. “We met up in the lower level right after.” He turns his full attention back to Fallon. I can’t piece his story together, but I don’t interrupt. “I thought I could try again—that I might get through to him.”

I look to Devlan for an explanation, but his eyes reflect the confusion inside me.

“It’s the way it’s meant to be.” Fallon removes Sebastian’s crown from his head and, rising up, places it atop Xander’s.

My mouth drops open. Devlan attempts to sit up, and I move so he can rest against my chest. Fallon kisses Xander tenderly. Glancing once to Sebastian, she gets to her feet, bringing Xander with her.

“I vow to follow you, my lord,” she says. “Let the reign of Xander Hart begin.” She drops to one knee and bows her head.

“What…?” Devlan chokes out.

Fallon glances at us. “Xander is Sebastian’s brother. The crown now belongs to him.”

Suddenly, pieces of that puzzle fall into place. Why Fallon kept Xander’s mission at the castle a secret. Why she first insisted Sebastian was not to be harmed during the mission. Xander’s hesitancy to follow Fallon’s orders—orders that must have concerned him becoming the king. Why Xander came back to Court alone. Why Fallon couldn’t kill her mark—Xander—the night of my betrothal ceremony. And why, now, Xander mourns the loss of Sebastian.

His brother.

I look at Devlan, and he nods weakly. Helping him to a knee, I kneel beside him. “I pledge my allegiance to King Xander Hart,” I say.

Devlan laughs once, and then coughs. “Sorry.” He clears his throat and presses his hand to his bandaged chest. “I, too, pledge my allegiance.” He shakes his head. “Were you ever going to tell me?”

Xander’s face flushes. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to.” His eyes pinch. “But as my fearless leader—”

Fallon waggles her finger at him. “I follow you now, Your Highness.”

Xander glares at her. “As Fallon once said to me”—his eyes roam her face—“I cannot deny my birthright forever. I have a responsibility to this realm, to give back what has been taken from them.”

She wraps her arms around him, and I hold Devlan closer. My eyes drift to Sebastian.

Out of so much evil, Karm finally has a chance for true greatness.

Devlan caresses my cheek. His eyes search mine. “You got your wish.”

I crane an eyebrow. “And, that is?”

A perfect smile curls his lips. “I can never call you princess again.”
