With sincere thanks to:

Ron, my wonderful husband.

Karen McKenzie, my best friend and writing soul sister.

Charmaine and Doug Goodman, my ever supportive parents.

My fabulous agents Fran Bryson, Jill Grinberg and Antony Harwood and their associates.

The lovely Simon Taylor and the excellent team at Transworld UK. Larry Rostant for the beautiful cover illustration, Claire Ward for the brilliant design and Sakiko Takada for the elegant Kanji.

Lisa Berryman, Nicola O'Shea and Anne Reilly for their editorial expertise.

Simon Higgins for teaching me how to handle a sword, checking my battle scenes, and his unstinting support and friendship.

My writing group, who generously read and commented: Karen, Judy, Carrie, Jane and Paul.

Pam Horsey for her friendship, staunch support, not to mention her excellent taste in jewellery.

Caz Brown for her stylish website design.

And, of course, Xanderpup and Spikeyboy
