The voice in Gareth’s head finally said, *They intend to keep you where you are for at least another day, according to the lieutenant. Suppose I spread ‘feelings’ of general misgivings? I mean, discontent and boredom, along with general fear of black dragons. I can take the deep-seated fear that already exists in most men and enhance it. Bring it to the forefront. A day from now, before dawn, after the feelings have festered, Cinder can begin flying near you, spitting at empty fields to avoid hurting anyone, and flying low. Cinder has quite a shriek, and can use it to scare the pants off them. Most will panic and run with Cinder’s first pass, but that is not enough.*

“I agree. It’s good as far as it goes, but I don’t want to be in the forest with panicked soldiers carrying weapons.”

The laughter came again. *My plan has more purpose than might appear at first glance. While Cinder appears to be flying at random searching for men to feast upon, I will direct him. If he flies over the same area a few times, shrieking and spitting, there will be no one below him because of mass panic. For instance, if he flies between you and the river, and back again, there will be a swath of forest totally devoid of soldiers, with none of them hurt. You can take your time walking to the river, but I’d suggest hurrying.*

“What about me broadcasting my thoughts to everyone? Karen and Mary said every sensitive can hear me clearly, and they suggested I can also broadcast to the soldiers. They said everyone can hear me, anyhow. We might as well put it to use.”

*Gareth, I’m going to apologize for my actions. Without your knowledge, I am and have been squelching your mind so none hear you. Not telling you what to think, or influencing you in any manner. But I am working hard to reduce your ‘emissions’ or broadcasts, as you call them. Now I think we may want to use some of them to create chaos and confusion.*

“I don’t like you being in my mind without permission.”

*Point taken. It won’t happen again, son. Now I want to let loose some of your anger and fear on the world. I apologize in advance for what I’m about to do, but there is no fear that is better suited for us than that which is genuine. What are you scared of? I mean, nightmare stuff.*

“Night whispers.”

A chuckle responded. *Those were just me warning you! Oh, you already knew that and made a joke. Good one. Back to the subject at hand, tell me of your worst fears.*

“Spiders,” Gareth answered instantly. “I don’t like snakes, either, but spiders really upset me.”

*Perfect! Most people already have at least some fear of spiders so we’ll just enhance their fears. I have now released all constraints on your mind broadcasting your ideas and feelings. Think about spiders and how you hate them, especially the little red ones. Eight long legs on a round, red body. They travel in packs of ten or more searching for blood. They’re so small they climb from the ground to your boots and up your legs without you even feeling them. They’re jumping spiders! When they bite, they leave welts the size of bird’s eggs, especially on your privates. Men’s privates have been known to shrivel to the size of a small prune after a single spider bite. Think hard. Imagine every detail.*

“I don’t like this at all.” Gareth glanced around, unconcerned that a guard might see him moving. He checked the ground nearby and brushed a leaf away.

*Open your eyes. Observe your guards.*

Gareth opened them. Two guards stood directly in front of him. Neither of them looked in his direction. The closest used his weapons-free hand to explore his crotch. The other had one foot raised as he examined his boot as if searching for tiny red spiders.

*Right now there are hundreds of people searching for elusive red jumping spiders, and none has any idea you put the thoughts into their minds. Not only will they not get a lot of sleep tonight, but they will also be more susceptible to fearful thoughts of spiders and dragons tomorrow as the implications are considered. We’ll get them scared, then in a panic as they escape from this forest. Does my plan meet your expectations? Any questions?*

Gareth allowed his mind to reach out and touch that of Blackie. He shifted focus and found himself looking at a large field mouse from a few paces. There seemed additional light when using the dragon’s eyes. The dragon must have better vision at night. In a movement too fast to adjust to, the dragon leaped and grabbed the mouse with a hundred tiny teeth. As the mouth snapped closed and the crunch of the small animal filled his mind, Gareth withdrew. “Yes! Are you telling me I have to keep thinking about the spiders all day? I’ll go crazy.”

*Jumping red spiders. Don’t forget they jump and go for your privates.*

Gareth crossed his legs.

*Mention the spiders to anyone you talk with. Not too much, just ask if this is the forest known for them, or if they have heard of anyone who has been bitten.*

“I don’t like spiders, or thinking about them, or talking about them.”

*Your fear is being broadcast to all. People a hundred leagues away are checking their bedding for spiders right now.* The booming impression of laughter came to mind again. *A lot of spiders are going to die in the next day or two, but we’ll spread more fear of them in a few hours. A few soldiers may desert to get safely away, but all those remaining will be on edge and fearful. By evening the scene will be set.*

“You really think my fear of spiders will help me escape that much?”

*Oh, yes. We just have to handle it right. I have to keep your mind filled with honest fear. By the way, did you know this is breeding season for red jumping spiders, and one female can lay almost a thousand eggs? Did you know that? Most of the babies have hatched by now, and they’re looking for animals to satisfy their taste for blood. That’s why they’re red.*

“Stop! They’re not real. You’re making it up.”

*Son, they are real enough for all concerned. You just woke nearly every soldier in that forest with your latest burst of mental energy. You put out so much fear and loathing that people are stamping the ground and searching for anything red. That last blast of spider-fear touched even those not scared of them. Nice job.*

“Not funny. I told you I don’t like spiders.”

A guard kicked out with a boot and spun around, checking the ground nearby him.

Another guard asked, “What’s up with you?”

“Damn red spiders. Watch your pecker.”

“Huh?” The first said.

“Jumping spiders go for warm and damp places. Get in your pants or armpits. Woods around here are full of them, they say.”

“I heard they’re so small you hardly see them,” another guard broke in.

Gareth spoke up. “I’ve never actually seen one. That’s how small they are.”

The guard who had kicked out with a boot to start the conversation said, “If they bite you on the pecker they say you never have kids.”

Gareth closed his eyes to grab a few moments of sleep before dawn and felt hope rise. If the guards were any indication of the general fear, the plan might work. Then he opened his eyes long enough to ensure there were no spiders near him.
