“Succeeds both as a purely visceral, exciting story and as a meditation on the place of humanity in the universe...There is a kind of passionate wonder on display here that makes Faith exhilarating to read, a novel that demands and rewards the reader’s attention from the first sentence to the last.”
—Katherine Farmar, Strange Horizons
“A science fiction debut of the highest order. It has fascinating, well- rounded characters who will remain with you for a long time. [...] A novel I maybe would have expected from the mind of Iain M. Banks— and if that isn’t a compliment for an SF debut, I don’t know what is...I’m already sure this novel will end up on my list of 2012 favourites.”
—Stefan Raets, Tor.com
“A huge widescreen premise...The perfect mix of space battles and politics.”
—Charlie Jane Anders, io9.com
“Sophisticated, inventive and beautifully written, Faith is a cut above the rest. John Love has made an excellent debut.”
—Allen Steele, author of Oceanspace and The Coyote Chronicles
“The beautiful, brutal bastard of Iain M Banks and Peter Watts—abso- lutely brilliant.”
—Sean Williams, author of The Resurrected Man and The Grand Conjunction
“Gripping and original.”
—David Moles, Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award-winning author
“Tremendous science fiction that blends literary traditions with space opera and all the various subgenres therein...John Love’s debut is on par with Dan Simmons’s Hyperion in its quest to pose questions and attempt to answer them.”
—Justin Landon, Staffers Book Review
A genius bit of writing, and an absolute home run for first-timer John Love.”