Anna stared at one of the camp fires, the flames from which chased flickering shadows through the trees. She was too far away to feel any warmth from the flames, but she heard the crackle of wood and smelled the smoke that blanketed the floor like low level fog.

A figure sat next to the fire, stirring a large pot suspended above the flames.

She heard footsteps and glanced up to see a man walking towards her. He crouched down, undid the shackles either side of Anna and her family and pulled them to their feet.

“Follow me,” he snapped.

By the light of the fires Anna saw that tears had left streaks down Lucy’s dirty cheeks and her heart sank.

The man led them to where Jones was sitting next to a fire.

“You can’t keep us prisoner like this,” Anna said.

A log rolled out of the fire. Jones used his boot toe to push it back in place. He peered up at Anna and grinned.

“I can do whatever the hell I want. Out here, I’m the law. Now I wanna know where you’ve come from. How many of yer are there?”

“Go to hell.”

Jones laughed. “Haven’t yer realized yet? We’re already in hell.”

“Please. Let us go,” Lucy sobbed.

Jones looked her up and down and reached out and brushed the back of his hand along Lucy’s arm. A sick lump filled Anna’s throat. Lucy shuddered and pulled away, and Anna pulled her daughter to her chest, away from Jones.

“Someone as pretty as ‘er will be worth a lot in trade. But I’m a business man. I’m open to negotiation. What can yer offer me in return?”

Lucy shuddered.

“I don’t have anything.”

Jones chuckled, his eyes reflecting the flames. “I wouldn’t say that.”

“You lay one finger on her and I’ll kill you.”

Jones and the men nearby laughed. Jones licked his lips.

“It’s not my finger I want to lay on ‘er.”

Anna wrestled against the shackles, but to no avail. Jones seemed to take little interest. He stood and squared his shoulders, all business.

“Tell me where yer’ve come from, and you and yer family will be free to go.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Yer’re a good judge of character, because I wouldn’t believe me either. So let me put it this way. Tell me what I want to know, or I’ll kill you here and now, starting with yer kids.” He withdrew a long knife from a sheath on his belt and held in the flames. When the blade started to glow orange he withdrew the knife and spat on the blade, making it hiss.

In a flash, he grabbed Ben’s face with one hand and brought the blade close to his eyes. Ben squirmed within his grasp and tried to kick out but the shackles constricted his movements. Jones gazed sideways at Anna. “Blade as hot as this, his eyeballs are going to explode like a couple of fried eggs.”

Zeke shook the manacles on his wrist, fists bunched. “Leave him alone you son of a bitch.”

Jones grinned.

“Please don’t hurt him. Please,” Anna said. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

Jones removed the knife. “I didn’t doubt it for a minute.”
