The Crow took the small mesh bag and flew west. He had not been the first courier; he wouldn’t be the last. When he was ready to return home, there would be another Crow waiting and ready to take the mesh bag on the next stage of its journey.
It took a few days, but eventually the mesh bag was delivered to Jenni Crowgard, as promised. She took it and flew off to a private spot in the Lakeside Courtyard, then invited Starr and Jake to join her.
With deft moves, she opened the bag with her beak and plucked out the prize. It wasn’t as fresh as when the Feather Lakes Crowgard had taken it for her—with the Elders’ permission—but that didn’t matter.
The three of them tore at the soft tissue and, with a vengeful glee, ate one of Cyrus Montgomery’s eyes.