… ARI FROZE IN PLACE. "What is it, Spencer? What's wrong?"

"What did you say just then? Say it again." "I said, 'Don't let the Dream Thief get you."' "Where did you hear that?" He stepped close to her and pulled her back into the deepening shadows.

"I don't know… we've always said it. It's-" Her eyes shifted away.

"It's what? Tell me!" He gripped her arm tightly.

"Spence, what's wrong? You're scaring me!"

"It's what?" Spence persisted. He lowered his voice and forced a calmer tone, letting go of her arm. "Tell me. It's important."

"It's just something my mother used to say. That's all. I must have heard it from her. Why? What does it mean?" She gazed at him with troubled eyes, her brow wrinkled in concern.

"I-I'm not sure," he said at length, avoiding her eyes. "It just seemed important somehow… I don't know." His tone softened and he smiled to reassure her. "I'm sorry if I frightened you. It surprised me, that's all."

Ari nodded uncertainly; the cloud still hung over her features. "All right. If you're sure, Spence, I-"

"Don't think about it anymore. I'm all right. Just let me think it over. I'll tell you if I come up with anything tomorrow."

"Good night, Spence. She waved and was gone. Spence heard her footsteps recede along the pathway outside and then stepped out of their hiding place and left the garden by another route. …

ADJANI SAT CROSS-LEGGED ON his rumpled bed. He was barefoot and appeared more than ever the wise, all-knowing guru dressed in his flowing white kaftan, his hands placed palms together, fingertips touching lightly. He had been silent, listening to Spence's recitation of the facts. Now Spence waited for his verdict.

"So, here it is," he said at last. "Another fact to be connected.

How will we make the connection? That is the primary question,. "I can't see it myself," offered Spence. "Maybe it's just', coincidence."

"Please, there is no such thing as coincidence. Not in science. Not in the plans of God. The connection must be made and perhaps it will be useful to us."

"Ari's mother-the woman isn't even alive anymore. How can she help us?"

"Ari herself might know more than she thinks she knows. We should find out."

"I still don't see how I could possibly be connected with some weird superstition in the mountains of India somewhere, and to a woman I've never even met-who has been dead I don't know how long."

"Stranger things are possible. You yourself thought there was a connection or you wouldn't have reacted the way you did. Subconsciously you fastened on it."

"How could I help it? I mean first you mention it, and then Ari-it gave me a jolt at first. I thought it might be a clue, but I'm not so sure now."

"And I think you're just afraid to face what you might find."

"Afraid?" Spence could not prevent the sneer that came. "What makes you say that? If I was afraid I wouldn't have told you about it."

"I think you might fear prying into your lover's past," said Adjani carefully.

Was it that obvious that he and Ari were in love? "I don't recall ever mentioning anything to you about that."

Adjani laughed and the tension which had built up in the room floated away on his laughter. "You didn't need to say a word. It is written all over you, my friend. Anyone with eyes can see it-I just happen to know her name, that's all."

"You're shrewd, Adjani. I'll give you that. You'd make a great spy "What is a scientist but a spy? We're detectives, all of us. scratching for clues to the riddles of the universe."

"What are we going to do about my riddle?"

"Simple. We'll ask Ari. She may be able to tell us more about it."

"you know, now that you mention it, it is a little strange. Ari never talks about her mother. I gather it's still a painful subject – her death, I mean. I wouldn't want to hurt her for anything." "Then we must be very discreet and gentle in our inquiry.

That should not prove too difficult, should it?"

"I guess not. There's still something I don't like about this, though. it makes me nervous."

"A warning, perhaps?"


"We may be probing close to the heart of the matter." …

THE EGG-SHAPED CHAIR SPUN in the air as Hocking gazed upward at the clean blank ceiling, as if he were searching for cracks or specks of dirt. Tickler and his assistant sat slumped in their own, less-mobile seats gazing upward, too, in imitation of their leader. But they had less on their minds.

"The transport is back and Reston has not turned up." Hocking repeated the facts of the case so far. He shot a quick, disapproving glance at Tickler. "It would probably have been a good idea to have watched the docking and disembarkation of the passengers. But that, I suppose, would never have occurred to you."

Tickler grew sullen. "There was no reason to. He has not been seen or heard from since the message. And if he was here he'd have to turn up sooner or later somewhere. He's gone."

Hocking's eyes narrowed. "He disappeared-broke contact – on the first night they landed. Yet the report of his disappearance did not come until a week later. Doesn't that strike you as odd?"

"I don't know. I hadn't thought about it."

"You don't think period!" exploded Hocking. "I have to do all the thinking for all of us."

Tickler looked away. "I'm getting sick of this-this constant badgering. Just tell us what you want us to do, will you? I can't be responsible for Dr. Reston's whereabouts anymore. He's gone.

Most likely he fell over a rock and broke his neck."

"Possible-but I don't think so. I believe Reston is very much alive, and something tells me he has returned to Gotham. I think we had better check with that young bubblehead, Miss Zanderson. If he is alive he will have tried to contact her; she may know his whereabouts."

"Kurt can go talk to her," growled Tickler, "but it's a waste of time. I say we should begin looking for a new subject right now„ Hocking whirled to face him. "Since when are you in charge here? You'll do as I say! Or do I have to remind you who holds the reins of power, hmm? I thought not.

"We will begin looking for a new subject when I have satisfied myself that he is indeed gone. But need I remind you that Reston possesses certain highly refined qualities-he is unique probably not one in a million like him. We have searched long and hard to find him, gentlemen. And his contribution thus far has advanced our work enormously. I do not intend to give up now until I know for a definite, absolute, undeniable fact that he is dead."

Tickler muttered under his breath and avoided Hocking's eyes. He did not wish to feel the terrible sting of the power Hocking had referred to. Once had been enough for him; it was enough for most people.

"Any further observations, gentlemen? No? Then report back to me as soon as you have questioned Ariadne. I want you to talk to some of the cadets on that trip, too. They can confirm our suspicions. You may go." The chair spun away from them and the two beleaguered underlings crept away.

Hocking heard the sigh of the partition closing and then silently cruised to the panel himself. "Perhaps another visit to Miss Zanderson's father is in order," he said to himself. "Yes. It is time we had a little chat."
