Chapter Two

“Evening, Maron.” The huge demon outside Samael’s doors nodded as she stepped into the corridor.

He was a guard, another order of demons who protected the hellmouths throughout the world. Those who made up the watcher order were the ones who lived the most like humans. Their job was to keep an eye on the mortal population and alert high demons like Samael when someone went over to the dark side. That was where hunters like Maron came into play.

The guard’s partner stood the other side of the entry and grinned cheerfully. Guards did best in pairs, hunters in threes, and watchers were solitary beings. Why that was, no one knew. “Heard you nailed another one.”

“Yep.” In the end, that was what mattered most. She’d stopped Norris from raping that human girl, and now the teen might have a chance to turn her life around. Maybe. Maron dealt with too much ugliness to have a lot of faith, but the possibility was there. “It was a rough one, though. I’m hitting the hay. See you guys around.”

They grunted as she strode down the hall to the elevator, and that was the end of the conversation. This pair of guards was one of her favorites. They did their jobs with no muss and no fuss, which sat well with her. That was how she liked it, which was apparently something Samael looked for in his best operatives.

Considering she’d almost flunked out as a hunter at one time, the rare affirmation of how far she’d come had been gratifying. But the idea stung that she could go no further, that she was stunting her own growth by not bonding deeply with her partners. A frustrated growl echoed in the elevator car as it shot up the many floors toward her apartment.

It wasn’t that she didn’t work well with others—when she’d teamed up with Lilim, they’d brought down some serious baddies. Of course, Lilim had a yen for women, and her new Triad was with two other female demons. Maybe Samael had hoped Lilim would get Maron to swing that way and develop a sexual bond. She wouldn’t put it past him to try it.

Failing that, it made sense he’d split them up, sending Lilim into a Triad and trying to throw Maron into one of her own. It behooved her boss to try to get the most out of his people, so she understood, even if she didn’t want to get on board with his plans for her.

Plans that included her new—temporary—partners. Kobal and Raum. Who she was supposed to get to know today before she had to work with them again. Her body hummed with remembered passion, and the lace on her bra chafed as her nipples beaded. Her sex clenched in longing, and her skin heated where she recalled the feel of their hands upon it. She wouldn’t mind experiencing that again, if it didn’t have all kinds of strings attached. But a bond would put her right back where she was with Shax. Vulnerable, dependent, needy. Weak.

No. Going back to that again was not an option. She shook her head, pushing away her ricocheting thoughts as she stepped out onto her floor.

And froze. They were there. In her apartment. She could sense them as surely as she had when they were tracking her earlier. That her awareness of them was so gut-level and fundamental was not a good sign.

She tightened her jaw and let her body dissipate until she could step through the wall and into her living room. No need to use the door and give them notice that she was coming in. Crossing her arms over her chest as she solidified, she hid her hardened nipples when the sheer physicality of them struck her again. Both were muscular, but chasing down evil didn’t allow for flabbiness. They were tall, and attractive in their own ways. Raum’s green gaze focused on her, the intensity almost magnetic, drawing her in when she wanted to resist. His pale gaze contrasted with his tanned skin and dark hair. His features were a little too sharp to be handsome, his jaw a little too square, but the combined effect made her want to take a second look. Or third. Kobal, however, was stunning. His face had an unholy beauty to it, nothing short of perfection. His hair was wheat blond, his eyes the pure cerulean of a cloudless sky. Energy seemed to pour from him, giving the impression of constant movement even when he was still.

Compared to them, her own dark hair and eyes were remarkably unremarkable. She pushed away that foolish thought and arched her eyebrows at the two demons sprawled across her couch. “I didn’t invite you into my home, did I?”

“We’re your partners.” As if that answered the question. Kobal gave her a cheeky grin that made her want to smile back and smack him all at the same time. “You’d look a lot happier if Samael had given you what you wanted. That means we’re still a team.”

“For now.” She knocked his feet off of her coffee table. “Samael says I only have to work with you for one more assignment. If I don’t want to keep you, I don’t have to.”

Raum’s brows drew together in a deep frown, and a flash of disquiet crossed Kobal’s features before he smoothed his expression. “Well, I think you know which one we’d like you to choose.”

“I don’t partner with men.” She slid her hands into her pockets and shrugged, trying not to dwell on the fact that their hands had been in her pants not a half an hour before. “It’s not personal, and I’m sorry if that means you’ll be disappointed when we go our separate ways.”

Raum straightened where he sat, his sharp gaze locking on her, nailing her in place, but she refused to squirm. “You’re that sure you’ll drop us?”

“Yes.” She made the word firm, uncompromising. There was no reason to lead them on. She had nothing against them, and it wasn’t their fault she kept men as far from her work as possible.

Nope, that one lay solely on Shax’s doorstep, not that he would care. Her lips formed a bitter twist. Then again, he was lucky she hadn’t seen him in a century, or she might kick the demonic bastard in the balls.

Kobal stood, capturing her attention as he paced in a tight circle around her. His shoulder brushed against her, and even that slight touch was enough to send goose bumps erupting down her skin. The chemistry was undeniable, and under different circumstances she would want to explore it. But Shax had taught her the danger of mixing business with sex. Kobal stopped beside her, and she fought the need to step back. She held her ground, even as the closeness set off reactions in her body that she wanted to quash. His gaze slid over her, stopping on her lips, her breasts, and the notch between her thighs that he’d touched so recently. His voice dropped to a silky challenge. “Samael wants you to spend some time with us today, right? Those were his orders?”

There was the slightest of emphasis on orders, reminding her that she answered to Samael, whether she liked it or not.

She stiffened and gritted her teeth, struggling with the need to kiss him. Or light him up with a flame ball. Not that it would do much to hurt him, but it’d make her feel better.

“Leave her alone, Kobal.” Raum cast his partner a quelling glance, and to her surprise, he subsided. Then the green-eyed man looked at her. “Let’s have dinner together. Minimal commitment on your part, and you give Samael what he wants in good faith.”

There was no demand in his voice, which made it easier to relent. In the end, it was a sensible compromise. It was not because she wanted to spend time with them. She sniffed. “Yeah, okay. I can do that. We’ll need to order in, because I don’t have anything here.”

Kobal’s face contorted in an expression akin to disgust. “We can’t eat here. This place sucks. I’ve seen cheap motels that were better than this.”

Raum groaned and dropped his face into his hand. “Kobal.”

“What? It’s true.”

Blinking, she looked around at her apartment. It sported the furniture that had been installed when Samael had the high-rise constructed. Maybe it was a little run down, a little…bleak. There wasn’t a single picture or memento anywhere, and she’d been topside for a hundred plus years, so she’d had time to collect some. And she didn’t remember the last time she’d gone shopping for food. The natural form of demons was ghostly—one of the qualifications for serving on earth was the ability to maintain corporeal form for long periods of time. As long as they stayed corporeal, they had to fuel themselves as humans did. She usually just grabbed something from the cafeteria Samael had had installed in the building, and when she was feeling really ambitious, she got Chinese take out from the place around the corner.

“I don’t spend a lot of time here.” Which was pretty damn obvious now that she looked around. This place was no more personal to her than one of the motels she might stay at on a longer hunt. Her apartment was…pathetically lonely. Like the rest of her existence since she’d become obsessed with being the best hunter of all time. Since Shax had nearly destroyed her. She tried not to wince at the accurate description. “Um. Okay, we can go out. Or go to the cafeteria.”

“No, we’re eating at our place.” Kobal’s jaw set in a stubborn line, his arms crossing over his muscular chest. “If we only get dinner with you, we’re not spending the time with a bunch of other demons watching. Or, worse, in public with mortals hanging around. Plus, by human time, it’s breakfast, and I don’t want that.”

Raum shrugged. “I’m a fair cook. What do you like?”

“Food.” She hated to agree with anything they said, but she didn’t want breakfast either. It was the end of her day, dinnertime. But like most of the evil creeps they hunted down, demons had to keep night hours. Plus, mortals tended to dismiss the strange things they saw in the dark as figments of their imagination, which helped demons catch their prey. “Nothing sweet. Just regular food.”

A rare grin flashed over the sharp features of his face. “I think I can manage that.”

She kicked herself for smiling back at him. She’d decided long ago to turn away from relationships and focus on her work, which wouldn’t leave her raw and stripped bare. When she was on a hunt, she was in control. She had a mission. She had a purpose. In a bond, there was no control—there was only pain and suffering and insecurity. Bonds could make her feel more alone than being single ever had. And no one was going to save her when a soul got so evil it almost sucked her into the vortex prison. She’d be tangled with that darkness for eternity.

Horror curdled in her gut. It was good reminder of why she didn’t want a Triad, no matter how attractive or interesting she found these two demons.

“This is it.” Raum held the door open for her, motioning her into the apartment, which was three floors above hers.

She blinked when she stepped over the threshold. It was nice. Masculine and comfortable. The furnishings were straight lines and warm wood. The walls were medium blue, unlike her blank white walls. “This is pretty.”

It was nothing like she’d expected from them. In fact, she hadn’t thought much about demons decorating their apartments to make them more inviting. Lilim’s place had been wild, with her own graffiti spray painted on the walls and hanging aluminum street signs she’d stolen, which had just made Maron shake her head and roll her eyes the few times she’d been there. But the men’s space was…somewhere to relax. She could feel her muscles unkinking as she walked around the open space, the kitchen, dining room and living room flowing together.

“Mid-century, modern Danish style.” Kobal gestured to the furniture, then pulled out a chair at the dining room table. “I’ve collected the pieces here and there over the decades. It’s comfortable. Have a seat.”

“I like it.” The longer she stood there, the more she could see how it fit them. Understated and not fussy, like Raum, but still eye-catching and compelling, like Kobal. That she was even thinking this way made her frown. It didn’t matter where or how they lived, so long as they did their jobs. She was never coming back to their place anyway.

The bonus of eating here was that she could leave whenever she wanted. There was no way to force her to stay—she could evaporate through a wall if she needed to. If they’d stayed in her apartment, she couldn’t have kicked them out if they’d decided to hang around. This worked out much better, and not because she liked the feel of their place.

She slid into the chair Kobal held out for her, crossing her legs under the table. Best to get this cozy scene of domesticity over with as quickly as possible and return to her solitary reality. “So, what’s for dinner?”

“Steak. That all right with you?” Raum moved around the kitchen with the same quiet efficiency that he did everything else. He stopped for a moment to kiss Kobal. It was over in a moment, but the sight of their mouths meshing made her remember the night they spent in a cheap motel somewhere in New Mexico. They’d kissed then too. And they’d kissed her. They liked to touch. A lot. Heat bloomed inside her and she pressed her thighs together to quell the ache between them.

“Yeah.” She coughed and glanced away. “I like steak.”

“Sounds good to me.” Kobal sauntered over and parked himself next to her, his shoulder and thigh crowding against hers. She almost swallowed her tongue as lust slammed into her. There was nothing sexual in the way he touched her, but it didn’t matter. No matter how she sliced it, she wanted him. Them. Hell, Raum didn’t even have to lay a finger on her to rev her up. It was hot to watch him.

There was no safe place to look at this point. They were there, big and hot and far too sexy for her peace of mind. She shifted in her seat, which just rubbed her up against Kobal, and sent anticipation zinging through her system. She pulled in a deep breath, and her awareness expanded. She could feel the heat of them, smell them, sense the very essence of them. It was like when she hunted a dark soul, only far more pleasurable.

“Give me a hand with this, would you, Kobal?”

She startled when Raum’s deep voice rumbled from the kitchen, and sighed in relief at the momentary reprieve when his partner got up to help. The relief was short lived when Raum took Kobal’s seat beside her, his side plastered against her. Kobal sat across from her, offering her a smile that would entice an angel to fall.

The men set three plates on the table, each one loaded with steak, steaming vegetables and rice. It smelled delicious. Her stomach rumbled, yet another need from her body demanding attention.

“Thank you,” she said, pulling her plate toward her.

“No problem. Enjoy.” Raum flashed a quiet smile when he watched them dig into the food.

She shifted in her seat, biting back a moan when she rubbed against his broad shoulder and muscled thigh. Her breasts grew heavy, the crests drawing to tight points. The lips of her sex went slick with juices. It was too much—she wanted to scream, to punch something, to drag both men to the floor and fuck their brains out. Anything to release some of the tension that gripped her rebellious body. She stared down at her meal, eating mechanically. It was tasty, but she didn’t care. This was, without a doubt, the most carnally frustrating day of her life.

Kobal’s sensual voice flowed over her, but she was doing anything to keep her focus off of them. Just put the food in her mouth and chew. Just finish this meal and get the hell out of there before she did something stupid. She choked when Raum’s big hand slid up her shoulder to get her attention. Tingles broke over her skin, and she shivered, her sex clenching in helpless desire.

“Do we have your attention?” Kobal’s blue eyes twinkled, inviting her to join in the fun with him. “How long have you been working with Samael?”

She swallowed the bite of food in her mouth. “A hundred and five years…and a couple of weeks, give or take.”

Raum’s fingers moved to massage the back of her neck while Kobal nodded and kept talking. “We were in the Buenos Aires silo for the last couple of centuries, before we transferred here.”

There were silos like theirs all over the world, one for every hellmouth, each headed by a high demon like Samael. Of course, operatives could be sent anywhere in the world. It wasn’t a jurisdictional thing. Whoever’s watchers identified the evil first was responsible for bringing in the soul, no matter how far the hunters had to go to make that happen.

“What made you transfer?” She forced the words out passed the knot of lust that squeezed her chest. Raum’s hands continued to work the nape of her neck, and it was all she could do not to drop her head forward and give in to his touch.

“Who doesn’t want to work with Samael? We’d caught some serious nasties after we bonded, and we figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask if he wanted some new blood.” His white teeth flashed in a grin. “Besides, we figured—what’s the worst he could do? Roast us alive?”

She chuckled. Their boss had an exacting reputation, but that was what made him the best. “Nah, he’ll just send you after an evil housewife soccer mom. One who’s more worried about getting in your pants than being soul sucked.”

“There’s nothing wrong with a little sucking.” The wicked glint in his gaze made it clear what kind of sucking he wanted, and she rolled her eyes at him.

He laughed at her, and she couldn’t stop her smile. Raum rubbed her back, and when she looked at him, her heart tripped at the sight of his lopsided grin.

The rest of the meal went much the same way, with Kobal teasing her, asking her about herself, telling her about both of them. Cases they’d been on, hilarious bloopers of near-miss assignments. The man had to be a trip to work with. Raum added a few tidbits here and there, a few zingers that had them chuckling. Overall, he said little, unlike his partner—he just touched her. His fingers toyed with her hair, slid over her shoulders and down her back. He brushed her hand when he poured her a glass of wine. He seduced her without even trying.

The two played off of each other, Kobal’s easy conversation and humor relaxing her and getting Raum to unbend and open up. Despite the blade of sexual frustration knifing through her, it was…fun. She hated to admit it. She didn’t even remember the last time she’d had anything even remotely resembling fun. It wasn’t her style.

“Let’s clean up.” Raum rose from the table when they finished eating, cupping her elbow to help her to her feet. He picked up his plate and silverware and led the way into the kitchen. She did the same and followed him, with Kobal bringing up the rear. The last thing she wanted was to be in tight quarters with them, but this meal had become her personal sexual torment. All she had to do was hold out a bit longer and she could escape. Her vibrator was going to get one bodacious workout when she got home, that was for sure.

To keep herself from thinking about anything sexual, she turned the questions on Kobal. Leaning back against the counter, she crossed her arms and asked the one thing she hadn’t been able to figure out since they’d started pursuing her. “The two of you seem…good together. So, why do you want to mess with that by bringing in someone else? Is it really just for work? Because a bad bond isn’t worth it.”

“Not just for work, no,” Raum answered.

She threw up her hands. “Then why?”

Kobal shifted for a moment, but then met her eyes. “Because neither of us just wants men. We want women too. And we’re not going to get that in our current bond.” He motioned to his very masculine partner. Then his gaze narrowed on her. “We know what we need, and we’re not willing to play it safe and stagnate because we’re too afraid to go after what we want.”

“I’m not stagnant.” Liar. “And if you think I’m that bad, why would you want me?” Why the hell would she ask that question? She’d never considered herself a masochist before, but that certainly set her up for some stinging pain.

“Who wouldn’t want you?” Kobal’s voice sounded baffled.

She snorted, but when she looked, she saw how serious their faces were. They genuinely believed that. Any demon would want her. She’d never had any trouble finding male company for a night or two if she wanted it, including the night she’d spent with them. But there was wanting and there was wanting. Sex was easy. Bonding was harder.

Raum’s finger curled under her chin, lifting her face. His mouth brushed over hers, and she went rigid, strangling a moan. The touch of his lips was feather light. “Who wouldn’t want you?”

It was too much. After the subtle seduction this evening, she couldn’t resist anymore. She could almost hear her tattered control snapping in her mind.

She didn’t have to bond with them to sleep with them. It was the last rational thought she had before she shoved her hands in his thick, soft hair and hauled him down so she could all but inhale him. The taste of him filled her mouth, hot and male and arousing.

Cupping her hips, he pulled her tight against his rigid erection, and she moaned at the evidence of his arousal. How long had he been aroused? All through dinner? Just as she had been? The heat and hardness of him only made her wetter. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and she sucked on it, bit it. He groaned against her mouth, and his grip on her hips tightened painfully. More. She wanted more. She wanted him naked, wanted his skin under her palms. She broke her lips from his.

“This needs to come off.” She tugged at the bottom of his shirt until she could get it over his head. The heavy pecs were sprinkled with dark curls, his flat nipples begging her to suck them. So she did. Bending forward, she flicked one brown disc with her tongue, and it beaded for her. She worried it with her teeth, then suckled it hard.

“Maron!” He shuddered, taking a step away from her. His eyes were almost incandescent with lust, brilliant forks of lightning wrapping around his arms. He balled his hands in her top and pulled the garment off of her. Her bra received even rougher treatment—he just popped the straps and ripped it away from her body. He grinned when his gaze hit her bare chest, and he stroked the sensitive undersides of her breasts. Her nipples contracted to points for him.

A tiny bolt of lightning struck her breast, and she arched in shock. Not from pain, but from pleasure. His nails circled her areola, those same little strikes sizzling her nerves. The sensation seemed to shoot straight from breast to loin, and her pussy fisted on nothingness.

He backed her against the counter, those shocks of lightning still streaking through her body until her knees threatened to buckle. He abandoned her breasts, making her cry out, but then he wrenched at her zipper until it gave way, shoving the pants down and lifting her out of them. A gasp strangled out of her when he set her on the cold granite counter, her back bowing in reflexive shock. “Raum!”

Jerking her thighs apart, he chuckled, though the sound was strained. He bent her over his arm and sucked her nipples into his mouth one at a time, batting them with his tongue and shoving them against the roof of his mouth. Then he bit her. She screamed, cream flooding her sex in a hot rush. It was too much. She was going to come just from what he was doing to her nipples, and that wasn’t how she wanted it. She pushed him away from her breasts so she could reach for his belt. Now. Right now. She refused to wait another second to have him inside her, fucking her hard until she came.

But Kobal’s hands were already there, unfastening Raum’s pants and shoving them down his thighs. Those long fingers gripped Raum’s hard cock, and pumped it until the dark-haired demon choked and rocked his hips. Kobal licked the side of Raum’s neck, bit his ear. “You want to fuck her, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Raum groaned, lightning sparking between his fingers.

“I want you to taste her first. Lick her pussy, suck on her clit.”

Maron’s eyes closed as those erotic words poured over her. Pulse tripping, she made herself watch them as Kobal bent his lover over so Raum could use his mouth on her pussy. Raum braced his hands on her thighs, pushing them wider. She cried out as his hot tongue slid down her slit. Slowly. Even more stunning was the sight of Kobal, naked, and pistoning his fingers in and out of Raum’s ass, preparing him to be fucked. One of his hands left her thigh and reached beneath him to stroke his own cock. Her excitement boiled out of control, a wild thing inside her that refused to be assuaged. She wanted more. Arching her hips, she pushed her pussy deeper into Raum’s face.

He suckled her soaking lips, drinking her cream. Then he used his teeth. He nipped at her clit, and she shattered, her sex convulsing as her back bowed. She didn’t have time to recover, to think, to breathe, before Kobal pulled Raum upright. She could see Kobal’s face over his lover’s shoulder, lust tightening his perfect features. He crowded Raum forward and rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy, teasing her lips and clit. She leaned back on her hands and lifted her hips in offering.

“Yes,” Raum choked out and plunged deep inside her.

The shock of sudden penetration had her crying out, her inner muscles fisting on his cock. Kobal stroked her stretched pussy around Raum’s dick, toying with the lips and flicking his fingers over her clit until she moved to meet his hand. The sheer eroticism of one man’s fingers toying with her while another man’s cock filled her made her moan. She could do nothing except raise her hips to get more, clamping her knees on Raum’s flanks. He groaned, his pelvis shoving forward as Kobal entered him from behind.

Mischief danced in Kobal’s blue gaze when he looked at her. “When I’m done with his ass, yours is next.”

She quivered, unable to stop the surge of lust at the mere suggestion. She had always loved anal, the pleasure and pain and forbidden carnality of it. Her sex clenched, and Raum shuddered. Heat roiled within her, and she could see the flames licking at the edges of her vision, knew fire danced in her eyes.

Then they moved.

Raum ground himself against her clit, and she heard the slap of skin as Kobal fucked him. A slow rhythm began, Raum filling her and Kobal filling him. It was amazing how well they moved together. Kobal grabbed her knees and held her legs open even wider for Raum to push his cock as far into her pussy as possible. The feel was pure sin. She couldn’t get enough. He plunged into her again and again, the hair on his chest rasping her nipples. She could hear the heavy panting of both men mixed with her own gasps each time the dark-haired demon stretched her. The smell of sex, sweat and them curled into her nostrils, the most erotic of aphrodisiacs.

With every thrust into her pussy, she could feel an orgasm building. The power that cycled back and forth between them was enough to bring the high-rise down around them if they released it outward. Her channel clenched on that hard cock, ecstasy skipping down her skin. So close. So very close.

Raum’s green eyes closed, his head dropping to her shoulder as his body moved between hers and Kobal’s. She held him close, and from this angle she could see everything the blond demon was doing. It was arousing to watch, as if she needed one more thing to set her on the ragged edge of climax.

His long cock slid deep in the other man’s anus, his paler skin a contrast to Raum’s dark tan. Her nails dug into Raum’s shoulders as he pistoned in and out of her at the same swift rhythm that Kobal set. They moved together, the three of them, striving for the same hot completion.

Kobal slid his hand into her hair, forcing her head forward until he could kiss her. It was sweet, hot and wild. Perfect. His taste was lighter than Raum’s, almost sweet. Addicting. Kobal’s fingers tightened in her hair, which exposed her throat for Raum’s lips. He opened his mouth on her skin, sucking and biting.

“Yes,” she moaned. “More.”

A little more was all she’d need. She closed her eyes, letting her senses expand. The energy in the room was chaotic, rising to a fever pitch of lust that was as powerful as a caress. Behind her lids, she could still see the brilliance of Raum’s lightning surrounded by the heated flame of Kobal. And all of that energy was driving into her. The physical aspects of demon sex were only a small part of the pleasure. Their natural form was pure energy, and their coupling was damn near combustible.

Those lightning strikes hit her as Raum fucked her pussy hard and fast. Kobal’s kiss was enough to singe her flesh. The threads of energy that connected them in sex widened as Raum offered her the Triad bond, the white-hot energy of his soul opening to her. She could meld her power with his, twining them together so deeply she wouldn’t know where he ended and she began. It was so tempting. Too tempting. To have that link to another, to never have a single moment where she was alone. Her heart clenched at the thought. She was so alone, had been for a century.

When Kobal gave her the same opportunity to bond, vulnerable and accessible for whatever she wanted, it was almost more than she could bear. She wavered, standing on a precipice she hadn’t faced since Shax.


Just his name was enough to pull her back from the edge, and she slammed down the barriers on her power. Both men groaned in pain, and she could feel the shudders running through them, the way their energy wavered.

To distract them, she focused the moment on the physical. She bit Kobal’s lip, then thrust her tongue into his mouth, driving the kiss to new levels of carnality. Fisting her sex around Raum’s dick made him groan, made his strokes pick up speed and force until he hammered into her pussy.

Raum ground his pelvis against her clitoris, that sizzle of lightning hitting her where their bodies joined, and every thought except the drive for orgasm slid from her mind. The kiss with Kobal went wild, and she tasted blood. His or hers, she didn’t know, but it only brought out her most feral instincts. The whole world came to this moment with them. The way they smelled, the sound of skin slapping against skin, the taste of Kobal, the feel of Raum filling her pussy with rough, urgent strokes. She was going to explode. Her sex clamped, ecstasy spreading out in waves until there was no holding it back. She screamed into Kobal’s mouth as she came, rhythmic pulses clenching her sex on Raum’s cock. Both men groaned, and she felt the heat of their energy peak as they hit orgasm simultaneously. Kobal broke the kiss, threw his head back and shouted. Raum shuddered against her, his fluids pumping into her pussy. She could feel how their bond with each other strengthened, reinforced by their sexual connection with each other.

She was not part of that with them, no matter how intense the sex had been for all three of them.

It was almost bitter, that she’d had to make herself turn what had been so sweet into something that was merely sex, but that was the reality of her life. She would never bond again, not after what Shax had done to her, not after the shattered remains she’d had to pick up when he’d abandoned her to a fate of eternal damnation.
