Jane lounged on the sofa with Rhys, his head in her lap. She lazily stroked his hair, letting the silky strands slip through her fingers. They both watched the flames dance over the logs of the fire.

"Do you think we will ever see Christian again?" she asked suddenly. Sebastian had told them about Christian's reaction to his attack on Jane, and they all agreed that he'd been changed by it. That he'd somehow broken free of Lilah's wicked bonds.

She felt the small shake of Rhys's head against her legs. "I don't know. I hope so. Lilah controlled him for so long, and he did a lot of horrible things at her bidding. That's going to take time to deal with."

"Poor Christian."

Rhys lifted his head to look at her. "I can't believe you can forgive him so easily."

Jane shrugged. "He regretted what he did."

"Almost too late."

"He needs our help-if he'll ever allow it."

Rhys smiled up at her, amused affection lighting his amber eyes. "You may very well be the only Good Samaritan vampire in existence."

Jane stuck her tongue out at him. "And you are such an ogre yourself."

"I try."

Jane smiled. Rhys liked to pretend he was the same aloof, bitter vampire she'd first met, but in truth, he was honorable and good. And she liked to think, with some help from her, he was now happy and able to deal with the past.

Certainly, he laughed and teased more. She'd even caught him smiling occasionally for no apparent reason.

But she could hardly rib him about that, when she caught herself doing the very same thing. Life as a vampire wasn't nearly as unpleasant as movies and folklore had led the world to believe. Dr. Fowler's book was a much more accurate depiction of vampirism.

Her senses were keener, her thoughts clearer, and her ability to feel pleasure more powerful, although Rhys would likely take full credit for the last change.

Other than the blood thing, vampirism was really quite wonderful. And even the need for blood was less icky than she would have guessed. She and Rhys dined from blood banks. And while Sebastian found the idea disgusting, he did agree that it was better than the lowlifes Rhys used to feed on. Although, he did insist on calling their blood "gag in a bag."

Sebastian was a wanton biter.

Jane only had fangs for Rhys.

"What are you smiling about?" Rhys asked.

Jane's smile broadened. "I'm just thinking about how happy I am."


"Are you happy?"

He sat up and turned to face her, his eyes intense. "Janie, you've given me something I thought I'd lost forever. My soul." He picked up her hand and kissed the palm.

Jane sighed; she'd never tire of his touch.

He hooked an arm around her waist and lifted her onto his lap. She curled her arms around his neck, sinking into his unhurried kiss.

They'd given each other more than either of them ever expected to have, Jane realized. They'd given each other lives. Lives filled with love.

A cough sounded from the vicinity of the door, but neither broke their kiss. A cough rang out again, this time louder, and even though Jane realized they should stop, she was powerless under the mastery of Rhys's skillful lips.

"Hello?" Sebastian called.

Finally, they broke off the kiss and looked at him.

"I have some good news for you."

They both waited for Sebastian to continue. "You will be pleased to know the banns were finally called, and the vicar is here."

He stood back, and Dr. No, or whoever he was, strolled into the room.

Both Jane and Rhys gave the two men dubious looks.

"It turns out, David, who isn't really a doctor, does have the ability to marry you two," Sebastian informed them.

"Yep, all legal and everything. Got ordained over the Internet," David stated proudly. "Wanna get hitched?"

Jane and Rhys looked at each other and laughed. Sebastian joined in. Only David/Dr. No seemed confused by their mirth.

But later that night, after Jane and Rhys had made love, and he held her in his arms, he slipped a small gold band on her finger.

"My mother's ring," she said, surprised.

He nodded. "I found them back in the alley."

He held out her father's ring to her.

She took it and slipped the large band onto his finger.

"To R- Yours forever. J.," she said, reciting the inscription on the ring. The initials that stood for her father, Robert, and her mother, Julia. But that now stood for Rhys and Jane.

"Forever," Rhys agreed, and kissed her.
