Dramatis Personae

The Dark Hunters:

Lukullus Nogai – Chapter Master, and second founder of the Dark Hunters one thousand years before the present. Some say a saint of the Imperium.

Astanius Tor – Chief Librarian of the Dark Hunters at the time of the Second Founding.

Biron Amadai – Master of Sanctity of the Dark Hunters at the time of the First Punisher Invasion.

Jonah Kerne – Captain of Mortai (Third) Company of the Dark Hunters.

Kharne Al Murzim – Chapter Master of the Dark Hunters at the time of the Second Punisher War.

Graes Vennan – Chief Librarian of the Dark Hunters at the time of the Second Punisher War.

Elijah Kass – A Codicier of the Librarium.

Fornix – First sergeant of Mortai Company.

Breughal Paine – Forge-Master of the Dark Hunters, now in Dreadnought symbiosis, and the last survivor of the Second Founding of the Chapter.

Jord Malchai – Chief Reclusiarch of the Dark Hunters.

Ares Thuraman – Captain of Ardunai, the Dark Hunters First Company.

Isa Garakis – Chief navigator of the Dark Hunters.

Finn March – Sergeant of Primus (1st) Squad of Mortai Company.

Nureddin – Sergeant of Secundus (2nd) Squad of Mortai Company.

Orsus – Sergeant of Tertius (3rd) Squad of Mortai Company.

Greynan – Sergeant of Quatris (4th) Squad of Mortai Company.

Kagan – Sergeant of Quincus (5th) Squad of Mortai Company.

Rusei – Sergeant of Sextius (6th) Squad of Mortai Company.

Corvo – Sergeant of Septus (7th) Squad of Mortai Company.

Nieman Stahl – Sergeant of Novus (Ninth) Company attached to Mortai Company.

Passarion – Apothecary of Mortai Company.

Fell Ambros – Captain of Haradai (Scout) Company.

Asa Rubio – Castellan of Mors Angnar.

Tomas Massaron – Shipmaster of the Ogadai heavy cruiser.

Shaef Darric – Captain of Haroun (Fourth) Company.

Nortan Blask – Captain of Makran (Seventh) Company.

Heinos – Techmarine of Mortai Company.

Enginseer Miranich – Chief enginseer of the Ogadai.

Gan Arix – Master of the fleet.

Gerd Dinas – Deck chief of the Ogadai.

Gershon – Flag lieutenant of the Ogadai.

Infinius – a Mortai brother.

Gad – a Mortai brother.

Arrun – a Mortai brother.

Fallon – a Mortai brother.

Steyr – a Mortai brother.

Pendar – a Mortai brother.

Cayd Simarron – a Mortai brother, and Thunderhawk pilot.

Laufey – Sergeant of the Haradai (Scout) Company attached to Mortai Company.

Galen – a brother of Novus (Ninth) Company attached to Mortai Company.

Terciel – a brother of Novus (Ninth) Company attached to Mortai Company.

Ras Hanem Garrison:

Pavul Dietrich – General of the 387th Guards Armoured Regiment.

Ismail Von Arnim – Commissar of the 387th Guards Armoured Regiment.

Riedling – Governor of Ras Hanem.

Veigh – Marshal of Ras Hanem and commander of the Hanemite Guard.

Gardias – Chamberlain of the palace of Askai.

Jon Kadare – Senior squadron leader of Ras Hanem.

Lars Dyson – Adjutant of the 387th Guards Armoured Regiment.

Rajek – A private soldier of the Hanemite Guard.

Garner – Trooper of General Dietrich’s Bodyguard.

The Eldar:

Te Mirah – Farseer of the Brae-Kaithe.

Ainoc – Autarch of the Brae-Kaithe.

Jellabraiah – A Bonesinger of the Brae-Kaithe.

Anandaiah – A craftseer of the Brae-Kaithe.

Callinall – Captain of the rangers.

The Punishers:

A horde of heretical rabble, whose names we shall not utter here.
