This novel is dedicated to two gentlemen:

David Thomas Jr, who welcomed me to England with an introduction to a certain agent; and Patrick Walsh, the agent he introduced me to. There has been a lot of faith shown over the years, and I thank you both.


With deepest gratitude I acknowledge the following for their support: The staff at Café Rouge, Dorking (keep the coffees coming…); the folks at Psion, whose extraordinary 5 Series was home to this novel's first draft; Daryl and crew at Café Hosete; and, of course, Simon Taylor and the rest at Transworld.

For my family and friends, thank you for your faith and encouragement, without which all that I achieve means little.

Thanks also to Stephen and Ross Donaldson for their kind words, James Barclay, Sean Russell and Ariel. Finally, a big thank you to those readers who took time to write their comments on various websites — writing is a solitary, isolating activity, but you have made it less so.



Icarium, a mixed-blood Jaghut wanderer

Mappo, his Trell companion

Iskaral Pust, a High Priest of Shadow

Ryllandaras, the White Jackal, a D'ivers

Messremb, a Soletaken

Gryllen, a D'ivers

Mogora, a D'ivers


Felisin, youngest daughter of House Paran

Heboric Light Touch, exiled historian and ex-priest of Fener

Baudin, companion to Felisin and Heboric

Fiddler, 9th Squad, Bridgeburners

Crokus, a visitor from Darujhistan

Apsalar, 9th Squad, Bridgeburners

Kalam, a corporal in the 9th Squad, Bridgeburners

Duiker, Imperial Historian

Kulp, cadre mage, 7th Army

Mallick Rel, chief adviser to the High Fist of the Seven Cities

Sawark, commander of the guard in the Otataral mining camp, Skullcup

Pella, a soldier stationed at Skullcup

Pormqual, High Fist of the Seven Cities, in Aren

Blistig, Commander of Aren Guard

Topper, Commander of the Claw

Lull, a captain in the Sialk Marines

Chenned, a captain in the 7th Army

Sulmar, a captain in the 7th Army

List, a corporal in the 7th Army

Mincer, a sapper

Cuttle, a sapper

Gesler, a corporal in the Coastal Guard

Stormy, a soldier in the Coastal Guard

Truth, a recruit in the Coastal Guard

Squint, a bowman

Pearl, a Claw

Captain Keneb, a refugee

Selv, Keneb's wife

Minala, Selv's sister

Kesen, Keneb and Selv's first-born son

Vaneb, Keneb and Selv's second-born son

Captain, owner and commander of the trader craft Ragstopper

Bent, a Wickan cattle-dog

Roach, a Hengese lapdog


Coltaine, Fist, 7th Army

Temul, a young lancer

Sormo E'nath, a warlock

Nil, a warlock

Nether, a warlock

Bult, a veteran commander and Coltaine's uncle


Baria Setral (Dosin Pali)

Mesker Setral, his brother (Dosin Pali)

Tene Baralta (Ehrlitan)

Aralt Arpat (Ehrlitan)

Lostara Yil (Ehrlitan)




Pullyk Alar



Sha'ik, leader of the rebellion

Leoman, captain in the Raraku Apocalypse

Toblakai, a bodyguard and warrior in the Raraku Apocalypse

Febryl, a mage and elder adviser to Sha'ik

Korbolo Dom, renegade Fist leading the Odhan army

Kamist Reloe, High Mage with the Odhan army

L'oric, a mage with the Raraku Apocalypse

Bidithal, a mage with the Raraku Apocalypse

Mebra, a spy in Ehrlitan


Salk Elan, a traveller on the seas

Shan, a Hound of Shadow

Gear, a Hound of Shadow

Blind, a Hound of Shadow

Baran, a Hound of Shadow

Rood, a Hound of Shadow

Moby, a familiar

Hentos Ilm, a T'lan Imass Bonecaster

Legana Breed, a T'lan Imass

Olar Ethil, a T'lan Imass Bonecaster

Kimloc, a Tanno Spiritwalker

Beneth, a crime lord

Irp, a small servant

Rudd, an equally small servant Apt, an aptorian demon

Panek, a child

Karpolan Demesand, a merchant Bula, an innkeeper

Cotillion, patron god of assassins

Shadowthrone, Ruler of High House Shadow

Rellock, a servant
