Kelsey stared up. Up at the raging fire.

And gasped.

Madame Valda soared up from the center of the flames.

Her fiery body rose high above Kelsey. She loomed over them. Laughing madly.

“Again I face the Fool,” she cackled.

Daggers of fire flew from her lips.

“What do we do?” Kelsey cried out to Gregor.

“I… I… don’t know,” he stammered, his eyes fixed on the evil gypsy woman.

“What do you mean, you don’t know?” Kelsey screamed.

“He doesn’t know because he is a fake!” Madame Valda bellowed. “How can you believe in this gypsy clown – and not believe in Madame Valda!”

Kelsey whirled to face Gregor. He inched back again – farther and farther from the old woman.

“He is no gypsy!” Madame Valda roared. “He has no powers! There is nothing in his stupid, little magic book to help you.”

Then Madame Valda pointed her finger at Kelsey. “Fool!” she cried.

A firebolt shot out from her fingertip – and the gypsies began to scatter.

“They are frauds,” Madame Valda spat. “All of them. There is not one true gypsy among them.”

As she spoke, she turned her hands upward. Pillars of black smoke burst from her palms.

“I’m out of here!” Zandra screamed and took off down the beach.

Madame Valda cackled at the sight.

“Come on, Kelsey.” Drew grabbed Kelsey’s arm. “Let’s go!”

“I can’t,” Kelsey groaned. “If I don’t face her now, I’ll be under this curse forever.”

Madame Valda laughed her evil laugh. “You are going to pay for angering Madame Valda yet again.” Her eyes burned right through Kelsey. “Not only does this Fool insult me once, she enlists the help of more fools to insult me again!”

Kelsey spun around to face the other gypsies. But no one remained. They had abandoned her – left her alone to fight the hideous witch.

“Did you really think you could get rid of my curse so easily?” Madame Valda crooned. “Well, think again! You will never get rid of it! Never!”

Madame Valda’s laughter echoed through the night. Her hot red eyes bore into Kelsey.

“Kelsey!” Drew shouted. “Throw the card into the fire!”

“Go ahead, Fool,” Madame Valda taunted. “Try to burn it! Try!”

“Stop calling me Fool!” Kelsey cried. Then she inched forward, her eyes glued to the ugly gypsy.

“Come, Kelsey.” Madame Valda beckoned with a fiery finger. “Come closer to the flame!”

Kelsey stepped forward – and Madame Valda hurled a fireball at her feet.

Kelsey leaped away and fell.

“Come, Kelsey.” Madame Valda laughed. “You can do it!”

“Kelsey!” Drew screamed. “Are you okay?”

Kelsey nodded, jumping to her feet.

“I have to try again!”

Kelsey glanced up at Madame Valda. The evil gypsy’s eyes were closed!

“Throw it!” Drew screamed. “Throw it now!”

She must be tired, Kelsey thought.

“Now!” Drew screamed.

Kelsey swung her arm and hurled the card into the fire.

“Yes!” Drew’s shouts echoed as Kelsey watched the card sail straight for the flames.

And then she felt it.

A strong wind against her face.

“Nooooo!” she shrieked as the card flew from the fire.

It rode the burst of hot air Madame Valda released from her chest.

Kelsey gaped in horror as her only hope blew away.
