About the Authors

Sarah Rees Brennan is the author of the Demon’s Lexicon trilogy, a series about demons, magicians, and two very troubled brothers. The first book was an ALA Top Ten Best Book and received three starred reviews. Most recently she is the author of Unspoken, the first in the Lynburn Legacy trilogy, a Gothic mystery with imaginary friends who turn out not to be so imaginary, and coauthor with Justine Larbalestier of Team Human, about a girl who isn’t very impressed by vampires. She lives in Dublin, Ireland, which she uses as a base for her adventures, and she blames Diana Wynne Jones for her incurable fantasy addiction. Visit her at www.sarahreesbrennan.com.

Kate Espey was born in Kansas and moved to San Antonio, Texas, in the sixth grade. She blames her mildly morbid and blunt writing style on this sudden relocation during her crucial formative years. Unfortunately, Kate is a high school student, but she likes to distract herself by making YouTube videos and writing stories in class. Kate has more experience with murder than boys (otherwise, she would have a date for prom).

Tessa Gratton has wanted to be a paleontologist or a wizard since she was seven. She was too impatient to hunt dinosaurs but is still searching for someone to teach her magic. After traveling the world with her military family, she acquired a BA (and the important parts of an MA) in gender studies, then settled down in Kansas with her partner, her cats, and her mutant dog. Visit her at www.tessagratton.com.

Rachel Hawkins is the author of the New York Times bestselling Hex Hall series and Rebel Belle. She was born in Virginia and raised in Alabama. This means she uses words like “y’all” and “fixin’” a lot, and considers anything under sixty degrees to be borderline arctic. Before deciding to write books about kissing and fire (and sometimes kissing while on fire), Rachel taught high school English for three years, and she is still capable of teaching you The Canterbury Tales if you’re into that kind of thing. You can visit her online at www.readingwritingrachel.blogspot.com.

Christine Johnson grew up in, moved away from, and eventually came home to Indianapolis, Indiana. She lives there with her husband and two kids in a creaky old house that is disappointingly unhaunted. Christine is the author of Claire de Lune, Nocturne, and The Gathering Dark. You can visit her online at www.christinejohnsonbooks.com.

Valerie Kemp is an award-winning independent filmmaker from Michigan. She has been creating stories ever since she first learned how to write. After challenging herself to turn a too-complex screenplay idea into a novel, she fell head over heels in love with writing YA. Valerie loves to travel, and when not writing screenplays or novels, she can be found shooting music videos, reading voraciously, and possibly hanging out in foreign country. You can visit her online at www.valeriekemp.com.

Malinda Lo is the author of several young adult fantasy and science fiction novels, most recently Adaptation. Her debut novel, Ash, a retelling of Cinderella with a lesbian twist, was a finalist for the William C. Morris YA Debut Award, the Andre Norton Award for YA Fantasy and Science Fiction, and the Lambda Literary Award. She lives in Northern California with her partner and their dog. You can visit her online at www.malindalo.com.

Myra McEntire is the author of timeslip novels Hourglass and Timepiece. She lives in Nashville with her husband and two sons. She likes to make stuff up. You can visit her online at www.myramcentire.blogspot.com.

Saundra Mitchell has been a phone psychic, a car salesperson, a denture deliverer, and a layout waxer. She’s dodged trains, endured basic training, and hitchhiked from Montana to California. She teaches herself languages, raises children, and makes paper for fun. She is the author of Shadowed Summer, The Vespertine, The Springsweet, and The Elementals. She always picks truth; dare is too easy. You can visit her online at www.saundramitchell.com.

Sarah Ockler is the bestselling author of the young adult novels Twenty Boy Summer, Fixing Delilah, and Bittersweet. She loves to defy the dark by staying up all night in her Colorado home writing, reading, and/or thinking about cupcakes. When she’s not busy defying any darkness or licking chocolate batter from a spoon, she enjoys taking pictures, hugging trees, and road-tripping through the country with her husband, Alex. Sarah loves hearing from readers and invites you to connect with her online at www.sarahockler.com.

Jackson Pearce is the author of multiple books for teens, including Sisters Red, Sweetly, Fathomless, and Purity. She currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and—despite what she writes—admits she is sometimes afraid of the dark. You can visit her online at www.jacksonpearce.com.

Aprilynne Pike is a critically acclaimed, internationally bestselling author. She’s been spinning tales since she was a child with a hyperactive imagination. At the age of twenty she received her BA in creative writing from Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho. When not writing, Aprilynne can usually be found out running; she also enjoys singing, acting, reading, and working with pregnant moms as a childbirth educator and doula. Aprilynne lives in Arizona with her husband and four kids; she is enjoying the sunshine. You can visit her online at www.aprilynnepike.com.

Dia Reeves, author of Bleeding Violet and A Slice of Cherry, is a librarian and lives in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Her family, however, grew up in East Texas and has inspired her with many tales of the area. The fact that she writes gory, psychotic, romantic, surreal books about happily maladjusted teens who live in East Texas is in no way a reflection on her family. Or is it? You can visit her online at www.diareeves.com.

Beth Revis is the New York Times bestselling author of the young adult science fiction novels Across the Universe and A Million Suns, as well as several other short stories set on the spaceship Godspeed. A former high school English teacher, Beth drew inspiration for her novels from her students and their lives—although she took the claustrophobic feeling of being trapped in a small town and enclosed her characters on a spaceship instead. Beth currently lives in rural North Carolina with her husband and dogs, and she believes space is nowhere near the final frontier. You can visit her online at www.bethrevis.com.

Carrie Ryan is the New York Times bestselling author of the critically acclaimed The Forest of Hands and Teeth series as well as several short stories. Her first novel was chosen as a Best Book for Young Adults by the American Library Association, named to the 2010 New York Public Library Stuff for the Teen Age List, and selected as a Best of the Best Books by the Chicago Public Library. A former litigator, Carrie now writes full-time and lives with her husband, two fat cats, and one large dog in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can visit her online at www.carrieryan.com.

Jon Skovron is the author of Struts & Frets and Misfit. He lives with his two sons outside Washington, DC. You can visit him online at www.jonskovron.com.

Courtney Summers lives and writes in Canada. She is the author of This Is Not a Test, Fall for Anything, Some Girls Are, and Cracked Up to Be. You can visit her online at www.courtneysummers.ca.

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