A Morris Minor is a British car that non-Brits might be familiar with either through the video clip for Madness’ song ‘Driving in my car’, or through the TV series Lovejoy. In that series, Lovejoy’s car ‘Miriam’ is a Morris Minor. For the rest of you, here’s a description:

Imagine a curvaceous jelly-mould in the shape of a crouching rabbit, like Granny used to use. Turn it open-side-down and fit four wheels, near the corners. On the rabbit’s back build a cabin, with picture windows and a windscreen in two parts at an angle to each other. Add turn indicators consisting of little arms which flip out of the body at roof level, just behind the doors. Furnish the cabin in a post-War austerity style, and power the result with a 1935 vintage 850cc straight four engine pulling about 30bhp. In its day, in 1948, this was the height of desirability — so much so that for its first few years it was only available for export.

Even in the Nineties, a fair number of Moggies are still going, er, strong. You can actually pay a couple of thousand pounds for a good one which works, because they’re so easy to maintain. And the split-screen ones are very definitely collectors’ items.
