Freezing cold air blew from all sides. Normally there would be a cold-based damage-over-time field effect here, but with that deactivated, it was just very cold. Still, the Death Knight would have been fine even if the field effect had not been shut down.
This was because most undead were immune to cold, but weak to fire. Because of that, no matter how cold the temperature got, the undead would not be affected, and since they ignored all metabolism-related status effects, they could function perfectly well in high-temperature areas, although they would take extra damage from fire-elemental attacks.
By the way, Death Knights were completely immune to cold, yet not weak to fire.
The only thing slowing his footsteps was the snow.
Wearing full plate armor would slow him down, and it caused his entire leg to sink deeply into the snow. If he was not undead, he would have succumbed to fatigue long ago.
After some time, the Death Knight finally found the large snow globe where Cocytus lived.
Six crystalline icicles rose from the ground around the snow globe.
The Death Knight continued advancing, and suddenly Cocytus’ body appeared at the snow globe’s entrance.
Their eyes met.
“A. Guest…? Were. You. The. One. Who. Activated. The. Gate? I. Received. A. Report. That. An. Undead. Creature. Of. Nazarick. Was. Passing. Through. But. You. Do. Not. Look. Familiar.”
Once the Death Knight said he was summoned by Ainz, Cocytus’ insectile face took on a look of surprise. No, the clacking of his huge lower mandibles was a sign of shock. That was probably a more accurate answer.
“Ohhhh! I. I. Have. Not. Shown. The. Proper. Respect. To. Think. You. Were. Ainz-sama’s. Messenger!”
The Death Knight motioned to stop Cocytus from kneeling, and told him about the events from Shalltear’s room.
However, it would be difficult to let the other party understand that he was an inferior, so he decided to start by having them address each other as equals first.
“I see. So. You. Were. At. Shalltear’s. Place. As. Well… I. Understand. Then. Let. Us. Proceed.”
Was it because of his nature as a warrior? Or because he was a man? Either way, he seemed to accept it much faster than Shalltear.
“This is. Not. A. Place. To. Entertain. Guests. Especially. Ainz-sama’s. Messenger. If. You. Don’t Mind. Would. You. Like. To. Come. Into. My. Home?”
The Death Knight’s body was unaffected by fatigue, so standing here would have been fine. However, he had no reason to refuse the offer. Also, like Cocytus said, the respect he was showing was not simply because of his master. Refusing the invitation would reflect badly on both of them.
He followed Cocytus into the big snow globe.
The walls, ceiling and furniture seemed to be made out of ice. This was probably an artistic decision. Aside from that, it wasn’t much different from a regular home.
However, it was big. It was big enough that Cocytus could swing his swords without a problem anywhere in the interior. It was probably designed with indoor fighting in mind.
They came to what looked like a conference room.
The Death Knight refused the offer of beverages. They had already been prepared for him on Shalltear’s side, but he felt bad about making people prepare them specially for him.
“Forgive. Me. For. Rushing. You. But. Can. You. Let. Me. Hear. The. Questions? “
Cocytus spoke from his place opposite the Death Knight at the table.
“Ainz-sama. Did Not. Use ‘Message’. But. Sent. An. Undead. Messenger. This. Must be. Very. Important. What is. The matter?”
The Death Knight understood that his master wanted him to open with “Sorry, this isn’t important”, but he also understood that to the Guardians, everything concerning Ainz-sama was an important matter. Still, he knew that that was not what his master wanted.
“What. Do you. Mean. By ‘Isn’t. Important.’ Ainz-sama. Is. The. One. Who. Gathered. The. Supreme Beings. Who. Made. This. Land. And. Everything. On. It. What. Could. Be. More. Important. Than. His. Words? There. Must. Be. A. Limit. To. Modesty. Even. For. You.”
Cocytus’ words resonated strongly with the Death Knight, and he nodded deeply in agreement.
The two of them exchanged glances again. Their eyes met for a moment — a vanishingly short time— but that was enough. The communication they exchanged through their souls did not need such crude things as words.
The two rose from their seats, and reflexively extended their hands, shaking them rightly.
As warriors who believed strongly in loyalty, honesty and earnest service, they saw kindred spirits in each other.
“—Pleased. To. Meet. You.”
The Death Knight roared softly in agreement.
Reluctantly, each unwilling to be the first one to release their grip, the two sat back down.
“Then. We. Should. Move on. To. The. Main. Topic. What. Did. Ainz-sama. Say?”
The Death Knight asked Cocytus about his interpersonal relationships; about the people he was closest to and least close to.
Cocytus blinked — an impressive feat considering he had compound eyes.
“Closest. To. And. Least. Close. To… A. Difficult. Question.”
Cocytus folded two of his four arms.
“By. Close. Do you. Mean. The. Ones. I am. Friendliest. With? Or. Something. Else.”
The Death Knight indicated that it was the former. As Cocytus fell into thought, he roared.
“If. I knew. Ainz-sama’s. True. Intentions. I. Could. Give. A. Better. Answer. If. You. Mean. The. Floor Guardians. I am. On. Good. Terms. With. That. Would be. Demiurge. If. That. Includes. All. The. Guardians. That. Would. Also. Include. Kyouhukou. And. I. Also. Maintain. Ties. With. Grant. And. Gashokukochuuo.”
The Death Knight nodded in understanding, and waited for the next answer.
Cocytus thought for a while, and then shook his head.
“When. I think. About. It. There is. Nobody. Among. The. Creations. Of. The. Supreme Beings. Whom I. Do not. Get along. With. However. For. The. Most. Part I. Only. Speak. With them. And. I. Have not. Met them. Face. To. Face. Like. I. Have. With. The. Area. Guardians. With. Ainz-sama’s. Permission. I would. Like to. Make. Time. To. Visit them. And. Deepen. Our. Friendship.”
The Death Knight promised that he would pass that message along. Considering their earlier encounter, there was a high chance he would meet his master outside, as he left the snow globe. He might be able to fulfil his promise to Cocytus sooner than expected.
“Also. Although. This. Is not. Related. To the. Topic. I. Would. Like. To. Request. A. Chance. To. Spar. With. Sebas. And. Albedo. Live. Combat. Practice — Especially. With. Strong. Fighters — Will. Surely. Be. A. Boon. To. Ainz-sama.”
This sounded just like a suggestion one would expect of an artist dedicated to perfecting his craft. The Death Knight could understand where Cocytus was coming from and would relay his wishes to his master.
Next, the Death Knight asked his question. “What do you want… besides Ainz-sama.”
Cocytus seemed to grin at the addition.
“…I. See. Someone. Asked. For. That. It. Must. Have been. Albedo. Or. Shalltear.”
In order to protect Shalltear’s reputation, the deathknight held his peace.
“Although. I Do not. Know. Which. Of. Them. Said. It. If. That. Sort. Of. Answer. Is. Allowed. Then. I. Shall. Respond. In. Kind. I. Want. An. Heir. For. Ainz-sama.”
Cocytus raised a hand to halt the Death Knight, indicating he wished to continue.
“I. Know. This. Is. A. Disrespectful. Request. Of. Ainz-sama. However. I. Feel. We. Need. An. Heir. For. The. Continued. Ruling. Of. Nazarick. Without. An. Heir. I. Cannot. Feel. Secure. For. The. Future. As. Long. As. It. Is. An. Order. We. Guardians. Will. Obey. Even. If. The. Giver. Is. A. Successor. From. The. Outside. However. Without. The. Bloodline. Of. Our. Lord. We. Will. Clash. Emotionally. And. Ideologically. But. If. Ainz-sama. Has. An. Heir. We. Guardians. Will. Gladly. Serve. Him.”
The Death Knight could not say anything to Cocytus, who was standing with his chest puffed up. This was a feeling that he, who was created to obey his maker, could not understand.
“Ahh… An. Heir… My. Blood. Is. Boiling…”
Cocytus seemed to be thinking about something strange.
Eventually, he nodded in satisfaction.
“…Ainz-sama’s. Heir. Will. Surely. Be. An. Outstanding. Magic. Caster. That. Being. The. Case. I. Will. Have. No. Chance. To. Teach. Him. Swordsmanship. As. Expected. His. Mother. Should. Be. A. Warrior. …No. That. Is. Wrong. Because. He. Is. A. Magic. Caster. He. Will. Need. A. Skilled. Warrior. To. Guard. His. Body. Therefore. I. Will. Take. Charge. Of. That. Task. I. Will. Teach. Him. How. To. Deal. With. Melee. Attackers. — No. With. Me. Around. Nobody. Will. Be. Able. To. Get. Close. Enough. To. Threaten. Him.”
Cocytus’s compound eyes seemed to be watching a beautiful vista that only he could see.
“Ohhh… That. Is. Correct. I. Am. Very. Strong. I. Will. Not. Let. Weak. Enemies. Like. That. Near. The. Young. Master. Hmph. Come. If. You. Are. Not. Afraid. Of. Death.!”
Cocytus’ vast arms were moving as he slaughtered phantom enemies in their droves.
He only came back to his senses when the Death Knight thanked him for his time.
“…Cough! Ahem. Then… I. Believe. This. Is. Important. Please. Inform. Ainz-sama. About. The. Matter. Of. The. Succession.”
♦ ♦ ♦
As the Death Knight left the snow globe and entered a world of driving snow, his master’s words echoed in his mind, as he had expected.
The Death Knight lengthened his strides in compliance with the order. No, because there was a long distance between his current location and the indicated location, he would need to move fast in order to avoid wasting Ainz’s time. With a mighty roar, the Death Knight broke into a sprint. He churned the snow aside as he ran, heading toward his master as fast as he could.
Just as he reached the assigned spot and began looking around, a shape of jet-black corrupted the pure white world. Or rather, because the Death Knight was also a black-colored figure, it might be better to say that the blackness of the world intensified.
“Sorry for making you rush, and try not to make so much noise, it attracts attention.”
Upon hearing his master’s first words, the Death Knight hurriedly shut his mouth.
“Cocytus’s quarters are surrounded by subordinates called Frost Virgins, and they have the ability to see through invisibility, so I couldn’t wait there. Ahhh, that was really risky. All right, let me hear your report, then.”
The Death Knight began explaining, and Ainz nodded his head magnanimously as he listened.
“I see. Well, I see the similarities between Cocytus and Demiurge, and how they might get along. As for why Entoma was not included… it’s probably because Sebas’ maids do not work in the same place as him. Although, Grant, Kyouhukou and Gashokukochuuo are on different floors as well… well, no point worrying too much about it.”
After acknowledging that his master understood, the Death Knight continued by speaking about the somewhat unrelated request. Ainz nodded in approval several times as he listened.
“Even among the Guardians of Nazarick, those three can be considered the top among the warrior classes. Cocytus has the advantage against Albedo, but not against Sebas. Sebas is strong against Cocytus, but not against Albedo. Albedo can probably win against Sebas, but not against Cocytus. And his request for training truly reflects Cocytus’ personality… Though, can we really become stronger? If they are strong because their data says they are, doesn’t that mean their limits are also decided by their data?”
His master fell into silence and looked at his hands. The Death Knight sensed that those words were not directed at him, so he kept quiet and remained still.
“These hands can carry, but not wield a greatsword. Does that not illustrate my point? If their limits are already decided, we must be more careful, because we do not know where the danger lies.”
The Death Knight did not know how to help with his master’s uneasiness, and remained silent for the time being. Of course, his master did not expect the Death Knight to say anything.
Ainz’s line of sight shifted, and rested on the Death Knight.
“If I could, I would like to get a naturally-spawned Death Knight from somewhere and train it with a summoned Death Knight, to see if there’s a difference in the outcome… Ah, do wild Death Knights even exist? If they did, I could investigate a lot of things, although… As I thought, gaining this information is vital. Ah, my apologies. Let’s get back on track. What about the next question?”
As the Death Knight mentioned the matter of Ainz’s child, confusion bloomed on his master’s face.
“…Eh? What was that?”
The Death Knight assumed he was being asked to repeat himself, so he did.
Ainz looked at his waist and tilted his head.
“How does he expect me to make a child? Birth one by magic? Maybe super-tier spells might be able to do it…”
The Death Knight watched as his master grabbed his head, unable to help him.
“No, that would be too much of a waste, so it’s out of the question. Children… Well, for now, there’s no need to worry about that. Although, he’s worried about there being nobody left…huh. Well, I certainly understand that feeling. I really do. If someone else had stayed behind… well, things would have been different.”
Those words were not directed at the Death Knight. He could see that his master was looking into the distance, into a different place, at a different time. Ainz shook his head, and looked back to the Death Knight.
“All right. In the future, ask them not to ask about anything related to me at all.”
The Death Knight nodded deeply, in acknowledgement.
“Then, next up will be the dark elf twins. Since there’s two of them, you may not have as much time as you need to ask them the questions, but I think it’ll be fine. I’ll leave it to you.”
As he watched his master leave with the power of the ring, the Death Knight roared, and began heading for the next floor.