
A great gap of time separates Edges from its predecessor, Vast, and perhaps that’s appropriate given the span required for Urban’s voyage home.

Time, of course, changes us all.

Though I’d long been thinking about this novel, I wasn’t sure it was a good idea. Dare I try to re-enter a world I’d first imagined more than twenty years ago? And if I did, could I make it convincing for those who’d found Vast to be a memorable addition to their science fiction libraries? Eventually, I decided to try, convincing myself it would be a quick project. That did not turn out to be the case, but without that bit of self-deception, I might never have started.

Edges exists in its current form thanks to my freelance editor, Judith Tarr, who fearlessly insisted that an early draft needed a major rethinking. Judy later provided essential editorial input on a near-final draft, Kat Howard provided additional insight, and beta readers Larry Clough and Kristine Smith came to the rescue on short notice. Copyediting was done by Sherwood Smith, via the writers’ cooperative, Book View Café. All of you have my thanks and my gratitude. You tried to steer me in the right direction. All remaining errors and deficiencies are my own.

I also want to acknowledge those readers who spend time with me on Twitter, or visit my blog. Your encouragement and kind words are deeply appreciated. Thank you!

And last but certainly not least, a huge thank you to all those who’ve taken the time to read this book, or others I’ve written. You’re the reason I do this, and I’m deeply grateful for your ongoing support.

Linda Nagata

February 2019
