Hark! Here closes this tale, the legend of Declan the Fierce and Reginleit the Radiant One, a pair of lovers bound and blessed by fate.

It ends, as many legends do, with a destined marriage—this one between a Valkyrie whose long wait was rewarded and a warrior whose yearning was at last fulfilled.

Theirs is a tale of joy and bounty. Be of ease and listen on. …

With a consuming love for his lady guiding him heart and soul and Wóden’s mark tattooed upon his chest, Declan became a friend to the Lore, a champion of the gods … and eventually a doting father.

Filled with hope and a secret certainty that she was Wóden’s favorite, Regin became one of the most powerful Valkyrie ever to live, a mistress of her own fate who laughed in the face of adversity … and eventually a mother who plagued her children with pranks.

Cherishing Regin endlessly, Declan never left her side again, her immortal match. Perhaps his hubris was forgiven, the Reaper’s dark scythe stilled forever.

All he knows is that his Valkyrie’s kiss is sweet, their children’s laughter a balm to his soul.

Whatever may be the case, to this day, Reginleit runs into his arms.

To this day, Declan clasps her close to his chest, gazing at the sky. In thanks. …
