Of all the families in New Delphi, beware the secare the most, my son.

We are kinsmen. Our ancestors have enhanced our bloodlines to help humanity spread across the stars. All of us have trained for the art of individual combat. We are faster and stronger than an average human. We are duelists, but the secare were bred to slaughter. They excel at mass murder. That is the sole reason they came to be. It is our saving grace that the two secare families hate each other more than they detest the rest of us.

Avoid conflict with the secare at all costs. Should an opportunity to compete with them present itself, let it pass you by. Do not become their enemy, and better yet, do not become their friend, for there can be no peace between the Baenas and the Adlers. Sooner or later, they will clash again, as their foreparents have done generations ago, and if you ally with one of the two, you will find yourself facing the bloodred glow of the seco blade.

Should you ever encounter two secare who move as one, abandon your pride and run, my son. For your life is more precious to me than any treasure in this galaxy.

Henri Davenport Letters to Haider Davenport Planet Rada, Dahlia Province, City of New Delphi
