Wow. This book has ended up being one of the scariest things I’ve ever done and I would probably be a crying, quivering mass curled up on the floor if it weren’t for the people who seriously forced this book into awesomeness.

To Jodi Reamer, my agent, thank you for giving me courage when I didn’t have any. Ben Schrank, my publisher, for taking a chance on me even when it looked like things weren’t going to work. Gillian Levinson, my editor, for having the guts to ask the one thing you should never ask a romance writer! That, more than anything else, is what made this book shine.

To my amazing cover designer, Emily Osborne. Seriously, I. Owe. You. One.

To Scott and Ashley, for letting me steal so many aspects of Scott’s injuries and for letting me share in this journey with you. Writing it is so much easier than living it, but watching the two of you work through this together has brought a realism and life to this book that could never have existed any other way. Just remember, Tavia had a brain injury before Scott did! I promise!

Kenny, for letting me leap. It may have been even scarier for you than for me, but you let me do it anyway. Thank you for believing in what I knew I had to do.

To Audrey, Brennan, Gideon, and Gwendolyn, who are more important to me than my books. Thank you for dealing with all the eccentricities of your “Writer Mom.”

And lastly, thank you again, Kenny. Because you deserve two mentions. Nah, you deserve ten. But two will have to do.
