
The citizens of Kornbluth welcome us as their saviours. They have a parade that spans several hundred miles, with banners reading “Freedom!” and “A New Start!” It’s highly flattering.

I know that all across the Universe similar scenes must be taking place. But I long to know for certain. Like Brandon, I miss the Universal Web. I miss the community of humankind.

The Kornbluthians stage the greatest street party ever known. All across the planet, bands play and people dance. Huge video screens project the images of what is happening in other cities, as we dance in the main square of Gladiatorville.

These people are strangers to me. This is not my home. I long to go back to Cambria.

“Homesick, Cap’n?” Kalen asks.

“Yeah. You too?”

“I’m over it. I’m planning to roam a little. Travel from star to star. Maybe take some seeds and frozen sperm, see what happens.”

“You’re going to find and settle your own planet?”

“Me and Harry.”


“You heard.”

“You’re miscegenating?”

“Is that what they call it in your neck of the woods?”

“I’m pleased for you.”

“Good luck in Cambria.”

“I’m not going to Cambria.”

“Where then?”

I pause.

