Much gratitude goes to the amazing folks at Simon Pulse, and to my brilliant editor, Emilia Rhodes. What a fun and exciting journey this has been, and I’m so happy to be working with you!

To the fabulous Miriam Kriss for believing in this book, helping a dream come true, and taking care of business so I could focus on the writing. Thanks for making my writing life infinitely better. It’s a pleasure to be your client.

Thanks goes to good friend, fellow author, and CP, Jenna Black, for the read and for being creeped out by portions of this book, to which I responded: Yes! I have done my job.

To Kameryn Long, who read the first half of this book in its earliest stage and texted I hate you! because I left her hanging. One of the best texts I’ve ever gotten. Thanks for being my constant champion, Kam.

Big hugs to the Destination Debut girls for all the cheers, commiseration, sharing, and support. Don’t know what I’d do without you.

And, as always, to Mom and Dad and my family and friends for the unwavering support, and to Audrey, James, and Jonathan for putting up with my “spacey” moments and allowing me time to dwell in make-believe lands. Thank you for bringing me back down to earth and keeping me grounded.
