For a long time, nothing existed but darkness. Darkness, and rain like knives. Then pain-sharp, stabbing agony that came from every broken limb and ounce of flesh. He had survived the fall-somehow, crashing against roofs and shattering almost every bone in his body.

Rath awoke on the cobbles of Castle Ward, in the shadow of the palace, and coughed up blood before he breathed. This magnified the pain a hundredfold. He couldn't feel his body. He was- Alone.

That couldn't be. Shadowbane had fallen with him. They must have hit something else-some building. Otherwise, Rath surely would have died.

But who had landed on the stone first? Who had borne the brunt of the fall?

Rath saw a silhouette emerge from the mist. No-he saw the sword first. Saw the silver flames rising from it, the fog boiling away. Shadowbane, he thought for a moment, but…

It was Myrin. She walked toward him, the sword held awkwardly in her frail hands. Blue runes covered her skin, but they were fading as she strode forward. Her magic was unraveling, leaving only mortal hatred in her eyes.

"Taking vengeance," Rath said. He burbled. "I slew him and you avenge him. Fitting."

His sword lay on the cobbles, where ir had fallen from the window. The hilt, still sizzling from Myrin's fire spell, sent up steam as rain fell on it. It was only a hand's length from his grasp.

A black boot fell on the hilt. Rath looked up.

Shadowbane loomed over him-stooped, bent, but not broken. His damp cloak draped around him. His helm dripped black rain.

"Kalen," Myrin whispered.

He reached toward her with his unbroken hand.

Myrin's face softened. "Kalen, no."

He curled his fingers, beckoning.

"Kalen, please. He's a monster, but he doesn't-you don't have to-"

Kalen said nothing-only held out his hand. Myrin looked at Rath once more, then put the hilt of Vindicator in Kalen's hand.

"Turn away," Kalen said. Myrin shook her head. Turn.

"No!" Myrin backed away. "I want to see what you are. What we are!"

Kalen looked only at Rath. He focused on the dwarf silently, ignoring Myrin's heaving breaths. Then she turned away and darred into the mist, vanishing into the night.

"For Cellica," Shadowbane said, as though in explanation.

Rath smiled, tasting blood in his mouth.

Kalen wrapped both hands around the hilt gingerly, reversed Vindicator, and held it ready to plunge into the dwarf's throat. He paused, his eyes unreadable.

"What will ir be, knight?" Rath did his best to smile. "Vengeance

… or mercy?"

Kalen coughed once and steadied himself.


The sword screeched against the stone.
