Stop it! Maxim screamed, pressing his fingers to his eye sockets.

Manolito projected the loving memories as relentlessly as Maxim had tormented him with MaryAnn's torture. Ivory as a young child riding on Maxim's shoulders. Her first time in the air with her brothers surrounding her, keeping her safe, Ruslan always beneath her, Maxim and Kirja on either side, while Vadim and Sergey prowled the air in front and behind. Her laughter. The moon illuminating her brightness as she raced down the stairs to greet them when they returned from battle.

Stop it. I beg you. Stop it.

Because in the meadow of shadows and mists, the ghosts could feel every emotion. Hatred. Bitterness. Sorrow. Regret. They were meant to feel it like the lash of the whip, driving home their destructive path. It was why Manolito so acutely felt the emotions pouring into him, even when he knew the scene of MaryAnn's torture was illusion. He was meant to feel what he had not all those long centuries.

Maxim had no choice but to feel the love for his sister. Emotions poured into his mind with every memory. He covered his face with his hands and fell to his knees.

«You stand with the man who would have done those very things to her that you wanted done to my lifemate. Should I show you what was in Draven's mind? The perversions he would have inflicted upon Ivory?»

Manolito would never have been able to do such a thing, but he knew Maxim would conjure them up in his own mind. He would know that he stood shoulder to shoulder with the one who had ultimately taken Ivory from them. He planned evil with the one who would have committed the ultimate betrayal of her.

«No. I cannot think of her.»

There were so many memories. Manolito felt the tears in his own heart. Ivory. He had loved her as a sister. She had brightened all their lives with her generous spirit and compassionate nature.

«You have done what you intended, Manolito.»

They all whirled around to face the couple who had come up so quietly behind them. Vlad and Sarantha stood hand in hand.

«You should not be here,» Manolito said. He glanced at Draven, at the snicker on his face, and wanted to smash something. Vlad and his lifemate deserved so much more from a son. «This is my mess, and I will find a way to clean it up.» He wanted to spare them the pain of facing the monster Draven had been. Somehow, he knew Ivory would have wanted that rather than revenge.

«You have destroyed their plans and managed to bring Maxim to the realization of what he has done. He will not aid his brothers,» Vlad said. «Your time here is over. I have yet to do my duty and then ours will be, too.»

Manolito looked down at his hands. They were no longer transparent. He closed his fingers into a tight fist and then opened his hand once again.

«We stand with you always,» Manolito said, knowing Vlad would understand he meant every De La Cruz.

«You and your brothers have been loyal to our people,» Vlad said.» I trust that you will aid the jaguars as best you can, and give that same loyalty I have always counted on to my sons.»

Sarantha stepped close to him and touched the scars. «You saved Mikhail's life. And you saved our son, Jacques, by stepping in front of Shea and taking the poisoned knife. You also saved our unborn grandson. I thank you. It is not enough, but it is all I have to give.»

Vlad gripped his forearms. «Go now. Leave this place. You do not belong here anymore. Let me take care of the business I should have centuries ago. Live large and well, old friend.»

Manolito stepped away. He felt himself reaching for MaryAnn. For his brothers. For life. He stopped for a moment to observe Vlad and Sarantha face their son.

«You have had many years here, Draven, and we have stood by you, but no longer. Even here, when you are

given the chance to redeem yourself, you refuse. We accept your decision. Go now, from this place to the next.»

«No! You cannot. I am your son.» For the first time, the smirk was gone from Draven's face. He threw himself at his mother, wrapping his arms around her legs. «Do not let him condemn me. He cannot send me away.»

«We condemn you, as we should have so many years ago, Draven,» Sarantha said, conviction in her voice. «Go now. Perhaps in the next place you will learn far more than we could ever teach you.»

Draven screamed as black smoke curled around him, pouring from his body to surround him. Shadows moved along the ground, skittered over the trees. The vines pushed up from the earth, long, tangled barbs on the seeking tentacles. The vampires stood mesmerized, some with smiles, others with nervous scowls, but all frozen as Draven tried to run.

The vines reared back, coiled like snakes, and then lashed out, circling Draven's ankles. They yanked hard, and he fell into a nest of greedy claws reaching out of the ground for him. One moment he was there, wrapped in the barbs, his mouth opened wide in a now-silent scream, the next he was gone, swallowed by a black hole.

There was silence. Sarantha dropped her head on Vlad's shoulder. He held her close, protectively, sheltering her against his larger body. Manolito could feel the pull of his own world drawing him, and he went, eager to get back to his own lifemate, to hold her in his arms and shelter her the way Vlad had Sarantha throughout their centuries together. When he glanced back, all he could see of them was blazing light, and then that, too, was gone and he was back in his own body.

MaryAnn gasped and threw her arms around him, fitting neatly, perfectly, into his frame. He smiled over her head at Riordan. «Thank you,» he said simply. And meant it.

Chapter Eighteen

M ^ ^

«Are you all right? Did they hurt you?» MaryAnn skimmed her hand anxiously down Manolito's chest. «I was so worried about you.»

«No, meu amor, but you-I saw you with blood on your shoulder and belly.» He touched her bare shoulder where the angry marks showed, then tugged up her shirt to examine the bare expanse of flesh.

Riordan cleared his throat. «I am still here.»

Neither looked up or acknowledged his statement.

MaryAnn ran her hands under Manolito's shirt. «How did you get out of that place? I was right, wasn't I? Maxim was trying to kill you.» She went up on her toes to press half a dozen kisses down Manolito's throat. «You are free of the shadow world for good, aren't you?»

Riordan scratched his head. «I just want to say one word here. Vampire. Are you listening, Manolito? She fought a vampire.»

That got through. Manolito pulled her closer and this time did a long examination of the wounds.

«I removed all the parasites, if you're interested,» Riordan said.

Manolito swept her once again against him, raining kisses along her shoulder, his heart leaping in his chest and then settling into a steady rhythm. He should have thought of their blood. If they had managed to pull her into their world with the infected blood in her system, the blood would have called to them. Xavier might have been able to find a way to resurrect his dead army after all.

«I have to check, MaryAnn,» he said, framing her face in his hands. «I have to be certain nothing can harm you.»

«Hello! That's such an insult, bro,» Riordan said, but he couldn't help the grin spreading across his face. They had it bad, those two. Stubborn as mules, but still, they had eyes only for each other.

MaryAnn buried her face against Manolito's throat, circling her arms around his neck. «Take me somewhere safe where I can breathe.» She wanted to touch him, inspect every inch of his body to make certain he hadn't been harmed.

«We actually have a few things of importance to discuss,» Riordan tried again, knowing it was in vain, but figuring he could rack up a few teasing jabs he could pull out later on his brother. Big bad Manolito was putty in the hands of his lifemate. «You know, things like the wolf. Bad blood. What happened in the spirit world.»

Manolito lifted MaryAnn into his arms, ignoring his youngest brother. «I know a place you will love.»

Riordan rolled his eyes. «I guess I'll just leave you two alone.» His grin widened when neither looked his way. «I can take care of Solange and Jasmine for the night, if you two-you know-want some alone time.» They didn't even appear grateful for that. He shook his head and dissolved. There was no use trying to get anything of importance out of either of them tonight.

MaryAnn closed her eyes and laid her head against Manolito's chest, turning her face up to the night sky. She might never get used to flying through the air, but as long as he held her so close, she could enjoy being in his arms. The wind and mist were cool on her face, and she felt safe as he whisked her over the canopy toward his surprise destination.

It didn't take long to find the entrance to the underground cavern Manolito had discovered years earlier. The island had only two sections where the terrain rolled into what could be called hills, and they were covered in thick forest. A waterfall poured into a pool that fed the stream running down toward the river surrounding the island, picking up strength as it went, rushing and frothing over boulders and smaller rocks until it poured into the larger body of water.

MaryAnn looked around her as he set her on her feet. «It's breathtaking.» Flowers wound up and down the trunks of the trees, blossoming in every vibrant color possible. The sound of the water added to the beauty and wildness of the place, yet it seemed a private cocoon where no one would disturb them.

Manolito waved his hands at the waterfall, and the heavy stream parted to reveal a ledge behind it. He caught her up and leapt, taking her through the spray to set her on the other side. «This was an incredible find.»

«It certainly is beautiful,» she agreed, trying to still the uneasiness in her as she looked around for bugs. Bugs and bats. «Aren't there like a zillion different kinds of bugs in caves?» Her voice came out in a little squeak.

Manolito laughed. «You just fought a vampire, MaryAnn.»

«Yes, well, I don't think the wolf is going to come leaping out because I see a crawly thing-no matter how scared of it I might be.»

He laughed. «Good point.»

He flicked a hand toward what appeared to be a crack in the rocks, and at once light threw the narrow tunnel behind it into relief. Slipping inside, Manolito stepped back so MaryAnn could get a clear view of the walls of tunnel leading deeper under the hill. Rows of torches cast dancing shadows along the way and illuminated the drawings covering the rock walls.

He gestured for her to go in front of him. When she hesitated, he caught her hand and tugged her to him, nuzzling her neck. «Your wolf will love this place.»

She relaxed against his body, tilting her head to look up at him. «I'm sure she will, but I was thinking more along the lines of a five-star hotel. Is that really asking too much? I mean, come on, Manolito, a cave. Do I look like a woman who goes exploring dark places where bugs congregate?»

She hadn't even mentioned the bats, and maybe she was getting all girly on him, but really, didn't Carpathians believe in hotels? «I don't have enough bug spray for something like this.»

«I will take care of the bugs for you. Give it a chance. You will love it.»

She sighed. He had that smile and those eyes, and the sound of his laughter, even though the sound was in her mind, made her stomach bottom out. She was merged with him and read how «cute» he found her. She would never have described herself as cute, but what the heck, she'd take it when he was enjoying himself. He wasn't a man to laugh much, so fine, she'd walk into his cave.

«I understand where you get the whole Neanderthal mentality if you hang out here all the time,» she mumbled, but she slid through the crack, careful not to touch either side of the rock.

She swallowed fear and forced herself to walk a little way inside, just enough for Manolito to get through as well. They stood close, his body heat warming her as she studied the numerous drawings of animals on the walls. It was like an art museum of work over centuries of time. Crude stick figures gave way to more elaborate and detailed work, all holding a unique beauty and giving off a sense of timelessness. The paintings depicted a society of jaguar people. Some were in human form, some in the middle of shifting and some fully in cat form.

«Do you think they lived together like this at one time?» MaryAnn asked, touching one of the drawn cat's ears with gentle fingers. «There's a campfire. Men have their arms around women, and children arc playing. Was it ever like this?»

«I never saw them that way, and I have been around a long time, but the jaguar and lycan really were secretive about their societies. I fought beside them a couple of times, but never saw them in their own environments.»

«You should show this to Luiz.»

He shrugged his shoulders. «Perhaps someday. It is a favorite resting place of mine, and we rarely allow anyone to know where we sleep.»

There was something in his voice, in his mind, she caught. A sadness. Wariness. She stilled, leaning back into him. «You're afraid Luiz won't make it.»

He wrapped his arms around her. «I find that having emotions, particularly fear, can be disturbing. I am worried about the possibility. I like the man. I thought I had converted him solely because you asked me to, but now I am not so certain.»

She turned in his arms, her hand sliding under his hair to curl around the nape of his neck. «If he doesn't, Manolito, it isn't your fault. You've given him every chance, more than he ever would have gotten. And thank you-whether you did it solely for me, for him, or because he is a friend-thank you.»

He kissed the tip of her nose. «You are very welcome.» He framed her face with his hands. «I have to check for myself that the vampire didn't leave anything behind that could harm you. I need a minute.»

«Riordan did a good job healing me. I'm a little achy, but other than that, the shoulder and my stomach feel fine.»

He didn't argue, merely let his physical body drop away and his spirit enter hers, taking his time to make certain not a single parasite had hidden from Riordan. When he came back to himself, she was tapping her foot.

«Are you satisfied?»

«Yes. For now. Later I intend to inspect every inch of your skin.»

«Fine. I'm doing the same to you.»

He grinned at her. «Come, let me show you this place.» He waved casually toward the entrance, and the crack in the boulders groaned and creaked so that she gasped and nearly climbed up his shoulders.

«What the hell was that?» She literally crawled up his body. «I think this cave is coming down on top of us, Manolito.»

He tried not to laugh. She clawed for a purchase on his shoulders, her head swiveling left and right, her eyes enormous. He couldn't help it-the laughter spilled out to become a full-blown roar. «I am closing the door.»

«Oh no, you're not.» She had her arms around his head, practically blinding him. «And stop laughing. This isn't funny. I'm not getting trapped in a cave, not even for you. Gorgeous can only take you so far.»

The two sides of the boulder ground together with a horrendous jarring, eliciting a screech of fear from her. The torches flickered and danced as if they might go out. She buried both fists in his hair and yanked. «Get us out of here.»

Manolito wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back down so her feet were once again on solid ground. «We do not want light shining through the falls. The idea is to be safe here. We have air. I'll take care of bugs. Trust me, MaryAnn, this is better than a five-star hotel.»

She stared up into his face. A woman could drown in the absolute love in his eyes. She let out her breath and found calm. «Well I want room service then.»

«I intend to give you anything you want.»

The velvet caress in his voice sent a shiver running through her body. «I don't know how you managed to get around all my defenses, Manolito, but you have.»

His slow smile made her heart nearly stop.

«I cheated. I will probably go to hell if there is such a place, because I fear I do not have the necessary remorse in me for my actions. I stole you, MaryAnn, right out from under the noses of our best hunters.»

She laughed. «You sound like you're boasting.»

He kissed the corner of her mouth. «Maybe just a little. After all, you have to know your caveman can bring home the dinosaur.»

She looked around suspiciously. «You'd better be joking.»

He tucked her hand in his back pocket to lead her down the long, winding tunnel. Torches lined the way, burning brightly and showing her he was keeping his promise-there wasn't a single bug in sight.

«I've been thinking a lot about this Carpathian-wolf thing we have going,» she said, trying not to keep staring at his butt. He had a nice ass.

His laughter was soft. «I was just thinking the same thing about you.»

«What?» She tried to sound innocent.

«Ass. Butt. However you want to describe that particular portion of your anatomy. Yours is quite nice. I was just thinking how you looked in those red heels. You take my breath away, woman.» She did a whole lot more than that. His body hardened and thickened with every step he took. With her mind firmly merged with his, knowing she was thinking along the same lines as he was only heightened the ache.

He wanted to get her out of her clothes and inspect every single inch of her body to make certain she was all right. And he wasn't going to let her out of his sight again-at least not for a long, long time.

He swung around and pulled her to him, kissing her hard, his tongue sliding into her mouth to tangle and dance and reclaim her all over again.

MaryAnn recognized the hint of desperation wrapped in the hunger. She pulled back, smoothing his hair. «What is it?»

Her voice. The way she effortlessly slipped inside his head, surrounding him with warmth and comfort, enveloping him in love-he felt it now, where it hadn't been before. He didn't know what he'd done to earn it, but he was grateful.

He pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes briefly, inhaling her scent. «They could not kill my physical body in the spirit world, so they tried to kill my soul.»

She felt the involuntary shudder that went through him. «How, Manolito? Tell me how.»

He knew she didn't have a clue that her tone held a hidden compulsion. She wanted to take the pain of those memories away. Her fingers stroked and caressed his hair, slid down to his shoulders and arms, and then

back up. Every touch was meant to share, to soothe. His MaryAnn. There was no one else like her. He caught her chin and bent his head to fasten his mouth to hers. She leaned into him, her soft body pliant, fitting him perfectly.

«Tell me,» she whispered.

He took a breath, fighting the images in his head. He couldn't go there again, couldn't let himself see her being brutalized. She gasped and he knew she saw, too.

«It's all right, Manolito. It didn't happen. Maxim tried to trick you.»

«He didn't know about the wolf,» Manolito said. «Your wolf.» He tugged at her curls. «Your wolf saved us all the way around.»

She smiled up at him. «Of course it did. My wolf is totally cool.»

«Your wolf is hot,» he corrected and turned her around.

The room was oval shaped and deep, wide and spacious. Thousands of colored crystals covered the walls. The lights from the torches picked up the many colors, scattering rainbow prisms dancing all around the room. The bed was enormous, a big four-poster of carved exotic wood, with wrought iron embellishing it. She stepped close to it, running her hands over one of the posts. The moment she touched it, she knew he had made it.

«This is real.»

He nodded. «I like working with my hands. My brothers call it my vice.» He led her around to the head of the bed, where she could examine the board there. Two small tables stood on either side, but it was the headboard that intrigued her. There were symbols, hieroglyphics, carved into the wood and several small iron rings embedded across it.

«What does this say?»

«It is in an ancient language.»

«And?» she prompted.

«To bring only pleasure to ainaak sivamet jutta.»

«You'll have to translate that as well.»

«Forever to my heart connected. My love. Wife. Lifemate. You!»

«You made this bed for me?»

«It was made for the other half of my soul. Yes. For you. I poured everything I felt for you into this. Every dream. Every fantasy. I tried to think of every way I could pleasure you and make certain I was ready for that. I studied every century's new ideas on sensual pleasure, every culture's ideas, and learned as much as I could.»

The idea was almost frightening. «I'm not exactly all that experienced, Manolito.»

«A mind merge is a wonderful thing,» he pointed out. «So are you happy with the accommodations? We have privacy, warmth, and I can assure you, the mattress is the top of the line.»

She had no doubt about that. Manolito didn't do anything halfway. «Okay, it's five-star all right. But where's the service?» she teased.

He smiled, his sinfully sexy smirk that seemed to burn slow and mean through her entire body. «I have plans to provide service all night. Did I mention I love your shirt?» His hands went to the leather straps circling her neck. The golden leather fell so that the soft jersey drape dipped even lower. It had skimmed the swell of her breasts, but now her nipples peeked out at him. «Oh, yeah, I like this top,» he reiterated and bent his head to flick each nipple with his tongue.

She shivered as his hair slid over her skin, a fall of midnight silk she couldn't help invading with her fingers. «Take your shirt off, Manolito.»

He stepped back, bringing her hands to the buttons. «You take it off for me.» His black eyes seemed to scorch her skin.

MaryAnn slid the buttons aside one at a time, and with each one, her lungs became a little more labored. She used her palms, fingers splayed wide on his chest, to push the shirt aside and up and over his broad shoulders. She tugged it off and let it fall. His skin glowed in the dancing firelight. God, he was beautiful. Built like a man should be built. If that made her shallow, then all right, she'd accept that. She ran her palms over the defined muscles of his chest and then down to his six-pack and narrow waist.

Above her head, his features were strong-his jaw, his nose, the high cheekbones. He kept his chin up, looking over her head as she leaned in to press kisses along every delineated muscle.

«You will need to remove my shoes before you can my trousers,» he pointed out.

Her heart jumped and she glanced up at him through her lashes, but he continued to study a spot above her head. She moistened her lips and crouched down to untie his shoes. She knew he could simply wish his clothes away, but she didn't want him to and maybe he was reading that in her mind. She wanted the sensual discovery of unwrapping his body, a gift, a treasure, just for her.

He lifted his foot and let her slip off his shoe and sock, her fingers lingering on his skin, stroking his ankle and up his calf, before going to the next shoe. She set them aside and knelt up to reach for the waistband of his trousers. Her jersey top slipped further down to pool around her waist, leaving her breasts exposed. The cool air tightened her nipples even more, but MaryAnn found it erotic to be kneeling in front of him, half-clothed, her breasts spilling out while he stood waiting for her to undress him.

Manolito's breath caught in his lungs. She was so beautiful, looking up at him that way, so seductive she was lucky he had enough control to give her whatever she wanted, because right now, he wanted to just lift her up and bury himself in her. She wanted to play. He watched the tip of her tongue moisten her full lower lip, drawing his attention to her mouth. She was inches away from the thick bulge in his trousers. He was separated from paradise only by that thin layer of material, already stretched to the maximum.

He closed his eyes briefly as he felt her fingers dance around the opening and then slowly peel the material aside. His erection sprung out, large and pulsing with need. Her cheek brushed the ultrasensitive head as she drew down his trousers, urging him to step out of them. Her fingers brushed back up his leg, inside his thigh, and then she cupped his balls in her hands. His breath left his lungs in a long rush. His cock jerked as she blew warm air over him, her lips barely brushing the broad tip.

He caught a fistful of hair and tugged, drawing her head up. «Lie across the bed for me.»

«But I wanted…»

«I'll give you what you want. Do this for me.»

Slowly, his gaze holding hers, she sank down onto the mattress. He pulled her legs across the bed sideways and gently pressed on her shoulder until she slowly lay back, her head at the very edge of the bed, hair falling toward the floor. Very gently he removed her boots and set them beside his shoes. The feel of his strong hands moving down her calves sent little tingles of excitement racing through her bloodstream. He tugged at her jeans until she lifted her bottom and let him slide them off. She was left draped across the bed with her top pooled around her rib cage.

Manolito moved around to the side of the bed where her head was, caught her shoulders and tugged until her neck was off the bed and her head was tipped back. Her breasts thrust invitingly into the air, her nipples twin tight peaks begging for his attention.

MaryAnn's heart jumped. She felt a little vulnerable and exposed in this position. The rainbow lights played lovingly over her body, almost spotlighting her. She could feel the moisture gathering between her legs, and every single nerve ending was alive with anticipation.

He spread his legs, taking a wide stance as he towered over her. His cock was engorged, thick and long, his balls smooth and tight. «Reach back for me,» he instructed, his eyes on her mouth.

Her body trembled with the sudden desire to please him. To have him. To make him burn for her. He made her feel so sexy and wanted, with just a look, a brush of his gaze. She reached both arms back to cup his balls, to draw her fingernails lightly over his tight sac to memorize the texture and shape. The air left his body in a hiss and she smiled, running her tongue along her teeth. He wanted to be in control, but the brush of her fingertips, the light squeeze of her hands, the small flick of her tongue as she brought him to her mouth told her she had far more power over his body than she'd first thought.

He murmured something graphic, stepping even closer, his hands finding her long, curly hair. «Slide down a little more now, meu amor. That's it. That's what I want. You can take so much more of me this way.»

Her head was back, throat arched, breasts thrust upward, her body laid out like a feast. To stay in control, he circled the base of his shaft with one hand and pushed the head against her waiting mouth, teasing her lips. Her tongue flicked out, and she did a long, slow lick, curling it at the end, like she was scooping ice cream out of a cone.

She made him wait. A heartbeat. Two. The world stood still. Time faltered and his heart lurched. Her mouth engulfed him like a silken glove, slid over his cock, her tongue swirling under the head and up over it, teasing and darting around while she suckled.

His hips jerked. A sound escaped, something suspiciously close to a rough growl. Pleasure burst through him, rushing like a drug through his system. More than pleasure. Love. With his cock in her mouth, he doubted he should have been feeling anything but lust, but maybe love drove his lust for her, because he couldn't imagine another woman more beautiful, or sexier. He couldn't imagine feeling this desire, so intense it was a wild storm crashing through him, for anyone else. His breath exploded out of his lungs. His body shuddered as the fire raced up his spine.

She ran another long, slow lick up and down the shaft, watching him, watching his reaction. He felt her in his mind, sharing the fire, sharing each wave of sensation she created as she drew him back deeper, her mouth

hot and tight.

His hands bunched in her hair. His hips thrust forward, using his own hand to keep each forward movement short as he filled her mouth. Her tongue was a velvet rasp as she licked the underside, and then she was suckling again, drawing him deeper. Her eyes remained locked on his, tearing at his heart, his soul, as he watched her swallow him, watched raw desire heat her gaze.

She took him into her mouth, a long, slow draw, keeping her mouth tight, her tongue flat while she applied pressure and then whipped her head up fast, meeting his thrust, taking him deeper, so that streaks of fire spread through his groin.

MaryAnn felt her body going up in flames. Her breasts were swollen and aching, begging for attention. The junction between her legs throbbed and was drenched with heat. He was making rough sounds of pleasure, each one vibrating through her, so that the walls of her sheath contracted and rippled and begged for mercy. He was tugging at her hair with each thrust as he began to lose his control, pulling her toward him as his thrusts deepened.

«Harder,» he encouraged.

She felt him swelling and knew by his husky groan he was close. She couldn't move, locked beneath him, his hands controlling her head, the short, tight movements as her mouth moved up and down his shaft. He directed the arch of her neck, allowing her to take more of him.

«Relax your throat for me,» he instructed, his breath coming in harsh, ragged gasps. «Yes. Like that. Like that. Squeeze down.» The thrusts were faster now, short and hard, but he used the leverage to go deeper, the tugs on her hair sending pulses of pleasure shooting through her body.

«You have to stop, sivamet» His voice was hardly his own, so gravelly, on the edge of desperation. Because he couldn't. Because even though he locked her down in the traditional way of his kind, he couldn't leave that hot, moist cavern, so tight as she suckled at him. It was such a carnal pleasure to indulge in, to be indulged. «Stop before it's too late.»

Traditional way of his kind. Where had that thought come from? Why did he have such a desire to hold her still while he plunged in and out of her incredible mouth?

MaryAnn wanted him, all of him, was desperate for him. She felt like a woman on the brink of sanity, starving for what he had to offer. His cock thickened. Jerked. Grew hot and full. There was something terribly erotic about lying all sprawled out, held tightly in place, knowing she was pushing him past all control, even as he was controlling her. She knew it was the wolf. She scented the musky call of the male wolf as Manolito thrust hard, his hands rough now, his cock jerking, the hot jets of semen exploding into her. It was the way of the wolf to dominate, and looking up at him, she could see the amber lights flickering in the black depths of his eyes.

He reached for her breasts, his fingers tugging at her nipples while her mouth pulled at him. Without warning, he simply bent over her, his long body covering hers, and buried his face between her thighs. She couldn't breathe. Couldn't think. Her body bucked and writhed as his tongue stabbed deep. She was forced to turn her head and release him, and all he did was crawl up her body and pull her hips up to his marauding mouth. Her vision blurred. Her body belonged to him. To his hands and mouth and the long, muscled length of him.

I want your heart and soul.

The whisper would have stolen her last defense if she'd had any. You have them.

You are safe in my keeping. And she was. As long as he lived and breathed, beyond that even, he would protect and cherish her.

His tongue found slick heat, warm honey, and he indulged himself, holding her there easily while he took what he wanted. Her hips bucked, her breath came in sobs, as he devoured her. Her body was primed for him, already shuddering with her first climax, and he was throwing her into the second one with the dancing of his fingers over and in her. She cried out his name, music to him, the soft, ragged, breathy sound, barely audible when she ground against him in an attempt to get relief. Her releases only added to the pressure building, forever building until she was chanting, Please, please, please.

Manolito raised his head and pulled her around to him, lifting her upright into his arms, pushing up with his body while he held her until he was standing. «Wrap your legs around my waist, MaryAnn.» His voice was rough and mesmerizing.

«I don't have any strength.» She didn't, her arms and legs heavy, her body still shaking from the series of orgasms. Even so, she locked her fingers on his shoulders while she circled his body with her legs.

«I have the strength for both of us. Just hold on, sivamet.»

She locked her ankles and closed her eyes as he lowered her over him. The broad head of his cock drove through her soft, tight folds, the friction on her already-sensitive nerve endings making her cry out and bury her face against him. «I don't know if I can do this,» she whispered. «It's too much, every time, too much.»

How could she survive when her body was already in meltdown? Her need seemed unrelenting, the pressure building and building as he withdrew and her muscles tried to grip and hold him to her.

Manolito caught her hair and pulled her head up so he could find her mouth with his. He needed to kiss her. To feel part of her, to be inside of her. He looked into her eyes and saw need there, hot and yet filled with such love. His heart jerked in his chest, and he kissed her again, using a gentle rhythm to entice her to ride him. His hands gripped her bottom, lifting her, showing her, feeling the silken heat flash through him when her muscles clamped down.

So hot. A searing fire streaking up his cock and spreading to every inch of his body. The primitive need to possess her was a dark lust that wouldn't-couldn't-be stopped. Heat, lust, love, passion and arousal all mingled together as the bite of her muscles clamped around him and silken walls tightened until he was strangling somewhere between pleasure and pain.

Manolito shifted again, tipping her back onto the bed so he was bent over her, watching them come together, watching her body stretch impossibly to accommodate his. The sight of her body accepting his was so erotic it shook him. Her tight sheath was velvet soft but scorching, so that he lost his ability to think, to control, until he was pumping into her, deeper and deeper, while the white-hot pleasure burst around him.

She rose to meet every drive of his hips, every thrust and surge, urging him to a harder, faster ride, until he felt her release ripping through her like a firestorm-catching him up in the vortex, sucking and milking while streaks of lightning raced over his cock and he exploded deep inside her, jet after jet pulsing while her body gripped him hard. He lay over her for a long while, gasping her name, stroking her back, fighting for control when his body no longer belonged to him.

Gently he lifted her all the way onto the bed and lay down beside her, his legs too weak to hold him up any longer. She burrowed close to him, her arms around his neck, her breasts pressed against him, body still

shuddering with pleasure.

«I think I am alive,» he said, faint humor in his voice.

«I'm not.» She was tired. Exhausted, but every time he shifted, her body reacted.

He moved against her, his mouth trailing down her throat to the swell of her breast, and she held her breath as she felt his incisors prick her skin. Instinct was taking over and she wanted what he was offering. She arched closer, but he merely flicked her breast with his tongue, pulling back as he rolled over.

It was too late for him. He had taken her blood numerous times, so much so that he knew the infection raged in his body. His Carpathian blood prevented him from feeling too many of the effects, but still, the wolf was in him now. But MaryAnn, it wasn't too late for her. He just had to maintain control at all times. Making love to her was the most dangerous of times because the need, the craving for her blood was on him all the time.

She lay in silence for a long while, listening to the combined rhythm of their heartbeats. Finally she propped herself up onto her elbow, levering up onto her side so she could look at him. «Manolito, I'm in your mind and I can feel your need to convert me. You don't just want to do it; every instinct you have is demanding it.»

His fingers curled around the nape of her neck. «That matters little to me. Your safety and happiness are more important than anything else.»

«Riordan said you could still turn vampire.»

«You misunderstood.» His fingers began a slow massage to ease the tension out of her. «We are bound together. I cannot turn. I will choose a life with you, whether it is here or in your beloved city of Seattle.» He flashed her a smile. «See? I am beginning to be able to read your mind at will, too.»

«What does that mean? I don't understand.»

«I will grow old and die as you do. The lycan have longevity as well, but not as Carpathians. When you give up life, so will I.»

She was silent, studying his face, probing his mind. Delving deep, she found-the wolf. She had known all along it was emerging, but now she could feel its powerful presence. With that combined with his Carpathian characteristics, Manolito would be a difficult man to handle. It was fortunate she had her wolf to help guide her.

«I want to go back to Seattle to see my family often,» she said.

«Of course.»

«And you will be charming and not at all bossy.»

His eyebrow shot up. «It is always said that I am a charming man.»

«By whom? You and your brothers?» She gave a delicate sniff of disbelief. «When we go visit, you have to act civilized and not at all like a Carpathian or a wolf. I don't want my mother upset.»

«Are you going to ask her questions?»

«I don't know. I haven't decided yet. But I do know if Solange and Jasmine stay in Brazil, wherever they are,

they really need help. I think we should try to have a home near them as well as in the States.»

«I agree, and that is a perfect solution. Jasmine wants to go to the ranch, but Solange, I think, will be a problem. And in truth, MaryAnn, I do not believe she should ever be near my eldest brother, Zacarias. He does not take no for an answer, and she would judge him very harshly, not understanding that his word had to be, and continues to have to be, law. He was what kept us all from turning vampire. The darkness is in him, and we all tread softly to try to keep from pushing him over the edge.»

She could feel his sorrow and worry for his oldest brother. He obviously loved and respected Zacarias above all others. She brushed back Manolito's hair with gentle fingers and leaned forward to kiss him. The shadows in his eyes, the heaviness in his heart were almost more than she could bear.

«You think you will eventually lose him.» She made it a statement.

Manolito lay back, locking his fingers behind his head, and stared up at the sparkling crystals covering the ceiling. He sighed. «Zacarias is a great man, meu amor, highly intelligent, and he wields much power. He has stood in front of my brothers, in front of me, shielding us from the kills to allow us more time. Each kill we make our souls grow darker.»

«Can you, Riordan and Rafael try to…» She trailed off. What was she saying? Did she want Manolito to hunt the vampire?

He shook his head. «He would never allow us to do that for him. He believes he is responsible for us. I already see the darkness is strong in him. I was so close to turning myself, I should know. Even when I entered the other world, the other occupants knew. After a while the darkness runs together until you no longer know if you can resist the lure to just one time feel something. Anything.»

«But three of you have found lifemates. That should give him hope.»

«He cannot feel hope, not his own. He can only feel our hope for him. And even should he find his lifemate, I fear he would be too difficult for a woman of today's society to live with. Most of our lifemates are human or raised human. He is a throwback to a different era. You find me difficult. In comparison, I assure you, MaryAnn, I am a very modern man.»

«I'm very glad to hear you say that, Manolito, because this modern woman has come to a decision, and it's my decision to make. Mine. You have to understand that I believe I do have rights. This is important to me.»

«What decision would that be?» He sounded wary. He was wary. He wasn't about to free her from her obligations even if it was possible-which it wasn't.

«I want you to convert me. Now. Tonight. I want to share your life wholly with you.» She ignored the storm clouds gathering in his eyes. «I didn't have a decision at any time along the way. So this is me, thinking it over, knowing what I'm doing and saying, yes, I love you and I want to be wholly yours.»

Chapter Nineteen



Manolito bit down on his first response, forcing the sudden fear down. Emotions were much more difficult to deal with than he'd remembered. If he converted MaryAnn, and the wolf protested, it might kill her. No one, not even Vlad, remembered the pairing of a wolf and a Carpathian.

«Manolito?» Her fingers drifted over his face, tracing his cheekbones, gentle, filled with love.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned his face away from her so she wouldn't see him fight back the way she affected him. She shook him with her tenderness. With love. Being a lifemate seemed so simple, yet it was far more complex than he had ever considered. He wanted her conversion for himself. He had pride in what and who he was, but at the same time, he wouldn't-couldn't-risk her.

«Ask me for the moon, MaryAnn, and I will find a way to get it for you. But not this. Not when we do not know what will happen.»

«You are changing. You said so yourself.» She pressed kisses along his strong jaw and up to the corner of his mouth. «Whatever you are, I want to be. I've thought about this a lot. I had plenty of time while I was fighting off vampires and mages and jaguar-men. It's really rare to find someone you love, and even rarer to have them love you back.»

«We will still have that,» he said gently and reached up to pull her down on top of him. He couldn't look into her eyes and not give her whatever she wanted. «We will always have that.» When had it started? When had she turned his world upside down? His stomach was jittery and his heart melted the moment he looked at her. His brothers would laugh if they knew. He rubbed his chin on top of her head, feeling her hair catch like tiny threads binding them together. With a thought, he removed her top, sending it sailing to the floor so he could smooth his hand down her soft back.

«Do you feel the wolf inside you?» She rolled over to pillow her head on his shoulder. «Because his scent is all over you-and all over me. He's there, I know he is, reaching for my wolf when we make love. That's probably why you're even more dominant than when I first laid eyes on you.» He'd taken her breath away even then. «That's why you rub your body all over mine, to get your scent on me, and that's a wolf trait.»

«It's a Carpathian trait.»

She laughed, and he felt the sound moving through his body like small electrical currents. «Don't say that like it's a good thing. I'm not going into this relationship with rose-colored glasses. It has occurred to me you might be difficult to live with.»

He bit her neck, his teeth gentle, scraping back and forth over her pulse while the breath caught and held in her lungs. «As long as you do everything I say, I think life will be easy.»

The teasing note in his voice was almost as sexy as the way his hands came up to cover her breasts. He simply cupped the undersides in his palms, holding her close to him for a long moment before he slipped out from under her head, one arm wrapping around her waist and rolling her onto her side to face him. The way he did it, his hands so strong and sure, his movements decisive, sent a shiver of excitement up her spine.

She couldn't imagine never wanting him like this. The ache was so strong she thought she might die from the mixture of need, want and love. His body was firm and hot, hard and aching for her. She read it in his mind, felt it in the way his body was so thick and hard already, pressing against her thigh.

«You aren't going to distract me, Manolito,» she whispered. «Don't you see how important it is that I make this decision for myself? It has to be my decision.»

He nuzzled her throat, inhaled her warm, feminine scent, was pleased that his scent lingered over her skin. His tongue touched her pulse, swirled over the small, inviting dip before he pressed his lips to the temptation.

MaryAnn closed her eyes. Maybe he was going to distract her. Her heart beat in time to his. Her body should have been thoroughly sated, but, no, she was hungry for him all over again. He touched her and she was lost. He looked at her and she was lost. She gave a little groan and reached up to wrap her arm around his head and hold him to her. «I'm so pathetic when it comes to you.»

His lips brushed her shoulder when he smiled, sending little darts of fire streaking over her skin to the swell of her breasts. At once she felt achy and tight.

«No more than I am with you,» he murmured and shifted closer so that his mouth could wander across the soft, firm mound.

His tongue touched the small spot where his mark had lingered for so long, and at once she felt it burn and throb. Her body answered between her legs with that same burning and throbbing sensation, only a thousand times more powerful, so that she shifted restlessly.

«Does it matter to you that I want this?» Was that her voice, so breathy with anticipation she could barely recognize herself?

«You and what you want always matters,» he replied, lifting his head, his black eyes searching hers.

«I need this, Manolito. Like you need my body and heart. I need the same from you. You have to trust me enough to know my own mind.»

«It isn't a matter of trust, MaryAnn.» He rolled over, away from her, but not before she caught a flash of uneasiness in him. Of wariness. Of something pushing close to desperation.

She didn't understand his mixed feelings. It was simple enough. Riordan had brought Juliette into his life. Manolito had brought Luiz. Now that she knew what her wolf was, now that she understood the protection and strength that it gave her, she loved it, but she loved Manolito more. She wanted a full life with him. She'd caught glimpses in his mind of what the reality would be if she did not become Carpathian. She would not be able to go to ground with him, and he would often need to rejuvenate. She would be aboveground, suffering the effects. There would be no days for him, few nights for her.

«We can't live like that, not and be happy the way we were meant,» she said.

He turned back to her, his palm cupping the back of her head. «I can make you happy, MaryAnn. Through it all, I can do that.»

«But I couldn't make you happy. I want this for myself, not for you. Because for the first time I know what life can be like sharing it with someone else. I feel as if I've been handed a miracle.»

A smile softened the hard edge of his mouth. «That is the way I feel, MaryAnn. You are that miracle, and to chance losing you…»

«Why would you lose me? Juliette made it through.»

His fingers raked through his hair. «It is different.»

«How? Explain to me how it is different.»

Exasperated, he sighed. «I see what you meant when you told me you were stubborn.» He sat up and ran both hands through his hair again, shoving the long hair behind his shoulders and then abruptly leaning over to kiss her. «This is something you are absolutely certain you want to do?»

She curled her fingers around his nape and drew his head down to hers for another kiss. His mouth was like a heated furnace, ready to catch fire at the least provocation. «I want to spend every moment I can with you in the best way possible.»

He let his breath out. «Do not think you will get your way in all things, sivamet.»

She rolled onto her back, her hair spread across the pillow, and smiled up at him. «Of course I will.»

He leapt out of bed and was gone. He simply dissolved to vapor in front of her eyes, streaming down the narrow tunnel toward the entrance. MaryAnn's heart slammed hard against her chest.

What are you doing? She sprang up and dashed after him, running barefoot, forgetting all about bugs and anything else to do with caves, in her concern for Manolito. She merged her mind with his, even as she used the wolf's speed to try to catch him.

He was not risking her without knowing what would happen. His resolve was absolute. He didn't want to be with her in case it all went wrong fast.

Don't you dare! She shouted it in her mind, his mind, burying as much compulsion in as she was capable of using. Her breath came out in a ragged sob. Manolito. No. You can't do this.

She felt the brush of his fingers on her face and then he was gone from her, pushing her out of his mind to ensure her safety. She felt the ground shake and knew the entrance was opened. Putting on a burst of speed, she pumped her arms, racing to get there before he could close it.

The rock walls slammed together with a grinding noise that reverberated through her mind. She threw back her head and howled, somewhere between fury and terror.

If I do not return, the door will open at sunset.

She slammed both palms over the boulders, a sob welling up in her throat. If you do not return, there is no reason for the door to open. Please, Manolito, I've changed my mind. I don't want this. Come back.

I will not risk you.

It's my risk to take, she pleaded.

She felt his sigh in her mind, and again his fingers seemed to brush over her skin.

You do not understand. You are more than my heart. You are my very soul. There is nothing-no one-on this earth more important to me. I do not want you to feel the fire of conversion. I do not want you to ever experience pain. And I will not risk your life or sanity until I have risked my own first to know that it can be done without harm to you.

She pressed her hand to her mouth hard to stifle the weeping. Crying wasn't going to stop him. Compulsion wasn't going to stop him. If you really love me…

His laughter was soft in her ear. It is out of love that I do this. Go back and sit on the bed and wait for me. If I

return, we will complete the conversion. If I do not, go to my brothers and allow them to care for you.

There was seduction in his voice. The image of her sitting on the bed naked, waiting for him to return to her, was in his mind. She wanted to throw something. She leaned down to find a loose rock on the cavern floor, wrapped her fist around it and, in a storm of rage, flung it at the door, furious that he would expect her to meekly wait for him. To think that he would come back and they would have sex. Wild, uninhibited wolf sex. Oh, God, he was so right.

Manolito. She tried again. You matter as much to me as I do to you. At least let us do this together. Let me out. Or stay merged with me.

I will not risk you.

He broke the connection once more and she felt alone. So alone. MaryAnn walked back to the chamber, her heart so heavy she felt it might shatter into a million pieces. If something went wrong… If she lost him now… How could he have done it again? Taken the decision making out of her hands? Anger faded away as realization hit her. If he didn't come back, she had nothing at all. There would be no reason for anger. No reason at all. Just emptiness, just a terrible black hole that would eventually swallow her.

«What were you thinking?» she whispered aloud, not certain if she was asking him or herself the question. She sank onto the bed, ignoring the tears streaming down her face, just letting them fall.

Manolito inhaled the night air, dragging it deep into his lungs. He felt the wolf inside leap forward, processing data every bit as fast as a Carpathian could. MaryAnn had infected him with her wolf's blood, and as the wolf inside had grown stronger, he had expected his Carpathian traits to either overcome it, or succumb to it, but so far, neither had happened. The wolf simply had taken up residence and remained quiet and alert. They seemed to coexist, but what would happen to him or the wolf, if he called it forth?

He turned his face up to the night sky. He loved the night, the beauty and mystery of it. He loved all things Carpathian. Was this what it had felt like for MaryAnn, to know who she was, to be confident and happy in her own skin? He had ripped that out from under her. He had expected her to accept his gift of life, of love, without ever really weighing the cost to her. For him, being Carpathian was everything. She had loved her life, was comfortable and happy in it. He had taken that as well, all without thought.

Manolito? Zacarias touched his mind, the connection strong in spite of the distance. What are you doing?

He felt the uneasiness of his brothers and knew he had inadvertently touched them, as they always did with one another before a great battle. A touch to say good-bye just in case things didn't go the right way.

I am all right, Zacarias. I have made choices I regret. Given the chance, take care with your choices so you do not have regrets. I have learned that my way is right, yet so are other ways.

There was a small silence. Zacarias had always been able to see too much. What you do is dangerous.

Manolito gave a casual roll of the shoulders, shrugging off the comment even though his brother couldn't see him. What we have done our entire existence has been dangerous. Please get the information to Mikhail that we face possible destruction from all sides. That is the least we can do when we aided the Malinovs in creating the plan to bring down the leader of our people.

Nicolas has already begun the journey. I do not want you to continue on this path you have chosen. I cannot

read anything but danger.

Live well, brother. Manolito sent his warmth and affection, but pulled away before Zacarias could get an inkling of what he planned.

«It is you and me, wolf,» he said quietly. «And the night.»

He felt the wolf stir and stretch. The creature was separate from him, two strong, dominant personalities sharing the same body. It wasn't an illusion. The wolf traits, the need to keep his female protected and close, those things were as strong or stronger in the wolf and doubled his own need to act on them. They shared feelings and sensations. They could-communicate.

Are you ready to do this?

As ready as you. She is my mate as much as yours. There was no hesitation on the part of the wolf. He didn't yet understand the Carpathian bond and what it would mean should Manolito die. MaryAnn would either follow him at once, or, if her wolf could keep her alive, it would be a slow, living death for her.

He shook his head, refusing the possibility. If he didn't convert her, she was right, they would have a difficult life, maybe the same slow, living death either way. Better to face the fire and burn quick and clean.

He called. The wolf answered. He reached. The wolf leapt. The change swept over him. Different. He forced himself to feel everything, to examine it all. The ripple of life beneath his skin. The itch of fur. The burst of teeth as his muzzle elongated to accommodate the sharp fangs. He was being drawn back, pulled inside, spiraling down and shrinking, the sensation claustrophobic. His guardian passed him, flooding him with assurance as the wolf sprang forward and took over his body.

Strength and power poured into him and through him, feeding the wolf. His mind expanded as the collective memories of generation after generation flooded his mind. Nothing like the werewolves in the movies. The full moon made them weak, unable to come out and protect their host body. Unable to answer the call of the wild when their charges were in danger. They headed up the organizations to save forests and animals. They worked tirelessly to combat the ignorance on wildlife, plants and the habitats, even the earth itself.

They were power and intelligence wrapped in sleek fur. Amber eyes and a dark pelt of black fur, the wolf looked into the glassy water to give Manolito a sense of who and what he was. There was no terrible movie monster, but a wolf worried as much for his mate as Manolito was for MaryAnn.

Packs were scattered across the world. Small. Tight. Hidden. They rarely came together unless the need was great, but they survived, buried deep in the community of humans, working, living and loving among them. Their greatest danger was the rogues, wolves who refused to be part of any pack, wolves who, like the Malinov brothers, felt they had a right to rule.

His wolf had searched the collective memories of all wolves and had never found an incidence of a Carpathian mating with a wolf, but neither blood had harmed the other. Manolito opened his memories to the wolf, allowing him to see what the conversion would do, sharing his fears for MaryAnn's safety. He was beginning to think of the wolf as another brother, a partner and friend. They knew each other, stood with each other, and his wolf would always, always protect MaryAnn, just as Manolito would always protect MaryAnn's wolf.

Manolito emerged into the night without a single loss. If anything, he had gained-in knowledge, confidence, and his ability to make a rational decision. It would eventually harm them to live without MaryAnn going through the conversion. She had known that instinctively, as well as reasoning it out. He had to accept the

risk for both their sakes. If he didn't do it this night, he might not find the courage again.

He waved the door to the cavern open, knowing she would hear the rocks grinding together as he once more sealed them in. Striding down the narrow tunnel, he wasn't surprised when she came, tears running down her face, hurling herself at him, instead of waiting on the bed as he'd ordered. He kept the smile from his face, but his heart lightened at her reaction.

«What have you done? You're crazy, you know that?» Cream washed through the perfection of her coffee-colored skin as she flung herself at him. She was furious, yet still crying as she swung at him, letting the adrenaline rule her.

He caught her fists and jerked her against him, wrapping her up tight before she could hurt herself or him. «Easy, csitri. Do not hurt yourself.»

She kicked back at him with her foot, angry all over again now that he was safe. «Hurt you, you mean. I can't believe you did that. What if you needed me and I couldn't get to you?»

«I had to make certain you were safe,» he said, perfectly reasonable. His arm was around her waist, the other under her breasts, both pinning her arms to her sides to keep her from taking another swing at him. «My wolf is very interested in yours. He is worried that something will happen to her when you change, but I believe we are of equal strength. I think your little female is strong enough to go through conversion with you.»

She wasn't quite ready to let go of being afraid and angry with him. He drew her up off her feet and moved backward, taking her with him, her body tight against his. His cock was already hot and engorged, pressed snugly between her buttocks.

«If you think I'm going to let you touch me…»

He bent his head to find the hollow of her neck. Warm. Soft. Inviting. His tongue found her pulse and teased with small flicks. His teeth scraped gently back and forth, flooding her channel with liquid heat. Her womb contracted, set up a throbbing ache. She flexed the muscles in her arm until he cautiously allowed one to escape. She wrapped it around his head and arched back into him, grateful he was alive and unhurt.

«You scared me.»

«I'm sorry, sivamet. I had no wish to frighten you, only to keep you safe.»

His hand came up to cup her breast very tenderly, his fingers tugging at her nipple, sending whispers of sensation floating through her body. There was something extremely sexy about being held like this, his arm locking her tightly to him, his body pressed into hers. He always made her feel sensual and beautiful and very wanted.

Voracious hunger glittered in his eyes as he bent his head to kiss her. His mouth ravaged hers, but his hands were gentle as they traveled down to the soft expanse of her belly. He rubbed small circles there, holding her chin, keeping access to her mouth. She shivered in anticipation.

«Lie down on the bed.» His arms dropped away.

MaryAnn turned to face him, studying the stark arousal on his face, the thick erection standing against the hard muscles of his stomach. He nodded toward the bed, and she crawled onto it, deliberately sensuous, hearing his swift intake of breath as she moved her body with the grace of a wolf, slow and sexy, her breasts swaying and her bottom round and tight. She turned over and stretched out, not hurrying at all, letting him

see every inch of her.

She knew he liked her skin, and with the flickering lights playing over it, the soft coffee color was shown off to an advantage. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He knelt over her on the bed, his hand sliding up the length of her leg to her thigh. His hands were warm and rough. Arousal tightened her womb, and she could feel ripples of need deep in her most intimate feminine channel. He was barely touching her, only with his dark gaze, so filled with lust, so aroused, she thought she might have an orgasm just from the light brush of his fingers and the look on his face.

Manolito covered her body with his own, kissing her over and over, taking his time, being as gentle and as patient as he could. His touch was tender as he aroused her body. He wanted her to know love. To feel love. To know that he would always stand with her and for her and he would worship her body with his. She would know, at the end of their time together, she would know she had been thoroughly loved.

He parted her thighs with his knee and lifted her to him, waited until her eyes met his, and then he joined them in one long surge that set lightning streaking through his body. Her muscles pulsed around him, tight and slick and oh so velvet soft.

He told her he loved her with his body, leaning down over and over to kiss her as he rode her, as he brought her to a gentle climax. His heart pounded at the enormity of what he was doing-of what they were doing. His own release sent another orgasm rippling through her. He kissed her again and sat up, pulling her into his lap.

«Are you certain?»

She nodded, her eyes trusting. His heart turned over. He drew her into his arms, his mouth finding hers, kissing her again and again, over and over as if he'd never get enough. She gasped as his fingers nicked her nipples and sent an overload of sensation to the junction of her legs, so that her body shuddered with more pleasure. As if he had waited for that signal, he bent his head lower, long hair sliding sensuously over her skin, pooling in her lap as he found her breast. Teeth tugged, scraped; his tongue laved and danced. He took his time, suckling for a moment, one hand sliding between her legs to catch her reaction, the hot tightness, the gathering moisture.

He kissed his way back up to the swelling curve of her breast and licked at the pulse point there. Once. Twice. His hand slid over her cleft, rubbed, fingers pushing deep. He felt the ripple of her silken walls closing around him, clamping down with heated arousal. He sank his teeth deep. MaryAnn jerked in his arms, threw her head back, her hips bucking against him, her body riding his hand as he drank. The pleasure/pain of it rocked her and, through her-him.

This was the Carpathian way. The need of a lifemate. Nothing sated hunger, sexual or physical, as a lifemate could. Her taste was unique to her and an aphrodisiac to him. It was the very essence of their life, a blood bond that could not be broken. He reached for his wolf, sharing it with him, wanting him to understand, wanting MaryAnn's wolf to share that same bond.

He fed MaryAnn's arousal, wanted her to feel only pleasure, to heighten the experience of their ultimate merging. Her life was tied to his for all time, and the blood binding their union was as addicting as her body. He closed his eyes, savoring the feel of her bare skin sliding against his. Every nerve ending was enhanced, so that the smallest sensation washed over him in waves of pleasure. He moved in her mind, sharing how she felt-the soft satin, the hot silk, the spicy taste.

He lifted his head, watched the two twin trickles make a path down the sloping curve to the valley and below toward her belly. He passed his tongue over the pinpricks, closing them, and followed the twin trails over her breast, down the valley to her stomach. His hair slid across her thighs as he circled her waist, urging her to lie

back as he licked every remnant of her life's essence from her skin. He could feel the muscles bunching under his palm, tightening just the way her sheath tightened around his fingers.

He caught her to him and rolled, putting her on top of him. «Straddle me. Ride me.» He was already bursting with need again.

«You can't possibly,» she said softly, but she slithered down his body to find his pulsing erection with the heat of her mouth. «I guess you can.»

His hands caught at her shoulders. He couldn't let her distract him, and her mouth-her magic mouth-just might do that. «Straddle me, MaryAnn.» He gripped her thigh, tugged until she reluctantly gave him one delicious, very erotic swipe with her tongue and then obeyed him, crawling up his body until she straddled him.

She threw her hair back over her shoulder and rose above him, while his hand circled the base of his shaft so she could slowly seat herself. Her breasts swayed invitingly, lovingly, oh so temptingly, and he caught his breath, wondering at the sheer magic of her. And then she lowered herself, one exquisite inch at a time. It was torture, a painful pleasure as she took him into her sheath, so hot she was like a ring of white-hot fire, so soft she felt like living silk, so tight his breath strangled in his throat. He wasn't certain he would survive this night.

Manolito lifted his hands, and MaryAnn leaned forward to tangle her fingers with his. The movement put pressure on her most sensitive spot, and she nearly fragmented right there, but his hands dropped to her hips and locked her down tight on him, preventing movement. His gaze held hers. Hot. Aroused. Glittering. The intensity sent another wash of heat rolling through her. Commanding.

She knew what he wanted. The idea should have filled her with fear, or dread, or even disgust, but instead, it excited her, excited her wolf. She could feel her teeth, sharp now, pressing her for a taste of him. Manolito. The other half of her soul. He slid one palm under her hair until his fingers could curl around the nape of her neck and pull her down to his chest. Seated on him, her body throbbing with pleasure, she licked at the spot just above his heart.

The rush of his blood through his veins called to her. His male scent. The musky scent of the wolf and the heady fragrance of sex in the air-all combined to make her head spin. Her tongue darted out again, flicked over his skin. His cock gave an answering jerk. Her muscles tightened around him. She waited, listening to the steady beat so close to her ear. Rapid. Excited. Anticipating.

Her teeth sank deep, and the taste of him, the incredible gift of life, flowed into her. His harsh breathing deepened. His cock thickened, stretching, invading, sending fiery waves through her body. Her muscles spasmed, and he groaned, adding to her heightened pleasure. He tasted-like power. Hot and sweet and filled with sex. Who would have thought he could taste so good?

His body began to move in hers. Long, slow strokes, almost lazy. Steel encased in velvet riding between her legs, thick and long and driving her slowly insane. He was everywhere. In her. On her. Flooding her mouth, her body, enveloping her in a cocoon of love. His hands urged her hips up so that she concentrated on the fiery sensations as he nearly retreated completely. Then he forced her back down, holding her to the lazy pace so she could take enough for a true exchange.

The ride was the most sensual she'd ever had. His hands slid over her bottom, massaged, made small circles, stroked the long, velvety line between her buttocks, and then he'd urge her up again, in that slow, lazy rhythm. She moaned and swept her tongue across his chest to close the small wound. Her muscles were pulsing around his shaft and her breath came in gasping sobs. She looked down into his eyes.

He was staring back at her. Manolito De La Cruz. His eyes were the blackest of night in color, with streaks of amber, like small lightning bolts. And she could drown in the amount of love she found there. He didn't try to hide it, wasn't in the least shy about letting her see.

He held her hips and did a long, slow circle as he brought her down, so that the breath was driven from her body and the tight knot of nerves screamed at the intense sensation. Her stomach rippled with the fiery burst and her womb spasmed.

«Of course I love you. How could you not know?»

Her throat ached and tears burned behind her eyes. «I never thought I'd find you. I never thought I'd feel a love like this of my own.»

«I will make certain you feel it with every breath you take,» he said. Tightening his fingers on her hips, he drove his hips upward, filling her so full she cried out his name, her nails digging into his shoulders.

She thrust back against him, driving down, her body shuddering as mind-numbing pleasure exploded through her, as she felt his brutal release, the sudden swelling, the hot release so deep inside triggering wave after wave until she fell forward into his arms, exhausted, lying on him, locked to him, unable to move.

He held her to him, his lips in her hair, staring up at the crystal ceiling. «I have lived for centuries, MaryAnn, and never once did I believe it would happen to me. I don't think any of us really believe it will happen.»

There wasn't enough air in her lungs to speak, so she pressed kisses to his throat, and then laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes, listening to the rhythm of his heart.

«I've looked into my heart and soul, and honestly, I think a man of our species is meant to claim his lifemate regardless of whether or not she is in love with him. I have destroyed so many vampires, and I think, given the choice of becoming wholly evil, murdering and preying on the innocent, or staking my claim and allowing my lifemate time to grow to love me-I believe it is the only recourse open to us.»

She patted his chest. «Perhaps you might consider courting your lifemate first, getting her to fall in love with you and then claiming her.» Her stomach suddenly cramped. With a small gasp she rolled off of him to lie on her back.

Manolito put his hand on her belly, feeling her muscles cramping. She cringed and pushed his arm away.

«You feel too heavy. And it's hot in here. Maybe you should open the door and let the night air in.»

He rolled onto his side, careful to keep his body from hers. «The conversion is starting. You felt a part of what Luiz went through. I want you to stay merged with me at all times, MaryAnn.»

«There's no need for both of us to go through this. It was my decision.» A blowtorch seemed to flash through her middle, so that she gasped and clutched her stomach. Beads of perspiration dotted her forehead.

«I'm not asking you. I won't survive just watching. I have to be an active participant and so does my wolf.» He leaned close, took her hand in his. «Do you understand? Did you hear me?»

Her eyes were enormous, already glazed with pain, but she nodded. «My wolf,» she gasped. «She's trying to shield me. You have to make her stop. We both need to…» She trailed off as a convulsion picked up her body and slammed it back to the mattress. She curled into the fetal position, reaching for his hand. «Make him talk to her. She can't fight this. It will destroy her, but she doesn't want me to suffer.»

Manolito didn't want to leave her, not even for a moment, but she was panting, nodding, trying to hold on while the pain wracked her body. She went to her knees, leaning over the side of the bed, vomiting over and over.

It was happening fast, almost too fast. He reached for her, but the convulsions started again. In her mind, he could feel her wolf rising, trying to protect her. The wolf had no thought of saving herself. She was a guardian and MaryAnn was suffering.

His wolf was a part of him. There had to be trust between them, and neither wanted his mate to bear the pain. Manolito kept his mind firmly merged with MaryAnn's, trying to shoulder the agony himself, but he let go of his physical body, allowing the wolf to take over.

MaryAnn thrashed, desperate to ease the pain, and her hand collided with thick fur. She turned her head and the wolf lay beside her. His eyes stared into hers. Deep amber with thin black lightning bolts through them. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful fur.

Let go. Let her come out. She heard the words echo through her mind as she convulsed again, as the pain burned up through every organ and into her very brain.

She might die.

I will not allow it. If you do not, she will not survive. Can you feel her fighting? She will never accept what is happening to you without guidance.

I don't know how to help her.

I do. Let her come out.

He was every bit as arrogant and protective as Manolito. She didn't know if she could bear the pain in the small confines of that space, but she didn't want to take the chance that her wolf would die. She forced herself to let go, even though the sensation was worse; she couldn't cling to anything, had no anchor to hold on to. She heard her desperate scream, and then Manolito was there, in her mind, calming her, whispering to her. His wolf was there as well, murmuring reassurances.

The pain eased, became distant, although she could feel the convulsions wracking her body. She could hear the wolf panting and whining, crying out on occasion. She felt the soothing lap of a velvet tongue as her mate eased her through the conversion. More than that, she felt the two males shifting the pain to their own shoulders, working in conjunction with each other to take everything they could.

Hours, maybe days, went by. It seemed endless. Exhausted, certain she was going to succumb eventually to death, Manolito at last called to her to emerge.

She didn't have the strength. Her wolf didn't have much left either. They both lay panting, so worn out neither could move or respond. The alpha male nudged at the female, stroking his muzzle over her body, clearly trying to help her.

MaryAnn felt them in her mind again, Manolito calling to her. She had to go to ground. It was the only way to stop the pain for all of them-the only way to heal their bodies. She made a supreme effort and forced her way up, sending warmth and love to her wolf as it retreated.

Manolito gathered her into his arms, holding her close as he opened the earth and floated them both into it. Cradling her, he drew the rich, dark soil over them, commanding her to sleep the rejuvenating sleep of the


Chapter Twenty

a M ^

«Where are they?» Jasmine asked anxiously. She didn't like being without the Carpathian males in the house. She paced from window to window, staring out into the rain forest.

MaryAnn remained silent for a moment, touching Manolito's mind very lightly. «They are helping Luiz. He has risen as Carpathian, and he is very hungry.»

Juliette smoothed back Solange's hair. «No one is out there, Jazz. I'd know. In any case, the men aren't that far away. I doubt anyone would try another attack.»

«I just want to get out of here,» Jasmine said, pressing a hand protectively to her stomach.

«We've sent for the plane,» Juliette assured her. «We don't want you and Solange trying to make it through the forest to the ranch. It's too far and too dangerous. Now that we know the master vampire is using the jaguar-men to try to capture Solange, we can't take any chances.»

«The ranch is on the edge of the rain forest,» Jasmine pointed out. «It's still isolated from people. Maybe we aren't safe there, either.»

Juliette exchanged a long look with MaryAnn, and both looked down at Solange.

She squeezed her cousin's hand. It's all right. I know I won't be safe anywhere now. Don't tell Jasmine. I had hoped to stay at the ranch, but I don't want to put her in any more danger than she's already in. She's pregnant, Juliette, and she needs care.

Juliette spoke aloud to reassure both her sister and her cousin. «There are several houses on the estate. One has been built just for the two of you, so you can have your privacy. Rafael and Colby are Carpathian and they have their own home on the ranch. Colby's younger brother and sister live with them. Riordan and I have a home there as well. Nicolas and Zacarias share the main house. Manolito and MaryAnn will have their own home. Aside from that, the Chavez family resides and works on the ranch. They are well equipped with the knowledge and the weapons to fight the vampire or anyone else who happens to try to harm either of you. The ranch is the safest place you could possibly be right now, with eight Carpathians to guard you.»

Solange sighed. «She's right, Jasmine. We'll probably be safer at the ranch than anywhere else. I need some time to recuperate anyway. And I've always loved horses.»

Jasmine turned around, for the first time more interested in the conversation. «I didn't know that. You never told me.»

Solange tried to look nonchalant. She rarely gave anything of herself away these days, not even to her family. «When I was younger I used to ride.»

«I remember that,» Juliette said. «You were such a daredevil even then. You always rode bareback and scared the heck out of Mom.»

The light faded from Solange's eyes and she lay back again on the couch. Juliette and even Jasmine glanced helplessly at MaryAnn, as if asking what they should do.

MaryAnn waited until Jasmine was seated on the couch beside Solange before she brought out her nail polish. She held up the bottle. «Anyone want to use this?»

«I've never painted my nails in my life,» Solange said, looking faintly shocked. «Can you imagine me with red nails?»

«Not red.» MaryAnn gave a little shake of her head, frowning as if Solange had committed a huge fashion gaffe. «Passion pink.»

«Passion pink,» Juliette prodded her cousin. «That's hysterical. I've never seen you in pink anything, let alone passion pink.»

«Why not red?» Jasmine asked.

«It would be wrong with her skin tone,» MaryAnn said knowledgeably. «She has beautiful hands. You want people to notice them.»

Solange put her hands behind her back. «I'm not interested in men noticing me.»

MaryAnn laughed. «Silly woman. Do you really think women dress up just for men? Some do, but the majority dress to give themselves courage in any situation. If you look good, you have more confidence. For instance, if you and Jasmine have to go to some dinner party, you're going to want to look your best so other women don't make you feel like a poor relation. Women are much harder on women than men are.»

«You always look good,» Juliette said. «What else do you do?»

MaryAnn looked left and right and then lowered her voice. «The secret weapon is cucumber.»

Solange sat all the way up. «Jasmine, cover your ears.»

MaryAnn, Juliette and Jasmine burst out laughing.

«Sheesh, Solange,» Juliette said. «Get your mind out of the gutter.»

«My mind is just fine, thank you. It's MaryAnn's I'm concerned about.»

«You put them on your eyes,» MaryAnn said, laughing even harder.

Solange's answering smile was slow in coming and very brief, but it lit her eyes. «I knew that.»

It was the first time MaryAnn saw a flash of normalcy in Solange, as her guard slipped just for a second.

«I'll paint your toes and fingernails for you, Jasmine,» MaryAnn offered. The key to Solange's cooperation, and maybe ultimately her healing, was her love for her young cousin. As long as MaryAnn kept every suggestion for Jasmine, Solange would push herself to get out of her comfort zone for the younger woman.

Jasmine glanced at Solange and then her sister. «I've never painted either one.»

«Well it's time you did, then,» Juliette said.

«And I think Juliette ought to try the cucumber,» Solange suggested.

Juliette threw a pillow at her.

«On your eyes, your eyes,» Solange said in defense.

«I'll paint my nails if you will,» Jasmine said.

Solange shook her head. «No way.»

Juliette nudged her again. «Solange is afraid we're going to think she's a girlie girl. A little fashionista.»

«Hey!» MaryAnn managed to look affronted. «What's wrong with that? I still kicked vampire butt. I just looked good doing it.» She didn't mention she'd been wearing fur at the time. She held out her nails. «And I only broke one.»

«Your nails are long,» Jasmine said in admiration. «I break mine all the time.»

«But not polished. Come on, Jasmine. Solange will let me do her toenails. She can cover them up so no one knows. Kind of like wearing ultrasexy underwear and no one knows. It makes you feel beautiful, but you're the only one aware.»

Juliette frowned. «Underwear? Who wears underwear?»

«Eew!» Solange threw the pillow back at her. «You're just wrong.»

«Okay,» Jasmine said, «I have to agree with Solange on that one. That's way too much information. I'll never be able to look at you again without picturing you…» She broke off, making a face.

Solange actually smiled. A genuine smile. It changed her entire face, lighting her eyes and making her look years younger. «Now you've got that image in my head, too.»

She and Jasmine exchanged a look, making a face and simultaneously saying, «Ugh.»

«Then my mission here is complete. I've managed to disturb you both.» Juliette folded her arms, looking smug.

Jasmine laughed and held out her hands to MaryAnn. «If Solange is passion pink, what color am I?»

Everyone waited. MaryAnn glanced at Solange, who raised an eyebrow. «Hmm, I think you're more of a bubblegum.» She extracted another small bottle from her bag.

«That's pink!» Solange pronounced, sitting back against the cushions.

«It is not,» MaryAnn said indignantly. «There's a subtle difference.»

«What else do you have in there?» Juliette wanted to know. She peered into the bag with the neat rows of polish shoved through loops. «I don't believe this. Check this out, Solange.» She snatched up the bag and

exposed the contents.

There was a small, awed silence.

«Just how many different bottles of nail polish do you have?» Solange asked.

MaryAnn took the bag back and opened the bottle of bubblegum polish. «I rarely leave home without at least ten. You never know what might happen, and a woman needs to feel good about herself no matter what.» She heaved an exaggerated sigh. «I have no idea what the three of you did without me.»

«Well,» Solange said, sitting so far forward her nose was nearly in the nail polish as she watched MaryAnn apply it to Jasmine's fingernails, «we didn't wear passion pink or bubblegum, that's for sure.»

«Here.» Juliette grabbed the passion pink. «Stick your foot out, Solange.»

«Wait!» There was panic in MaryAnn's voice. «You can't just do it that way. Here.» She pulled out two small pieces of purple and orange foam. «You have to use these. They'll separate her toes.»

Solange drew her foot up and tucked it under her. «Back off, cousin. You're not sticking anything that weird on my foot.»

«Don't be such a baby.» MaryAnn slipped the foam onto her feet and lifted them up into the air. «See. It doesn't hurt at all. I have another pair and they aren't purple.»

Jasmine let out a cry of delight. «Look, Solange, they're pink.»

Solange rolled her eyes but allowed Juliette to put them on her toes. «You'd better never tell anyone about this.»

MaryAnn worked happily on Jasmine's nails, occasionally glancing over at Solange's toes. Juliette was making a mess, and making Jasmine laugh so hard she could barely keep her hands still. MaryAnn glanced several times at Solange. She seemed to be relaxing and allowing herself to have fun. It was a small step, but it was still progress.

MaryAnn found her favorite polish and began on her own toes while Jasmine blew on her nails and Juliette allowed Solange to work on her toes. Solange suddenly stiffened and glanced toward the door.

Manolito? MaryAnn felt his presence close. Be careful with Solange. She really has suffered trauma; both she and Jasmine need help. Warn Riordan and Luiz as well, please.

He flooded her with reassurance as he strode into the room. «Good evening, ladies. I trust you are well.» He bent to brush a kiss on top of MaryAnn's head, pretending not to see Solange wince at his close proximity.

«How is Luiz?» Jasmine asked.

«He is fine. Riordan is with him right now. He has a few things to learn. Flying and shifting in the way of our people is not as easy as it looks.» He winked at Jasmine. «Pretty nails. I like the color.»

She smiled. «It's bubblegum.»

Manolito casually took the nail polish from MaryAnn's hand and sat across from her, lifting her feet into his lap. «I patrolled the island, Solange, and saw jaguar tracks on the north side. I followed them to the river. It

looked as if the cat went in.» He spoke matter-of-factly, treating her as an equal, forcing her to do the same with him. He opened the bottle of polish and frowned at the smell.

MaryAnn flashed him a smile of gratitude for addressing Solange as if he didn't notice she could barely tolerate his presence in the room. It had probably been several years since Solange had been in the casual company of a man.

«I have a rather acute sense of smell,» Manolito added, «and I couldn't detect a man within the cat, although the trail was several hours old. How do you tell the difference between a shifter and a genuine jaguar without being able to scan their brain? He wasn't close enough for me to pick up his brain patterns.»

MaryAnn wanted to fling her arms around Manolito's neck and hug him.

I have learned a few things from being in your mind. His voice was a drawling caress. Her toes twitched, wanting to curl, and the brush, slick with polish, landed on her toe instead of the toenail.

Solange had been watching the process, fascinated by the sight of a large Carpathian male, essentially a predator, delicately polishing his lifemate's toenails. Her mouth twitched and she had to look away as Manolito glared at MaryAnn.

«Hold still.»

«I am holding still. You did that thing.»

«What thing?» Manolito asked.

You looked sexy and gorgeous and sounded like heat in the middle of a rainstorm. Behave yourself.

Solange cleared her throat. «When the jaguar-man travels, he usually carries a small pack around his neck.» Her voice sounded low and husky, as if she rarely used it. She didn't look directly at Manolito, but she wasn't snarling. And she continued to work on Juliette's toes, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. «Often when he leaps for the tree, the bag rubs a small amount of moss off the trunk or branch. It's very small, but once you know what to look for, you can spot it.»

«When we get back to the ranch, maybe you could take the time to show me,» Manolito said. «That way when we go on our patrols, we'll know what we're looking for.» His voice was every bit as casual as Solange's. He bent forward to blow on MaryAnn's toes.


Silence fell, but it was companionable, not filled with tension. MaryAnn looked around the room at the women who had become her family. At the man who was her heart and soul, and she found herself smiling.

Manolito looked up, his black eyes meeting hers. Her heart jumped the way it always would when she looked at him, when she got lost in his gaze.

I love you, avio palafertul. «My lifemate. My wife.»

I love you, too, avio palafertul, koje. «My lifemate. My husband.»

It didn't get much better.



This very-much-abridged Carpathian dictionary contains most of the Carpathian words used in these Dark books. Of course, a full Carpathian dictionary would be as large as the usual dictionary for an entire language.

Note: The Carpathian nouns and verbs below are word stems. They generally do not appear in their isolated «stem» form, as below. Instead, they usually appear with suffixes (e.g., «andam»-«I give,» rather than just the root, «and»).



akarat-mind; will

al-bless; attach to


al*-to lift; to raise

and-to give

avaa-to open


avio palafertul-lifemate

belso-within; inside

ca*a-to flee; to run; to escape

coro-to flow; to run like rain

csitri-little one (female)

eci-to fall

ek-suffix added after a noun ending in a consonant to make it plural


ela-to live


elava ainak majaknak-land of the living



en-great, many, big

En Puwe-The Great Tree. Related to the legends of Ygddrasil, the axis mundi, Mount Meru, heaven and hell, etc.




faz-to feel cold or chilly

fertul-fertile one


fu-herbs; grass

gond-care; worry (noun)

han-he; she; it

hany-clod; lump of earth

irgalom-compassion; pity; mercy


jama-to be sick, wounded, or dying; to be near death (verb)

jela-sunlight; day, sun; light

joma-to be under way; to go

jorem-to forget; to lose one's way; to make a mistake

juta-to go; to wander

juti-night; evening

jutta-connected; fixed (adj.). to connect; to fix; to bind (verb)

k-suffix added after a noun ending in a vowel to make it plural

kaca-male lover

kaik-all (noun)

ka*a-to call; to invite; to request; to beg ka*k-windpipe; Adam's apple; throat



kepa-lesser, small, easy, few

kinn-out; outdoors; outside; without

kinta-fog, mist, smoke

koje-man; husband; drone

kola-to die

koma-empty hand; bare hand; palm of the hand; hollow of the hand



kuly-intestinal worm; tapeworm; demon who possesses and devours souls

kulke-to go or to travel (on land or water)

ku*a-to lie as if asleep; to close or cover the eyes in a game of hide-and-seek; to die

kunta-band, clan, tribe, family

kuulua-to belong; to hold

lamti-lowland; meadow

lamti bol juti, kinta, ja szelem-the nether world (literally: «the meadow of night, mists, and ghosts»)

lejkka-crack, fissure, split (noun). To cut; hit; to strike forcefully (verb).


lewl ma-the other world (literally: «spirit land»). Lewl ma includes lamti bol juti, kinta, ja szelem: the nether world, but also includes the worlds higher up En Puwe than the Great Tree.

loyly-breath; steam (related to lewl: «spirit»)

ma-land; forest

mane-rescue; save


meke-deed; work (noun). To do; to make; to work (verb).


minden-every, all (adj.)

moert?-what for? (exclamation)

molana-to crumble; to fall apart

molo-to crush; to break into bits

mozdul-to begin to move, to enter into movement


*ama*-this; this one here



no-like; in the same way as; as

numa-god; sky; top; upper part; highest (related to the English word: «numinous»)

nyal-saliva; spit (noun) (related to nyelv: «tongue»)


o-the (used before a noun beginning with a consonant)

odam-dream; sleep (verb)

oma-old; ancient

omboce-other; second (adj.)

ot-the (used before a noun beginning with a vowel)

otti-to look; to see; to find


pajna-to press

pala-half; side

palafertul-mate or wife

pel-to be afraid; to be scared of

pesa-nest (literal); protection (figurative)


pira-circle; ring (noun). To surround; to enclose (verb).

pita-keep; hold

piwta-to follow; to follow the track of game

pukta-to drive away; to persecute; to put to flight

pus-healthy; healing

pusm-to be restored to health

puwe-tree; wood

reka-ecstasy; trance

rituaali-ritual saye-to arrive; to come; to reach

salama-lightning; lightning bolt

sarna-words; speech; magic incantation (noun). To chant; to sing; to celebrate (verb).

saro-frozen snow




sivdobbanas-heartbeat so*e-to enter; to penetrate; to compensate; to replace

susu-home; birthplace (noun); at home (adv.)



tappa-to dance; to stamp with the feet (verb)



toja-to bend; to bow; to break

toro-to fight; to quarrel

tule-to meet; to come

ture-full; satiated; accomplished

tyvi-stem; base; trunk



veri-blood vigyaz-to care for; to take care of

vu-last; at last; finally


wara-bird; crow

wenca-complete; whole

