Ky,” I say. “I can’t sort people again.” How could he ask this of me?

“Hurry,” Indie says.

“You did it right last time,” Ky says. “I belong out here.”

It’s true. He does. And even though trying to find him has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, I am stronger because of it.

I close my eyes and think of the relevant factors.

Hunter wants to go to the mountains, not the river.

Eli is the youngest.

Indie can pilot.

I love Ky.

Who should go?

This time, it’s easier, because there’s only one choice — one configuration — that feels right to me.

“It’s time,” Hunter says. “Who do you choose?”

I look at Ky, hoping he’ll understand. He will. He would do the same thing. “Eli,” I say.
