Appendix: Races Referred to in Exiles at the Well of Souls

N=Nontechnological hex. S=semitechnological hex. H=high-tech hex. A parenthesis (for example, (N)) denotes a water hex. The addition of an M to the hex designation (i.e. SM) means it has what would be regarded as magical capabilities by those who don’t have them. Uchjin, the only hex in the North, has an atmosphere that’s mostly helium and other useless stuff.

AGITAR H Diurnal Males satyrlike; females reverse animalism of males but are smarter. Males can store and control electric charges.

ALESTOL N Diurnal Moving, barrel-shaped plants that are carnivores and shoot a variety of noxious gasses.

AMBREZA H Diurnal Resemble giant beavers. Used to be N until they beat the Glathriel in a war and swapped hexes with them.

BOIDOL NM Diurnal Giant sphinxlike creatures. Look fierce but are peaceful herbivores.

CEBU S Diurnal Resemble pterodactyls with prehensile apelike feet.

CZILL H Diurnal Asexual plants who duplicate; mobile by day, root at night. Pacifistic scholars with a huge computer center.

DASHEEN N Diurnal Basically minotaurs. Females are much larger and dumber than the males, but males need their lactose/calcium to live.

DILLIA S Diurnal True classic centaurs. Peaceful folk who hunt, trap, farm. Can eat anything organic but are basically vegetarian.

DJUKASIS S Diurnal Giant beelike colonies where citizens are bred physically and mentally for their jobs.

GALIDON (N) Giant, tentacled manta rays who are bad-tempered carnivores.

GEDEMONDAS N Diurnal Large, thin, hairy Apelike creatures with round feet and doglike snouts.

GLATHRIEL N Diurnal The ancestors of humanity; very primitive since the Ambreza gassed them back into the Stone Age and swapped hexes.

JIIHU (H) Large clamlike creatures with lots of tentacles, but they rarely move once full grown.

KLUSID N Diurnal Thin, delicate birdlike creatures in a land of great beauty. Atmosphere is much too high on the ultraviolet for most others.

KROMM (S) Diurnal Huge flowers that spin across their shallow swamp.

LAMOTIEN H Diurnal Small lumpy creatures who can imitate anything, even by combining to build bigger imitations, but can not change their mass.

LATA H Nocturnal Very small humanoid hermaphroditic pixies who can fly and have nasty stingers. Can also glow by secreting chemicals in the skin.

MAKIEM N Diurnal Large reptiles resembling giant toads who need some water daily though land-dwellers. Cold-blooded and have sex only ten days a year during one period.

NODI N Nocturnal Resemble giant mushrooms; thousands of tendrils drop from their “caps” when needed.

OLBORN SM Diurnal Resemble huge, bipedal pussycats with the ability to create their own beasts of burden.

PALIM H Diurnal Resemble great hairy mammoths with remarkably prehensile trunk with fingers all around.

PORIGOL (HM) Dolphinlike mammals who can stun or kill with sound.

QASADA H Diurnal Large ratlike creatures with long tails, whiskers, and hivelike communities.

SHAMOZAN H Diurnal These huge, hairy tarantulas like alcohol, melodic music, and games of skill.

TELIAGIN N Diurnal Great cyclopses; carnivores who raise their own sheep to eat and are bull-headed but not dumb.

TULIGA (S) Giant, rather repulsive sea slugs, neither nice nor communicative.

UCHJIN N Nocturnal Look like giant paint smears flowing down glass.

ULIK H Diurnal Great six-armed snake-men that live in a desert hex at the Equatorial Barrier.

XODA NM Diurnal Resemble four meters of praying mantis, and have a hypnotic way of inviting you to dinner.

YAXA S Diurnal Females who eat their husbands after sex. Look like giant orange-and-brown butterflies with hard shiny black bodies, eight prehensile tentacles, and a death’s head for a face. Visual system is quite different from Southern norm.

ZHONZORP H Diurnal Large, bipedal relatives of the crocodile given to dressing up like grand opera, capes and all, but are solid technicians.
