Chapter Fourteen

When Jaxon pulled his truck up to the house, he finally let go of Brianna’s hand. He hadn’t stopped touching her the entire drive. “Guess we need to take care of some business first, but then I want to retire to my room for a few days and see how many ways I can make you scream.”

His mate blushed. Her cheeks looked so cute when she did that. Her pale skin and blond hair made the red stand out.

Jaxon rounded the truck and took Brianna’s hand once more. Without releasing her, he stepped across the gravel and climbed the steps to the front porch. With a deep breath, he opened the door.

“Hey. ’Bout time you guys got here. What were you doing?” Sergius teased. The question didn’t require a response.

In fact, Juliana swatted Sergius on the arm. “Leave your brother alone.” She gave him a stern look, her eyebrows furrowing together even though she didn’t quite wipe the mirth from her face.

“So what’s the news?” Jaxon took a seat on one of the room’s couches and tugged Brianna down practically on top of him. Technically she was next to him, but there was no air separating his thigh from hers.

Sergius, Juliana and Micah all sat around the coffee table.

Sergius began. “I got a call from Uncle William early this morning. They apparently took our request seriously because since yesterday he seems to have contacted everyone he’s ever met and compiled some information for us.”

“That was fast,” Jaxon said.

“Anyway, there don’t seem to be too many vampires out roaming this planet. Just a handful—that anyone knows of. A few in Canada, South America, Asia…you get the point. And over the last hundred years they have rarely caused any problems.”

“Has anyone successfully killed a rogue vampire?” Jaxon asked.

“No one is sure.” Sergius shook his head. “But many have tried. The most important thing I learned was that our friend Keeton McKinney is without a doubt alive and well somewhere. A rusty metal stake will not do the job. Others have tried. Vampires have the uncanny ability to regenerate, even their hearts. However, he’s most likely in a weakened condition somewhere licking his wounds, both the mental and the physical. It’ll take a while for him to resurface, according to Uncle William’s contacts.

“Every method of elimination we’ve ever heard of in myths has been attempted. All have failed with the possible exception of one.”

“What’s that?” Jaxon leaned forward.

Even Micah, who had remained silent until then, angled his head toward their oldest brother.

“Fire. No one is quite certain, but the wolf pack living in Northwestern Canada believes to have eliminated their local threat with a contained fire. They trapped a vampire, surrounded him against the edge of a steep mountain and burned him alive. At least that’s what they think. They never found a body and they haven’t heard from or seen him since.”

Jaxon gasped. “God. That would explain McKinney’s hesitation to get close to flames.”

“True. Assuming he knows of the danger,” Micah added. “Just because fire might be an effective method of killing them, doesn’t mean McKinney is aware of the threat.”

Jaxon nodded and turned back to Sergius. “How long ago did this happen?”

“Well, that’s the clincher. It’s only been a few months. If the flames didn’t kill their vampire, it’s possible he’s still lurking around somewhere, recuperating or planning his next attack. There’s no way to be sure.”

Brianna pressed her hand into Jaxon’s thigh. “It’s certainly better information than anything else we have.”

Juliana agreed. “That’s for sure. Now all we have to do is figure out how to accomplish such a monumental task and execute it.”

Sergius stood and headed for the kitchen. “I’ll make coffee.” He turned back to the room. “The important thing is that everyone is safe for now and we undoubtedly can count on having a few months’ reprieve from the likes of Keeton McKinney before we need to be on the defensive again. That gives us time to research and plan.”

Jaxon nodded. He exhaled a breath he’d been holding for seemingly two days since he’d met his mate. She stared up into his eyes. For now, she was safe. “Brianna…” He turned to face her head on, grabbed her hands and rubbed her palms with the tips of his fingers. “You need to move in here. I can’t protect you when you’re at your apartment.”

She nodded and whispered, “Okay. I get it.” She swallowed and he watched her throat working.

“And, as for your job…” Would she balk about that too?

Yes. She would. “I’m not quitting my job. I worked hard for that and I love it.” She shook her head.

When Jaxon tensed, she gripped his hands tighter.

“Listen, I fight forest fires. I love my job.” She glared at him before continuing, “Don’t get your panties all in a wad. It’s a part-time job. I’m on call when they need me.”

Jaxon imitated his mate and swallowed also. “What do you do when you aren’t fighting fires?” How had this not occurred to him before now?

Brianna smiled. “Several things. Part-time firefighters in the Appalachians don’t make enough money to pay the bills. I also teach wildfire classes at the center for Southern Area Wildland Fire Training. And I’m finishing my degree in forestry. Online,” she added. “I figure the next best thing to fighting fires is learning how to prevent them in the first place.”

Jaxon grabbed his mate and tugged her against him for a giant hug. What more could he ask for right now?

His mate was safe. She intended to spend her days hovering over a computer inside the protection of his home. And the best part? She’d always be available when he wanted…needed…her sexy body.

“Just so we’re clear,” Brianna began, “don’t think you can walk all over me when it comes to my life. I’m strong-willed. You won’t win. Ever.” She narrowed her gaze.

Jaxon tried to breathe normally. His mate was not in any immediate danger. If she got called on to fight a fire, he’d just have to shift and follow her. In the meantime, he’d pray for rain. Lots of it.

“I’ll try to be reasonable when it comes to your feelings about safety, but I’m not a china doll you can keep hidden away. If I was, you wouldn’t even like me.”

The woman had a point.

Liking her wasn’t really an issue right now. Jaxon was quickly falling head over heels in love with her. The only thing that would make his life perfect would be if she felt the same.

“Oh, but I do, Jax.” She tipped her head to one side. “I’m as in love with you as you are with me.”

When he froze, she continued, “What? You thought you had all your personal thoughts completely contained from me?” She giggled. “Hate to burst your bubble, but when you think as hard as you sometimes do, you slip up too. I can read you like a book.”

Still stunned, he leaned back.

“Oh, stop it. Don’t worry,” she mimicked, “you’ll learn to block me better soon.”
