
To my parents for simply being who they are, and my brother, who continues to be my technical guru, thank you for always being there. To my husband, who makes every dream I have a reality, I don’t deserve you. Hopefully the universe never figures out its mistake.

Thank you to my editors, Erica and Liz. You guys are always so giddy when I come to you with a new story. I can’t wait to pitch you my latest idea. It involves zombie llama and pumpkin pie…

A huge thank you to my first readers, Katy, Christa, Terri, Mary, and Lori. Your enthusiasm made all the difference in pushing these characters forward.

And to my amazing publicity team, Dani and Anjana, and everyone else from copyedits to Pamela who designed my drool-worthy cover, a thousand thank yous. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It takes an entire village to raise a book and I’m eternally grateful.
