
the Author

Keith Baker discovered Dungeons & dragons® in elementary school, and this was the beginning of a lifelong interest in games of all sorts. In 2002 he quit his day job to become a full-time freelance writer. Much to his surprise, in 2003 his world Eberron™ was selected as the finalist in the Wizards of the Coast Fantasy Setting Search. Keith currently lives in Boulder, Colorado with his lovely wife Ellen and a very bossy cow.

The City of Towers was his first novel. The Shattered Land is the sequel.

the Artist

Michael Komarck was born in Louisiana and promptly relocated to Michigan where he has lived ever since. As the years passed, he transitioned from crayons to pencils to acrylics to oils, and in 1989 he found himself at a community college where his suspicions that he was better off self-taught in art were proven correct almost immediately. His stint there was brief in the extreme.

After several years as a projectionist at the local Cineplex, Komarck co-founded a small publishing company. However, with the exception of illustrating several children’s books, the majority of his time was spent designing business cards, ads, and eventually web related materials. It was during this period that he was introduced to Photoshop and ultimately replaced his oils with digital paint. Eventually he left to pursue a career as a full time illustrator. He spent a couple years building a portfolio while designing business/self-help book covers to pay the bills (to this day he still happily design several such covers a year).
