Saturday November 3rd

Transcript: American News Network – Breaking News

Announcer: Two scandals rocked the election today. Fresh on the heels of this morning’s bombing in Houston, a bombing which killed Senator Daniel Chandler, the front runner in the race for Texas governor, documents and videos have surfaced that may change the presidential race dramatically. For more, we’re going to Brad MItchell in Washington. Brad?

Reporter: Diane, the Beltway is in chaos tonight with these new allegations. Around noon today, ANN and other networks received graphic video showing children being apparently tortured by Department of Homeland Security personnel – specifically part of the controversial Emerging Risks Directorate – as part of a crackdown on the street drug Nexus. Along with the video came documents that purportedly – if they’re real – showed plans to build long-term “residence centers” for children using Nexus that can only be compared to concentration camps.

Announcer: But that wasn’t all, was it, Brad?

Reporter: No, it wasn’t, Diane. Just an hour ago, the same anonymous group that sent us the first set of data sent another, even more inflammatory data package. This one contained documents purporting to show – and again, we’re not sure if these are real – purporting to show that the PLF, the Posthuman Liberation Front, the terrorist group that took credit for the bombing in Houston this morning, for the bombing in Chicago two weeks ago, and for the attempted assassination attempt on President Stockton – was actually created by the US Government.

Along with that came a video – a video whose authenticity we’re still verifying – that appears to show the Acting Director of the Emerging Risks Directorate inside the Department of Homeland Security admitting to the creation of the PLF, and forcing some sort of drug onto a subordinate.

Announcer: Brad, those are incredibly serious charges. What effect is this going to have on the race?

Reporter: Diane, we’re still trying to validate these files. They look valid, but we can’t be one hundred percent sure here. Proxies for President Stockton are already accusing Senator Kim’s campaign of an unethical “November Surprise” and of forging these documents. How voters respond will depend on whether or not they think these allegations are correct.

One thing is for certain. With the election only three days away, this has thrown the race – and US politics – into completely unknown territory.

Breece turned off the news with a press of a button. Well, well, well. May you live in interesting times.
