Somewhere over Pryan

The flick of a wet, rough tongue and an insistent whining nudged Haplo to wakefulness. He sat up immediately, reflexively, his senses attuned to the world around him—though his mind still fought off the effects of whatever it was that had knocked him out.

He was in his ship, he recognized, lying in the captain’s berth—a mattress spread over a wooden bed frame built into the ship’s hull. The dog crouched on the bed near him, eyes bright, tongue lolling. Apparently, the animal had become bored and had decided that its master had been out long enough. They had made it, seemingly. They had, once again, passed through Death’s Gate.

The Patryn didn’t move. He slowed his breathing, listening, feeling. He sensed nothing wrong, unlike the last rime he’d come through Death’s Gate. The ship was on an even keel. He had no sensation of movement, but assumed it was flying because he had not made the alterations in the magic needed to land the craft. Certain runes on the inside of the hull were glowing, meaning they had activated. He studied them, saw that they were sigla having to do with air, pressure, and maintaining gravity. Odd-He wondered why.

Haplo relaxed, fondled the dog’s ears. Brilliant sunshine poured through the hatch above his bed. Turning over lazily, the Patryn stared curiously out a porthole into this new world he had entered.

He saw nothing except sky and, far distant, a circle of bright flame burning through the haze, the sun. At least the world had a sun—it had four, in fact. He remembered his lord’s questioning that particular point and wondered, briefly, why the Sartan hadn’t thought to include the suns on their charts. Perhaps because, as he had discovered, the Death’s Gate was located in the center of the solar cluster.

Haplo climbed out of bed and made his way to the bridge. The runes on the hull and wings would prevent his ship from crashing into anything, but it would be wise to make certain he was not hovering in front of a gigantic granite cliff. He wasn’t. The view from the bridge provided another vast expanse of wide-open sky as far as he could see—up, down, sideways.

Haplo crouched down on his haunches, absently scratching the dog’s head to keep the animal quiet. He had not reckoned on this and wasn’t certain what to do. In its own way, this slightly green-tinted blue, hazy emptiness was as frightening as the ferocious, perpetually raging storm into which he’d flown entering Arianus. The silence around him now echoed loudly as the booming thunder had then. Admittedly his ship wasn’t being tossed about like a toy in the hands of an obstreperous child, rain wasn’t lashing the hull—already damaged by his passage through Death’s Gate. Here the sky was cloudless, serene … and not a single object, except the blazing sun, in sight. The cloudless sky had a sort of mesmerizing effect on Haplo. He tore his gaze from it, and moved over to the steering stone on the bridge. He placed his hands on it, one on either side, and the action completed the circle—his right hand on the stone, the stone between his hands, his left hand on the stone, his left hand attached to his arm, arm to body, body to arm, and back to his right hand again. Aloud, he spoke the runes. The stone began to gleam blue beneath his hands, light welled up from underneath his fingers; he could see the red veins of his own life. The light grew brighter so that he could barely stand to look at it, and he squinted his eyes. Brighter still and suddenly beams of radiant blue shot out from the stone, extending out in all directions.

Haplo was forced to avert his gaze, half-turning his head against the brilliance. He had to keep looking at the stone, keep watching. When one of the navigational beams encountered solid mass—hopefully land—it would bounce back, return to his ship, and light another rune on the stone, turning it red. Haplo could then steer in that direction.

Confidently, expectantly, he waited.


Patience was one virtue the Patryns had learned in the Labyrinth, learned by having it beaten and twisted and bashed into them. Lose your temper, act impulsively, irrationally and the Labyrinth would claim you. If you were lucky, you died. If not, if you survived, you carried with you a lesson that would haunt the rest of your days. But you learned. Yes, you learned. Hands on the steering stone, Haplo waited.

The dog sat beside him, ears up, eyes alert, mouth open in an expectant grin. Time passed. The dog eased himself down on the floor, front feet extended, head up, still watching, its plumy tail brushing the floor. More time. The dog yawned. Its head sank beneath its paws; his eyes, on Haplo, became reproachful. Haplo waited, hands on the stone. The blue beams had long since ceased to shoot out. The only object he could see were the suns, gleaming like a superheated coin.

Haplo began to wonder if the ship was still flying. He couldn’t tell. Magically controlled, the cables didn’t creak, the wings didn’t move, the ship made no sound. Haplo had no point of reference, he couldn’t see clouds scudding past, he couldn’t see land drawing near or receding, there was no horizon.

The dog rolled over on its side and went to sleep.

The runes beneath his hands remained dark and lifeless. Haplo felt fear’s small sharp teeth start to gnaw at him. He told himself he was being foolish, there was absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

That’s just the point, something inside him answered. There’s nothing. Perhaps the stone was malfunctioning? The thought crossed Haplo’s mind, but he immediately banished it. Magic was never fallible. Those using it might be, but Haplo knew he had activated the beams correctly. He envisioned them in his mind, traveling with incredible speed into the void. Traveling, traveling, an immense distance. What did it mean, if the light didn’t come back?

Haplo pondered. A beam of light, shining in the darkness of a cave, lights your way a certain distance, then eventually grows dim and finally fades out completely. The beam is bright, concentrated around its source. But as it travels farther away from the source, it begins to break apart, diffuse. A shiver prickled Haplo’s skin, the hair on his arms rose. The dog sat up suddenly, teeth bared, a low growl rumbling in its throat. The blue beams were incredibly powerful. They would have to travel an immense distance before they weakened to the point where they could not return. Or perhaps they had encountered some sort of obstacle? Haplo slowly withdrew his hands from the stone.

He eased himself down beside the dog, soothing it with his hand. The animal, sensing his master’s trouble, gazed at him anxiously, tail thumping against the deck, asking what to do.

“I don’t know,” Haplo murmured, staring out into the dazzling, empty sky. For the first time in his life, he felt completely helpless. He’d waged a desperate battle for his life on Arianus and he hadn’t experienced the terror he was beginning to feel now. He’d faced countless enemies in the Labyrinth—foes many times his size and strength and sometimes intelligence—and he’d never succumbed to the panic starting to bubble up within him.

“This is nonsense!” he said aloud, leaping to his feet with a suddenness that unnerved the dog and caused it to scramble back, out of his way. Haplo ran through the ship, staring out every portal, peering through every crack and cranny, hoping desperately to see some sign of something—anything—except endless blue-green sky and those damn, brightly shining suns. He climbed up top, moved out onto the ship’s huge wings. The sensation of wind blowing against his face gave him his first impression that they were indeed moving through the air. Grasping onto the rail, he stared out over the ship’s hull, stared down, down, down into an endless blue-green void. And he wondered suddenly if he was looking down. Perhaps he was looking up. Perhaps he was flying upside down. He had no way to tell.

The dog stood at the foot of the ladder, gazing up at its master and whining. The animal was afraid to come topside. Haplo had a sudden vision of falling over the hull, falling and falling endlessly, and he didn’t blame the dog for not wanting to risk it. The Fatryn’s hands, gripping the rail, were wet with sweat. With an effort, he pried them loose and hurried back down below. Once on the bridge, he paced its length, back and forth, and cursed himself for a coward. “Damn!” he swore and slammed his fist hard into the solid wood bulkhead.

The runes tattooed on his skin protected him from damage, the Patryn didn’t even have the satisfaction of feeling pain. Furious, he was about to hit the hull again when a sharp, imperative bark halted him. The dog stood on its hind legs, pawing at him frantically, begging him to stop. Haplo saw himself reflected in the animal’s liquid eyes, saw a man frantic, on the verge of madness.

The horrors of the Labyrinth had not broken him. Why should this? Just because he had no idea where he was going, just because he couldn’t tell up from down, just because he had the horrible feeling he was going to drift endlessly through this empty blue-green sky … Stop it!

Haplo drew a deep, shivering breath and patted the dog on the flank.

“It’s all right, boy. I’m better now. It’s all right.” The dog, eyeing his master uneasily, fell back down on all fours.

“Control,” said Haplo. “I’ve got to get control of myself.” The word struck him. “Control. That’s what’s the matter with me. I’ve lost control. Even in the Labyrinth, I was in control. I was able to do something to affect my own fate. Fighting the chaodyns, I was outnumbered, defeated before I started, yet I had a chance to act. At the end, I chose to die. Then you came”—he stroked the dog’s head—“and I chose to live. But here, I’ve got no choice, it seems. There’s nothing I can do… .”

Or was there? Panic subsided, terror was banished. Cool, rational thought poured into the void left behind. Haplo crossed to the steering stone. He put his hands upon it a second time, placing them over a different set of runes. Hand, stone, hand, body, hand. Again the circle was complete. He spoke the runes, and the beams shot out in all directions, this time with a different purpose.

They weren’t seeking mass—land or rock. This time he sent diem seeking life. The wait seemed endless, and Haplo began to feel himself sliding into the dark abyss of fear when suddenly the lights returned. Haplo stared, puzzled, confused. The lights were coming from every direction, bombarding him, streaming down onto the stone from above, below, all around him. That was impossible, it didn’t make sense. How could he be surrounded—on all sides—by life? He pictured the world as he had seen it in the Sartan’s diagram—a round ball, floating in space. He should be getting readings from only one direction. Haplo concentrated, studied the lights, and decided finally that the beams slanting over his left shoulder were stronger than any of the others. He felt relieved; he would sail in that direction. Haplo moved his hands to another point on the stone, the ship slowly began to turn, altering course. The cabin that had before been drenched in bright sunlight began to darken, shadows crept across the floor. When the beam was aligned with the proper point on the stone, the rune flashed a bright red. Course was set. Haplo removed his hands.

Smiling, he sat down beside the dog and relaxed. He’d done all he could. They were sailing toward life, of some sort. As for whatever those other confusing signals had been, Haplo could only assume he’d made an error. Not something he did often. He could forgive himself one, he decided, considering the circumstances.
