Author’s Notes – Paul C Middleton July 14, 2016

This journey started in late February. The 24th I think. I had just contacted Michael after reading book 4 of The Kutherian Gambit.

I was so disappointed that he’d taken the easy way out and gone with a Katana of all things as her sword.

I HATE how Katanas have taken over as sword of note in fiction. I call it the ‘Highlander effect’. There is a two thousand word rant on my blog explaining.

So I joined facebook to contact him (Yes I was one of the very few people in my age group without an account.) And to bitch about his choice of sword. We talked a bit further and I mentioned I was trying to write a book. So he asked me if I wanted to join the 20books group. I was either member five or six (there are now over 300 I think.)

Then I kept coming up with a Russian Werebear character. One that in no way fit for my story. I named him Boris and eventually (three or four books of Michael’s later) saw that he was a good fit for Michael’s universe. So I wrote up a three thousand word Character concept/history and sent it to him.

That is where this book and the ones to follow came from.

That’s not to say that there haven’t been a few bumps along the way. But I think Both Michael and I have learnt that the best communication involves at least voice chat. It is so much easier to make sure there is no misinterpretation if you speak rather than type (Little advice for ANYONE who wants to write a collaboration! Speak! Typing only conveys so much!)

I’ve learnt a lot writing in someone else’s universe. And I have nothing but Thanks to Michael for giving me this opportunity. I hope you all enjoyed it. Now… if I can only convince him to come up with a character in MY universe some time


I also have to thank My Beta Team for this project. Bree Buras, Dorene Johnson, Diane Velasquez and Kat Lind.

A thanks to both Nikolaus Beattie and Jeff Morris for helping me work out military details I was unsure of. (One is Australian Army, One US Army. Had some differing opinions, but between them they gave me the info for realism I needed to get stuff right for the book.)

You can reach me at any of these places. I do my best to respond quickly but I do live in Australia – Time zone issues and all that.


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