Watersday, Novembros 3
After Roash took a phone call from the informant, he watched the man almost wet himself with excitement. A one-of-a-kind opportunity. Couldn’t pass this up. Of course, the Others were watching Roash because of his interest in folklore and urban legends, so he couldn’t do the deed. No. Better to be one step removed.
It was always better to be one step removed. Wasn’t that why he’d chosen Roash to assist him in this part of his project?
And it had taken only a passing comment expressing apologetic doubt about Lynchfield’s manliness to have that man fall in with Roash’s plan.
With those playing pieces in motion, he looked at the occupant of the other cabin.
Edward Janse wasn’t a pansy. Or if he was, that wasn’t the reason he came across as sensitive and . . . vulnerable. Janse wasn’t one of those Intuits who could tell you about the weather or which horse would run well in tomorrow’s race. No, Janse seemed to pick up the undercurrents of people, which made him a potential threat.
Unless that sensitivity, combined with a little feel-good mixed into a mug of tea, could influence Janse’s thoughts, encourage him to do something potentially fatal. The drug was harder to come by these days, and he needed to hold back enough to reward his previous helpers, but he thought he could spare enough to find out how an Intuit reacted to a drug made out of blood from the cassandra sangue.