MedTech First Muhaseb’s face bloomed on the screen. He showed worry in the Chav way, the inner eyelids dropping but not all the way down, a trickle of drool unnoticed at the corner of his mouth, his color faded to a pale gray green. Hunnar waved Ilaцrn to silence, scowled at the screen. “Well?”

“We’ve got a problem, O Ykkuval.”


“The batch that the guards gathered from the Sleeping Grounds this time, most of them were women. They ah mmm used their mmm body cavity to bring in an extraordinary mix of spores and microscopic borer worms. Four techs and six guards got smeared with these and they’re close to panic now. They can feel themselves being eaten and rotted out. It’s mostly imagination, but, I’m afraid, not wholly. They’re demanding we drop them in stasis now and send them home with the next ship for more specialized treatment. They say it’s in the contract with their subclans and mmmm I’m afraid it is.”

“You didn’t search the women?”

“Hindsight is easy, O Ykkuval, but Taner’s Claws, they were women. Acting docile as pet keddin. And to use such mmm means! No, we didn’t think to body search them. We washed them down, did a visual search, put them in robes we provided. It should have been adequate if they were normal women. Ah mmm most of them managed to kill themselves, but we salvaged three and put them under probe. It wasn’t any accident that we got mostly women. And not Guardians either, they were planted at the Grounds waiting for us, called themselves freedom fighters and they’d volunteered though they expected to die one way or another, from the infection they spread or at our hands.” He hesitated. “And we had to close and sterilize the lab. Ah mmm, several instruments were damaged and despite the cleansing, the few med techs I have left are hesitant about going into that room. We will, of course, find some means of continuing the experiments if you order it, but my recommendation is to let them drop for the moment anyway. We really aren’t set up for this kind of work.”

“Very well. Write up your preliminary results. You know what I want. Complete honesty of course, but perhaps a stronger emphasis on the positive aspects?”

The image of the Tech First bowed, his eyes dulled as the inner lids slid home with his relief. “I hear and obey, O Yukkuval.”

When the screen had faded to a glassy gray-green, Hunnar brought his fist down hard on the desk and spent the next several moments cursing the techs, the load of losers and blockheads he’d been saddled with, the hunting party due in less than a month now, 1361uchad, the women and all the varieties of Bйluchar life. Finally he straightened, flicked a hand at Ilaцrn, claws still extended though his anger had cooled. “Play something soothing. I’ve got to think.”

Ilaцrn lifted his head, fighting to keep the smile inside, the glee that was bubbling in his blood. For the first time since the Ykkuval’s guards had captured him, he felt a real touch of hope. We’re going to do it. We’re going to win. His hands were shaking, but the touch of the harp wood calmed him; he set his fingers on the strings and began improvising a muted paean to his happiness.

It was quickly interrupted by a pattern of chimes. Hunnar swore again, touched a sensor and rose to his feet. When the image bloomed across the screen, he bowed until his head nearly touched the desk, straightened with his hands folded in the submission display. “Ykkuval Hunnar ni Jilet soyad Koroumak is humbled by the honor of your presence, O Bashogre Aila O Rozen ni Jilet soyad Jilet, O Jiletah Jilet.”

The figure was swaddled in robes heavily embroidered in square designs with jewels and gold and silver wire, couched on a ground of silken crewel work. His hide was bleached with age until it was a pale greenish white, and thinned so that the heavy bones of his skull made a caricature of his face. “Honor, hah! Hunnar, that kadja Hayzin comes to me bleating you’re sucking coin like a black hole. What’s going on out there? This wasn’t supposed to be a messy one, just get the ores out and back to us. And deal with the Yaraka, of course. They been making trouble? You want me lodging a complaint with Helvetia, trade interference?”

“O Bashogre, it would be perhaps wiser to let that rest a while. Ah mmm. The locals have been hostile and managed to do us some damage and mmm if I may say it, our Finance Tech Genree has been less than efficient at anything but lining his own pockets. It would improve matters considerably if he were called Home.”

“No doubt, no doubt. Unfortunately, that is… not possible in present circumstances. What is that music I hear? It is charmingly delicate.”

“Ah. The locals have a cult of the harp. I have taken one of them as bond-ked. He’s thoroughly tame and quite gifted. And not allowed to get out of the Kushayt, so there’s no breach of security. If you find him pleasing, then it will be my joy to give him to you.”

“When this matter is complete, I will accept your offer, young Hunnar. At the moment better not. Helvetia is difficult about the institution of the bondkerl; they refuse to understand the reciprocal nature of the relationship. A collection of kadja nicmerms with spines so limp they can fellate themselves-but they control the flow of coin, so we have to humor them. I’ve read your flakes on the Yaraka matter and the use of the Freetech’s aaah contribution. Well done. But don’t wait too long to end it. Things can go wrong when you hold back your finishing stroke.”

“Your wisdom is beyond bounds, O Bashogre. My agent is at this very moment stirring the locals into rebellion. As soon as he reports the proper degree of heat has been achieved, we will strike under the cover of a local attack and the Yaraka will be erased from this world. We will be properly contrite and point out that we have voluntarily confined our activities to a single continent and have had our own difficulties with a rebellious populace.”

“Most commendable. Now as to the other matter. We are most interested in your plans. We will be sending a separate cadre to continue the studies of the effects of the smoke and deal with the logistics of collecting the… what did you call them… ah! the Keteng and confining them on reservations for breeding purposes. A fascinating life cycle that. The pictures of the flying creatures and the blaze when they expire make me regret my advanced age will not permit me to see this with my own eyes.”

“Mmm, O Bashogre, there is a complication. It would be well to send parasitologists and equipment for identifying and countering a wide variety of borer worms and dangerous spores. There is ordinarily no problem with such things, but we have had an incident in the lab. Several of our techs and guards were exposed to such matter through actions of local terrorists.”

“I see. How many involved?”

“Four techs and six guards, O Bashogre. They have requested stasis and return. My Tech First reminds it is in their contracts so it has to be done. It would be helpful if they were sequestered while they were being treated.”

“Definitely we do not want word getting out too soon. There will be complications enough to setting up the hunting preserve. You will keep me informed.” The screen blanked.

Hunnar sucked in a long breath, let it explode out. He glanced at Ilaцrn squatting on his pad in the corner. “Come. I need thinking time in the Dushanne Garden.”

14. Getting Together
