Chapter 2

“So what do you think, Jack?”

When he didn’t receive a reply, Bruce Holden looked across at his son. He’d forgotten Jack had his earphones in, the volume on his mp3 player cranked up. He tapped him on the leg.

Jack pulled one of the earphones out, the tinny sound of The Prodigy filtering through. “What?” he snapped as he peered from beneath the brow of his baseball cap.

Bruce pointed at the view. “What do you think?”

“I think it’s a crock of shit and I want to go home.”

Despite his son’s sharp rebuttal, Bruce held his tongue. He gazed down through the windscreen of his Ford Focus at the small fishing village. The whitewashed wooden houses looked like a picture postcard, and the array of fishing boats moored to the horseshoe shaped harbour looked almost toy-like from so high up. It had always been his dream to live by the sea; a dream he’d shared with Veronica until the cancer took the light from her eyes and the life from her body. Knowing she wasn’t here to share it with him brought a sudden tear that he quickly wiped away.

The wedding ring on his finger glistened in the sunlight.

“It won’t be that bad. Just think, you can meet new people; find new things to do, walk Shazam along the beach.”

At the mention of her name, the black and white Border Collie barked and sat up in the back. She poked her head between the front seats, her tongue lolling.

Jack grimaced. “That sounds just great. It’s alright for you. You’re nearly an old man. You’ll enjoy walking on the beach and shit like that. Look at it. There’s nothing here.”

“For your information, thirty-seven is not old, and if you say shit again, I’ll—”

“What? Send me to my room? Hit me? I’m sixteen, old enough to do what I want.”

Bruce sighed. Sixteen going on sixty. “You never know, you might like it.”

“Like hell I will.”

Bruce put the car in gear, eased off the clutch and started driving. The lucky horseshoe pendant hanging from the rear-view mirror swung back and forth. He had removed it from Veronica’s neck when she died; now it never came out of the car.

After three hours at the wheel, his shoulders ached, and he was eager to stretch his legs. He’d known Jack would find it hard moving, but after Veronica’s death, and having found pot in his son’s bedroom, he knew he had to get him away from London. Jack had gotten in with a bad crowd.

Then two months ago, Bruce noticed the ad for the house while redesigning an estate agent’s website. It was like an omen, a sign from God. Next thing he knew, he’d made an offer, had it accepted, and now he was moving hundreds of miles across the country to a house he’d not yet stepped foot in. There were too many memories in the city, but they had turned sour, left a bitter taste in his mouth.

The road to the village of Mulberry snaked down the side of a mountain dotted with sheep. Cattle guards set in the road to stop the sheep straying made the car shudder, aggravating Bruce’s aching shoulders and back.

He glanced at the field, saw the remains of a sheep that had been dragged through a barbed wire fence. A crow sat pecking at the remnants.

A few houses lined the road into the village, but the remainder clustered together behind the harbour.

He parked at the side of the road to consult the map the estate agent sent him. “Not far now.”


Bruce started driving again. He lowered the window a fraction, inhaled the briny air. Shazam poked her nose through the gap, dribbling saliva down the glass.

The road ran alongside the harbour where a couple of men sat fishing from the quay, and a couple of other men dragged lobster pots on board their boat. At the sound of the approaching car, the men looked up. Bruce nodded his head towards them as he drove past, but the men ignored him and returned to their tasks.

“Friendly bunch,” Jack said.

“They’re probably busy.”

“Yeah, that must be what it was. Why don’t you admit it? This place is s-h-i-t.”

“Just stop, Jack. We’re here now, and this is where we’re going to stay.”

A couple of shops stood on the main road. Buckets and spades decorated the outside of one, along with kites, beach balls, and a whole host of other holiday paraphernalia. Many of the items were faded—as though they had been on display for a long time.

A couple of narrow side streets snaked off the main road, but Bruce continued on for another quarter mile before taking a right turn onto a narrow, hedge lined lane opposite a small, sandy cove. The house sat a hundred yards further up the lane, recognisable by the ‘for sale’ sign hammered into the garden. No one had even bothered putting a sold sign across it. Of the moving van, there was no sign.

Bruce parked the car in the single drive and switched the ignition off. “Well, this is it.” He crouched in his seat to look up at the detached house. It looked fantastic. The photographs hadn’t done it justice. It needed work, the paint peeling and the wooden façade cracked in a couple of places, but what a bargain. “Isn’t it great?”

Jack reinserted his earphones and turned the volume up.

Bruce clucked his tongue and exited the car. He stretched his arms and rotated his shoulders a couple of times.

A bark from the vehicle alerted him to Shazam, and he reached down and opened the back door. The dog bounded out and started sniffing around the ground before relieving herself.

A low hedge separated the house from the lane, which served to hide the weed riddled front garden from passersby. From his vantage point he could see the small cove, and in the distance, the harbour. The perfect scene quite literally took his breath away. His only regret was that Veronica wasn’t here to share it with them.

Sometimes when he looked at Jack, he saw Veronica looking back. He had the same brown eyes as his mother, the same cheeky grin, and the same lustrous, black hair, although Jack liked to keep his cut short. With so much of Veronica in Jack’s features, Bruce felt there was no room left for any of his aspects. The only thing he thought his son inherited from him was his stubborn streak.

He quickly wiped his eyes and then turned his attention back to the house.

Bruce took the key from his pocket and tapped on the car window. When he remembered Jack had his earphones surgically inserted, he opened the door.

Jack looked up and removed his earphones. “What now?”

“I just wondered whether you’d like to open the door to our new home.”

“Whoopee. I can hardly contain myself.” He slid out of the car, snatched the key and loped towards the building.

Bruce smiled. Given time, Jack would grow to like it here. Hell, he might even appreciate it one day.

“The door’s already open,” Jack said, stepping into the house.

Bruce frowned. Talk about security. Anyone could have broken in. A moment later, he followed Jack inside. The first thing he noticed was the smell, an aroma of dampness and mildew.

Despite the price tag of his new home, he still had money in his pocket from the sale of his house in the city, which sold on the first day.

He stood in the hallway and ran his hand down the old-fashioned, flowery wallpaper. It felt damp, almost slimy. Old newspapers littered the bare wooden floorboards and junk mail had bred behind the door.

“You don’t really expect us to sleep here?” Jack said.

“It won’t be that bad.”

“That’s what you said about Tenerife, remember?”

Bruce couldn’t forget. In an attempt to bond with his son, and to cheer them both up after Veronica’s death, he had arranged a holiday. It had been an unmitigated disaster from start to finish. The flight had been delayed by a day, the hotel was next to a work site where the workers never seemed to put down their tools, and there was an all-night disco situated next door, out of which spilled a succession of drunken youths intent on making as much noise as possible. On top of that, the Spanish food upset Bruce’s stomach and he was confined to bed for two days, leaving Jack to his own devices. He never did find out what that girl had been doing in their apartment at four in the morning.

Bruce waved his hand dismissively. “Well, this time I mean it.”

A couple of doors lead off the hallway, and at the end, a staircase sat draped in shadows. Bright oblongs on the walls revealed where pictures had once hung. Bruce located the light switch, but when he flicked it, nothing happened. “They mustn’t have turned the electricity on yet.”

“Great. We haven’t just moved to a village at the edge of the universe, but we’ve also gone back in time to the Stone Age.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“Nothing ever is with you.”

Ignoring the sarcasm in his son’s voice, Bruce walked towards the first door when he heard a sharp bang that froze him in his tracks. The sound originated from the room to his right. He remembered the unlocked door. There was nothing worth stealing in the house, but what if some kids had broken in? His heart started beating faster.

“Who’s there?” he shouted. Receiving no reply, he grabbed the door handle and braced himself.

“What was it, dad?”

Bruce held his hand up to indicate silence. Another bang reverberated from the room.

He imagined it might only be a bird or another animal that had taken up residence in the house, anything rather than thinking there was an intruder. He took a deep breath, exhaled and opened the door.

The room was empty. Bruce sighed with relief. He needed a drink. The bang rang out again, making him jump, and he looked across to see an unfastened window.

“It was just the window banging.”

Watermarks and bits of underlay marred the bare floorboards. Someone had daubed black doodles on the blue painted walls. Upon closer inspection, the doodles became grotesque faces with elongated teeth. Bruce shivered. The sooner he started decorating, the better.

Bruce stepped into the room and a floorboard creaked underfoot. He had a sudden recollection of the film The Money Pit, and wondered whether he had bought a similar white elephant.

He turned to walk back out, when a figure stepped out from behind the door and grabbed his wrist.

Bruce’s heart almost stopped. His eyes failed to adjust in time to identify his attacker, leaving the figure a blur of orange and green.

He gagged, raised his free arm to defend himself.

“So you’re the one,” a woman’s harsh voice said.

“Who the hell’s that?” Jack shouted as he ran into the room.

Bruce focused on his assailant. Saw a stick-thin, bitter faced woman aged anywhere between fifty and seventy. She was dressed in a pale orange dress, over which she wore a green cardigan that had seen better days. Two grey streaks marred her long black hair. Liver spots dotted the back of the clawed hand that gripped his wrist, the tendons standing proud as though steel rods had been inserted beneath her skin.

The woman’s piercing grey eyes made Bruce think of storm clouds. Her thin, pursed lips created a gash in the vitriolic mask of her face.

Bruce found his voice. “What the hell are you doing here?”

He grabbed her wrist and tried to prise her fingers off, but despite her age and frail appearance, the woman’s claws held tight.

“A nice catch,” she hissed.

“Get your stinking hands off my dad,” Jack screamed, his face reflecting his confusion.

The woman narrowed her eyes, snorted loudly, then released her grip. Bruce massaged his wrist where her fingers had stopped the flow of blood. “What are you doing in my house? Get the hell out,” he said, trying to sound calmer than he felt.

The woman laughed, then turned and hurried away through the door. Bruce watched her go. His pulse raced and he could feel the blood had drained from his face.

“Shit. Are you okay, dad?”

Bruce nodded without conviction. The woman had shaken him more than he liked to admit.

Seconds later, Shazam came clicking along the hallway with her tongue lolling. “Some good you were,” Bruce said.

Jack shook his head and reinserted his earphones. “Remember Tenerife.”
