Chapter Five

Abrah didn’t want to think about Audrey mentioning the tapestry and the implications surrounding it, but he was not one to back away from the truth, no matter how distasteful it was. His dream last night had been real, a precursor to her arrival.

If the legend of the tapestry stayed true, and there was no reason to believe otherwise, they had only three days to convince Audrey to stay with them. Then the tapestry would appear and she could go back home if she chose.

She would go back home. Abrah didn’t delude himself to think otherwise. Why would she want to stay in their world? The cold season did not exactly show Javara at its best. The frigid, rainy weather would most likely prevent them from taking her outside the keep. They weren’t rich men by any means. Oh, they kept themselves and their people fed and warm, but there weren’t funds for anything frivolous. Other tapestry brides had gone to much larger castles and keeps, ones with more wealth.

All they could offer Audrey was themselves, a roof over her head and a full belly. Not much for such a prize. She was so beautiful she could have any man she wanted. Why would she stay here?

But he would try. For Heroc’s sake.

And he was lying to himself. He desperately wanted her to stay. If he closed his eyes he could still picture her lying in the dirt, wet and cold and exhausted, struggling to crawl one more step. Such courage, such bravery was to be admired.

From his dream, he knew she was a beautiful woman, generous with her passion, holding nothing back. He wanted to know everything there was to know about her.

Deep in his soul, Audrey was quickly becoming an overwhelming need. A piece of him would leave with her when she returned to her home and he wasn’t sure he’d ever recover from the loss. He’d found her. They’d found her in the storm and brought her home and she belonged to them.

Time was already slipping away and the tapestry would soon be returning for her. Abrah knew she did not believe this was real, not yet at any rate, knew he should not take advantage of her confused state. But he knew he would. There simply was not enough time to waste.

He gave in to his growing frustration and sexual hunger and kissed her. Not the gentle touch he’d given her earlier. No, this was a kiss of claiming. He was the conqueror and she was his prize.

He tasted her sweet lips before slipping his tongue inside the warm cavern of her mouth. He groaned when her tongue touched his, tentatively at first and then bolder. Her hand slipped up his chest, then his neck, chaining him to her. He could have told her there was nothing that could make him leave her, but that would have meant breaking the kiss, which he wasn’t ready to do. Not yet.

He ran his fingers over her delicate features, learning them, committing them to memory. Already her face was so very familiar to him—her soft skin, perfect nose and full lips. Her thick hair was drying into thick, silky curls. He twined one around his finger, loving the way the fine hair wrapped around it, clinging to his skin.

He wanted everything from her. He wanted to hear her scream his name as she came, to feel her cunt clasp his cock in her hot, wet heat, to have her beg him to take her.

Determination flooded him. He was a fighter and he’d fought many battles in his lifetime. He’d won many and lost some, but he’d never been a quitter. He had three days and he planned to make the most of them. Even if she left, he would know he had done everything in his power to make her stay. He would also have enough memories to last him a lifetime.

He broke the kiss and glanced at Heroc. His brother was busy sucking and licking Audrey’s breasts. He knew his brother well and knew their thoughts would be similar. Only Heroc would have more hope than him. Such was his brother’s nature.

Maybe between the two of them there was a chance she might stay. Slim, yes, but it existed.

Audrey was breathless when Abrah ended his passionate kiss. She’d been kissed many times before in her life, but never anything like this. This was the kind of kiss you read about in romance novels, filled with unspoken emotion and unrequited passion.

There was so much to consider, but thought was impossible with Heroc licking her distended nipple. He captured the nub between his teeth and gently tugged. Heat flooded her pussy and she arched her pelvis, wanting more.

She didn’t know herself, not here, not now. Yes, she’d enjoyed sex over the years within the confines of her committed relationships, but this was something far out of the realm of her experience. This was passion at its deepest and most profound. She was filled with longings she didn’t even know she had. She wanted to be taken by them, swept away on a wave of desire until nothing else mattered.

The staid businesswoman, the workaholic, the lonely woman didn’t exist in this dream. There was only Audrey the woman and the men she wanted.

A low growl from her other side startled her. Abrah was watching her from beneath a heavy-lidded gaze, his green eyes filled with heat and passion. She swallowed hard. Could she satisfy such a man?

Her ex-boyfriend had said more than once that she was cold in bed. Unresponsive. She preferred to think it was simply poor chemistry and his lack of patience but there was no denying she’d lost confidence in herself. There hadn’t been a man in her bed since.

But this wasn’t real. This was a dream. She could be whatever she wanted, do whatever she wanted. This was her fantasy and it would be perfect.

The thought gave her confidence enough to run her hands over Abrah’s wide chest. His abs were like steel, heavy muscles covered with taut skin. Oh my, he was the perfect male specimen. If she used him in an ad campaign he’d make the client a bundle. The thought made her smile.

Heroc tugged on her breast again as if to remind her he was there. As if she could forget. Like his brother, there wasn’t a spare ounce of fat on his body. She brushed his long hair away from his face and he released her breast and smiled at her, flashing his pearly white teeth. She could easily get lost in his smile. It was open and warm. He didn’t want anything from her other than pleasure. He wasn’t trying to use her business contacts or take her job.

“Touch me.”

She couldn’t ignore Heroc’s plea and ran her hand over his shoulders and chest. He had a light smattering of chest hair that tapered to a thin line that ran down his stomach and disappeared beneath the covers.

He was naked beneath the blankets. They all were.

Suddenly, Audrey wanted to see more. She kicked the blankets away, no longer cold. The struggle in the storm was quickly becoming a dim memory, wiped away by the presence of these two incredible men. If anything she was hot, brought on by the sexual passion simmering inside her and the closeness of the two brothers.

She almost swallowed her tongue when she got her first good look at Heroc. “Oh my.” She reached out tentatively and touched his cock. It twitched and she jerked her hand away.

He captured her hand and brought it back to his shaft. “Touch me. Please.” His voice was hoarse with need and she was powerless to resist. She rubbed her thumb over the wide, plum-shaped head, marveling at the soft texture. Liquid seeped from the small slit and she smoothed it over the tip. Heroc groaned, every muscle in his body tensing. A sense of power flooded her. This large, gorgeous, muscular man wanted her touch. The very idea made her pussy spasm.

Heroc bit the inside of his mouth to keep from coming. Audrey’s touch was soft and gentle, a featherlight brush of his cock head. He struggled to keep his body under his control when all he wanted to do was roll her on to her back and plunge his shaft deep into her hot cunt.

Instead, he forced himself to remain still as she examined him at her leisure. She ran her fingers up and down his hard length, tracing the pulsing veins that ran from base to tip.

He glanced over at Abrah, who was watching Audrey the same way a hawk watches his prey before lunging to capture it. There was no doubt in his mind his brother was as taken with Audrey as he was. Good. They would need the both of them working together to entice her to stay. Just because the tapestry had brought her here did not mean she was going to stay. History was filled with stories of potential tapestry brides who chose to return to their own time, leaving broken hearts and shattered dreams behind them.

Audrey slipped her hand lower and squeezed his sac. He groaned, unable to hold back. The pleasure was too intense. Her eyes flew to his and he lightly touched her face, stilled stunned by her beauty. “I cannot help myself. Having your fingers on my cock is pure pleasure and temptation.”

Abrah reached around her and cupped one of her breasts. Heroc thumbed Audrey’s pert nipple, which Abrah held up to him like some kind of offering. “Your breasts are firm and full, your nipples wonderfully responsive.”

Her face flushed and her eyes lowered. Heroc was touched by the shy gesture and nudged her face up until she was peering right at him. “There is no right or wrong in this bed. There is only pleasure. Everything we do here is right.” He did not want her to regret their time together.

She nodded and the corners of her mouth slowly lifted into a warm smile. It lit her face from within and he caught his breath as his heart skipped a beat.

Audrey licked her lips and his cock jerked as he watched her tongue circling around. He wondered how those lips and that incredible mouth would feel wrapped around his shaft. He shuddered and took hold of his desire with an iron grip. If he was not careful he would spill his seed before it was time.

“I want to touch you.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Both of you.” Heroc was delighted by her inquisitive nature, wanted her to become accustomed to their bodies. That would make it much easier for her to accept them both when they claimed her.

He rolled onto his back and stacked his hands behind his head, feigning a nonchalance he did not feel. “I am all yours. Touch me however you want.”

Abrah followed suit, lying back so they were both flat on the mattress. Audrey rolled to her knees. The firelight glistened against her pale flesh, casting her in a play of shadows and light. Her hair was almost dry and fell to just past her shoulders in a profusion of brown curls. He wanted to bury his face in the stuff and simply inhale her sweet scent.

Her body was slender but her hips still curved outward. Her torso was too thin, her ribs almost visible. Heroc did not like to think of Audrey being ill. She sat back on her heels and rested her hands on her thighs and simply stared at them, first him and then Abrah. His cock flexed and he knew his brother must be having as difficult a time as he was maintaining control.

Her breasts swayed as she bent forward and gripped his cock in her hand. The light shone on her enough to illuminate dark smudges on her torso, arms and legs. Bruises.

What was he doing? She’d been hurt. She needed to be taken care of.

Heroc wrapped his hand around her wrist. It was so slender his fingers were loose around her fragile bones. “You should be resting.” It killed him to say it but it was a matter of honor. She had to know he would put her first, above all his needs.

Her fingers tightened and then released him. “You don’t want me.”

He could hear the thread of hurt in her voice and knew his good intentions were undone. “I want you more than you will ever know. More than I want my next breath. But I do not want to hurt you or have you hurt yourself. You are still weak and chilled from the storm.”

Audrey momentarily lost her ability to speak. Heroc was flat on his back with the largest hard-on she’d ever seen in her life and he was worried about her. She knew for certain she was dreaming because no flesh-and-blood man she’d ever met would have turned away from an offer of sex.

“I feel fine and I’m not the least bit cold.” Well, half of that statement was truth. She certainly wasn’t feeling the chill any longer. She was hot, perspiration dotting her skin. She ached in places and knew she’d feel her bruises in the morning, but they weren’t bothering her enough to make her stop. Even her headache was manageable. She didn’t want this dream to end, not without touching them and having them touch her in return.

She glanced at Abrah. She was already learning he was the quieter of the two, the more stoic and intense. He was watching her, his hands opening and closing into fists at his sides. He looked ready to pounce on her any second, but deep inside she knew he would accede to her wishes.

Her breasts ached to be touched. Her pussy swelled and dampened. It had been so long since she’d felt the heavy thrust of a cock between her thighs.

She placed her hand on Abrah’s leg and ran her fingers over his thick, muscular thigh. Her nails lightly scored his skin and his muscles tensed. He growled low and deep in his chest. Quick as a snake, he struck, his hand grabbed hers and he dragged it to his cock. “Touch me.” It was a command, not a request. Audrey licked her dry lips and slowly closed her fingers around him. He threw back his head, the tendons in his neck cording. “Yes,” he groaned. “Harder.”

She stroked her hand up and down his hard length. He was slightly longer than his brother, but Heroc’s erection was slightly thicker. Both were impressive.

Heroc shifted on the mattress and she glanced his way. He was watching her touch his brother. He had his hand fisted around his shaft, pumping up and down, keeping pace with her strokes.

“I don’t know what to do.” And she didn’t. She’d never been in this kind of situation before. “I don’t want to neglect either one of you.”

Abrah’s cock continued to jump and pulse in her hand but he went still beside her. “You can take us both in your hands or you can let us take you one at a time or you can use your very sexy mouth to pleasure us.” Her entire body quivered at his very blatant suggestions. It was all too easy to picture her doing all three.

“Or you can let us pleasure you,” Heroc added.

It had been a very long time since she’d done anything like this, but Audrey didn’t give herself time to think, she lowered her head and licked Heroc’s cock from base to tip, swirling her tongue around the tip. He groaned and thrust his pelvis upward. Her hand was still closed around Abrah’s shaft and it jerked and swelled against her palm.

This wasn’t going to work. She sat back and released both of them.

Abrah surged to his knees, yanked her to him and kissed her. Her breasts were plastered against his chest, his rigid, hot erection pressed against her belly. She whimpered but the sound was lost as he continued to eat at her mouth with his lips, to plunge his tongue inward, tasting her, consuming her.

Heroc moved in behind her, kneeling between her legs. He widened his stance, pushing her legs apart. His chest covered her back and his cock pulsed against her lower back. He cupped her ass in his hands and squeezed before dipping lower and finding her pussy with his clever fingers.

“You are hot and wet for us.” He brushed her hair aside and nibbled at her nape. Shivers raced down her spine. “Feel her, Abrah. Her pussy is juicy and ripe.”

Audrey was shocked she didn’t expire on the spot. She’d never heard such earthy words spoken aloud in her life. She’d read them in books but this was something totally different.

Abrah continued to kiss her, his tongue thrusting in and out of her mouth, mimicking the act of sexual intercourse. But his fingers slid down her torso and between her thighs.

Two sets of male fingers explored and stroked her swollen pussy, grazing her sensitive clit. Audrey cried out as a wide finger plunged into her core. She had no idea which of them it was and it didn’t matter. She whimpered and squirmed, wanting more.

“I think she likes that.” Heroc nipped her shoulder and kissed a path to her ear, capturing the tender lobe between his teeth. “Do you want more?”

She nodded and tore her mouth from Abrah’s. She was gasping for air, her lungs working hard as she struggled to breathe. “Yes. Don’t stop.” They couldn’t stop. Not when she was so close to coming.

Heroc slipped his hands around her and cupped her breasts. It was only then she knew it was Abrah’s finger inside her. He added a second and widened them, stretching her tender sheath. His thumb teased her aching clit with each stroke.

She’d never experienced anything like this before. Her body ached for these men, needed them in a way she didn’t understand. Hard cocks pulsed against her back and belly. She wanted them to come. But was she ready to take both of them? It might only be a dream but this was still way outside her comfort zone.

Then it no longer mattered. Everything inside her clenched and released. Her body shook and spasmed as her climax hit her. She cried out and let go, trusting them to catch her as she fell. Inner muscles tightened around thick male fingers. Heroc rolled her nipples between this thumbs and forefingers, sending a lightning bolt of desire from her breasts to her core and back again.

Her orgasm seemed to go on forever, yet it wasn’t nearly long enough and was over way too soon. Audrey collapsed and strong arms caught her. Abrah withdrew his fingers from her and Heroc gently caressed her breasts. Once again, she felt as though she were floating on a cloud. Nothing else existed but pleasure and this moment. There was no job, no responsibilities and no ill health.

Something nudged her belly, a very tangible reminder that she was the only one who’d found sexual satisfaction. She reached for Abrah’s straining cock, but he caught her hand. “This night was about you and your pleasure. If you still feel the same way in the morning I will more than welcome your attention.”

Audrey didn’t understand these men who haunted her dreams. Behind her, Heroc nuzzled her neck. “You should rest now.”

She didn’t argue when strong arms lowered her to the bed. Her earlier exhaustion was back with a vengeance. She was so tired she was almost sick with it. Her eyelids were heavy so she let them fall shut. The covers rustled and two large male bodies stretched out on either side of her. Heavy blankets were piled over her and she sank into a deep sleep, a feeling of safety and well-being enveloping her.

Abrah glanced from the sleeping form beside him to his brother and sighed. “It is going to be a very long night.”

“Do you think we did the right thing or should we have taken her?” There was worry in Heroc’s voice. Abrah wasn’t certain if they’d done the right thing or not, but it was the only thing they could have done.

“I do not know. She still believes this is a dream. The storm and cold stripped her energy and reason. I did not want to take advantage of her, did not want her to wake in the morning and feel shame or regret.”

Heroc nodded. “You are probably right. But that does not help me at the moment.”

His brother’s wry reply made Abrah chuckle. “You can always take matters into your own hand if you need to.”

“I think I’ll take my chances in the morning.” Heroc grinned and then closed his eyes, wrapped his arm around Audrey and drifted off to sleep.

Abrah stared at the ceiling for a very long time, wondering if the gods had blessed them or cursed them. By the time the fire died down, he still had no answer so he closed his eyes and welcomed sleep.
