Chapter Thirteen

Craig knew there were a hundred things he should be doing, but for the life of him, he couldn’t think of any single one that was as important as kissing Evie. Their lips clung briefly before separating. He looked into her eyes and saw the same need he felt mirrored there.

Sexual need burst through him like a bolt of lightning, and he took her mouth, kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

And who knew? There might not be.

Taking. Giving. She gripped his head, holding him to her as their kiss went on and on, their tongues dueling for supremacy, their breath mingling.

A sense of urgency pushed him onward, growing with each passing second. He couldn’t shake the idea that they were on borrowed time, that something terrible was about to happen.

He pulled back from the kiss when his fangs dropped and a low growl rumbled up from his chest. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Evie shook her head. “You can’t promise that. No one can.” Her sweater was already gone, so when she removed her bra and tossed it aside, it left her naked from the waist up. Her unbound breasts swayed with every movement she made. “But you can give me this.”

She lifted his hands and brought them to her chest.

His hands covered the bounty, enjoying the weight of the mounds, the softness of her skin. So soft and perfect.

He bent his head and took one ripe nipple into his mouth. He sucked gently, pulling on the nub while flicking it with the tip of his tongue.

Evie moaned and rubbed her hips against his pelvis. His cock strained to get closer. He could smell her growing arousal, that spicy perfume unique to Evie that drove him to want her even more.

He left one pert nipple and kissed his way over to the other, enjoying the way Evie tugged on his hair. “Harder,” she groaned.

Craig obliged, sucking harder on the taut bud. He loved the way she gave herself to him, holding nothing back. At least not while they were having sex.

When they were dealing with other issues, there was no doubt Evie was holding back on him.

But he’d come to know her well in a very short time and knew how her mind worked. And he had no doubt she was still stuck on confronting Vladimir on her own, on protecting him.

He lifted her and turned, laying her flat on the sofa. He yanked off his sweater and let it fall to the floor. Evie made a low purring sound and rubbed her hands over his chest. He gritted his teeth to keep from falling on her like a sex-starved maniac. Since he’d met Evie and become a vampire, his sex drive had gone into overdrive. He had no idea if that was normal or not and didn’t care.

He also didn’t want any other woman but Evie.

He unzipped her jeans and pulled them down her legs. They got stuck when he reached her feet. He gave a growl of impatience and removed her boots and socks and finally her jeans.

Evie was wearing a scrap of lace, which passed for underwear. Personally, he never understood why women even bothered with such minuscule panties.

Better to wear nothing at all.

He leaned down and rubbed his face against the lacy-covered mound. She smelled hot and aroused. Delectable.

Craig used his teeth to grab the rather thin band that covered one hip. He caught the fabric on one sharp fang and tugged. The panties ripped. He kissed his way to the other side and did the same thing. Then he caught her underwear in his mouth and tugged it away, leaving her bare to him.

He tossed aside the shredded garment and stared down at her. She was looking back at him, her green eyes practically glowing. She looked so beautiful with her pale skin, slightly flushed cheeks, full lips and high cheekbones. Several short strands of hair had escaped her braid. They curved around her jawline and framed her face.

There were so many things he wanted to say to her. Instead, he said nothing. Now was not the time for talking. All their sexual encounters had been explosive. This time he wanted to go slow, to savor each touch, each sound she made.

He stroked the inside of her thighs, stopping when he reached the apex. She arched her hips slightly in invitation. He didn’t have to be asked twice.

He spread her thighs wide and made a space for himself between them. His shoulders pushed them even farther apart. Her pussy was flushed and wet, totally exposed to his view. He licked his lips and went in for a taste.

Sweet. Her unique flavor exploded on his tongue. He had to have more.

He gripped her hips in his hands and ate at her pussy, gorging himself on her taste and texture, leaving no fold, no crevice unexplored. Her hips thrashed beneath him as she bucked against his mouth. And when his tongue found her swollen clit, she cried out.

“Yes. Oh, yes.” She shoved her hips upward toward his mouth.

Craig teased the bundle of nerves, using tongue, lips and teeth to maximum effect. She tunneled her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer.

He laughed, feeling totally alive and in the moment. His cock throbbed and his balls ached, but he wanted to make Evie come before he joined her, wanted to hear her broken cries as she came, taste her cream on his lips.

He pressed two long fingers into her slick channel. She accepted them easily so he added a third, stretching her even more. Evie cried out, her eyes widening a second before they glazed over.

She cried out, her body bucking wildly. He sucked her clit, wanting to prolong her orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on his fingers. He almost came, but he recited computer code in his head to keep from losing it.

When she finally relaxed against the leather sofa, he removed his fingers from her body and sat back, wiping his lips and face, which was slick with her juices.

“That was…” Evie waved her hand weakly in the air.

“I know.” He sat up and lifted her again so she was sitting on his lap facing him. He yanked open his jeans, raised her up and positioned the head of his cock to press against her opening. She gasped when he pulled her down slowly but surely until she’d taken all of him.

The ripples of her orgasm swept up and down his cock.

“Mmm, you feel good.” She wiggled her hips slightly.

“Evie.” He wasn’t sure if he meant to warn or encourage her.

She put her hands on his shoulders and moved downward, rubbing and petting his chest. Her breasts were right there in front of him. What was a red-

blooded man or, in this case, vampire to do? He palmed her breasts, rubbing her nipples with his thumbs. They tightened further beneath his touch.

“We’re meant to be together,” he told her.

She didn’t answer but grew still. He let his hands slip down her torso and around to her hips and then lower to her ass. He squeezed the round, firm globes.

“There’s more between us than this.” He lifted her a few inches and then brought her back down on his cock. They both groaned.

“There can’t be anything more than this.” Her inner muscles constricted around his shaft, leaving him no doubt what she was referring to.

He caught her face between his hands, hating the fear he saw etched there. “My darling, Evie, there already is.” He kissed her. Hard. He gave her everything he was and would be. He kissed her so hard that he tasted blood and knew she did too.

She hissed and attacked, clamping down hard on his neck. She sank her fangs deep. His orgasm boiled up from his balls, shooting out through the tip of his cock. He felt her response, the spasms of her pussy as she came.

He angled his head and bit into her shoulder. Blood spurted into his mouth and he came again, even harder than the first time. So damn good.

Some little voice in the back of his head screamed at him to stop, so he did.

He eased his fangs out and licked the wound, closing it. He felt Evie hesitate and then do the same. They stared at one another for the longest time. There was a drop of blood on her bottom lip so he leaned forward and licked it off.

She shuddered. “What am I going to do with you?”

He almost gave her an answer. He wanted her to love him. But some semblance of common sense or wisdom held him back at the last second.

“Whatever you want,” he quipped. “Just remember, I’m not going anywhere.”

She shook her head and eased off his lap. Her pussy sucked at his still-hard dick one final time and he could swear he saw stars. They both groaned and he let his head fall back against the sofa. He was on edge but content—a strange combination.

He wondered what time it was and as soon as the question was formed in his head he knew the answer. “If we’re going to Haven tonight, we should get going.”

“Are you going to call your family and tell them we’ll be there?” Evie reached for her shredded underwear, picked them up and dangled them in front of him. “Really?”

He shrugged. “I couldn’t help myself.” And he couldn’t. Not when it came to Evie. Maybe in a hundred years or so.

Craig paused. He would be around to see her in a hundred years. He’d always thought his siblings would outlive him. Now he had the potential to live long after they were gone. It was unsettling to say the least.

“What’s wrong?” Evie slipped on her bra and sweater. The sweater was so long it came down to the tops of her thighs.

He thought about not telling her, but wanted there to be honesty between them. “It occurred to me that I’ll outlive my family, which is weird, because I always thought they’d outlive me.

Werewolves live hundreds of years, even half-breeds.”

Evie sat on the coffee table in front of him. “You’ll live a long time and do great things, I have no doubt.”

“So will you.”

Evie shook her head. “I don’t think I’m cut out to live forever, or for hundreds of years.”

“Of course you are. Think of the artwork you can create, the places you can go, the things you can do.” Craig was beginning to panic at the finality in Evie’s voice.

“That’s not likely with Vladimir looking for me. I don’t think he’ll be too forgiving of me running out on him.”

Craig’s fangs erupted and he roared.

Evie jumped back, her fangs automatically dropping, her eyes blazing red. Both of them stared and then Craig shook his head and wrestled for control.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

Evie sighed and rubbed her eyes.

“Neither did I.” She grabbed her jeans.

“Call your family.” He watched as she padded down the hallway to their bedroom. Theirs. That’s how he thought of it. He didn’t think in terms of himself anymore, but of them.

Knowing there was little he could do to change Evie’s mind until Vladimir was dealt with, Craig decided to stop trying. He’d use actions, not words to show her he was committed to their relationship.

He hauled his jeans up over his hips and zipped them. His sweater was on the floor so he grabbed it, shook it out and pulled it on. He could hear water running in the bathroom and knew Evie was cleaning up.

One thing about being a vampire, there was no need for contraceptives. He could no longer get a woman pregnant.

That much he did know.

He’d never thought much about having kids of his own, a family.

Frankly, he’d never thought he’d marry or have a serious relationship. His need to protect his siblings’ secret had always taken precedent. Now that was no longer an issue. Evie knew everything. For the first time since he’d discovered his brother and sister were different, he finally believed he could actually have a life of his own.

It was liberating and scary at the same time. He’d always been so focused on them and what they needed that he’d never really considered what he wanted.

He grabbed his phone and pressed his sister’s name on his contact list, not wanting to think about the situation any longer. He knew vampires weren’t supposed to get headaches, but his head wasn’t listening.

“Hey, Craig.” Chrissten’s voice soothed the voices in his head. Family was what was important. Evie and family. “I was just thinking about you.”

“Hey.” He struggled to make normal conversation. “Are you going to be at Haven tonight?”

“We can be. Why?”

“Meredith called and apologized for last night. She also asked us to come by.”

“What time do you want us to be there?” His sister’s question was like a balm to his senses. He knew they’d be there to support him.

“We’re heading out soon. I’d say we’ll be there within the hour.”

“We’ll be there.” Chrissten paused.

“I love you, little brother.”

“Love you too.” He hung up the phone. He knew Evie was standing just behind him. He stood and tucked the phone away. “We need to get some weapons.”

“Is everything okay?” Evie asked.

“No, but it will be.” He wouldn’t let it be any other way. He held out his hand. “Come on. Damek left me the key for downstairs. We can get what we need before we head out.”

Chrissten slowly set her phone down on the bedside table.

“Everything will be okay, baby.”

Hank’s strong arms came around her and he pulled her back down onto the bed beside him.

“I’m so worried about him. He’s all alone.”

“No, no he’s not.” The flat tone of Hank’s voice made her really pay attention. “I know what it’s like to be truly alone. To not know what you are or if there are any others like you out there.

He’s got us and Quinn and Bethany and, most importantly, he’s got Damek. That vampire treats him like a little brother.

Always has. He’ll protect Craig and help him get through this.”

“I know you’re right.” Chrissten gently caressed her husband’s face. “I’m sorry you were so alone.”

The corners of Hank’s mouth turned upward. He still didn’t smile much, but when he did it made her heart sing. “It was worth it because it brought me to you.”

He eased her closer and never took his eyes off her as he kissed her. She sighed and lost herself in her love for him. They’d already made love and she’d hoped to again, but that didn’t seem likely now. She broke the kiss.

“We have to meet him and Evie at Haven in less than an hour.”

Hank rolled until she was under him.

“I can do a lot in an hour.”

She laughed and playfully pushed at his shoulder. “We don’t have an hour.”

“A half hour then.” He caught her hands in his and raised them over her head, pinning her to the mattress.

She sighed and tried to look put out.

“Okay, if you have to.”

“I do.” He nibbled on the corner of her lips. “I really do.”

Chrissten laughed and kissed him back.

Damek drew out his phone and hit one of the three programmed numbers. It was answered on the second ring.

“Hello, husband. Where are you?”

As always, the sound of Sonia’s voice soothed the demons inside him.

“I’m about to search one of the last properties on the list.”

“Anything yet?” He heard the sound of papers turning and knew Sonia was deep into research.

“No, but I’m hopeful.” More than that, he had a feeling of dread, like something was about to happen. “I want Jerome to take you to New York. You should go stay with your parents until this situation is dealt with.” He’d miss her but he’d feel a hell of a lot better knowing she was safe.

He’d been invulnerable for centuries, but now he had something, someone important in his life and that made him vulnerable. He still hadn’t come to grips with that. If he had his way, Sonia would never leave his side.

He smiled at the thought of what she’d say if he told her that. She’d smile, pat him on the head and tell him everything was going to be all right. She was one of the few people on the planet who didn’t walk in fear of him.

“I’m not going to New York. I’m staying here with you.” He could tell she was ready to do battle.

“Then at least go home. The apartment is protected and there are weapons there.”

She sighed. “Very well. If it will make you happy.”

“It will.” And it was what he’d wanted in the first place. He’d known in his heart she’d never leave him to go stay with her parents. But he was learning how best to deal with his independent mate and figured if he started out totally unreasonable then she’d eventually agree to what he’d wanted in the first place.

“I’m on to you, you know,” she told him. He could tell by the sounds that she was packing up her belongings.

“Oh?” Despite his question, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what she meant.

“As if you’d let me go to New York without you.” Even though she was trying to sound stern, he could hear the smile in her voice.

“What is that saying you use? Ah, yes. Busted.” She laughed as he intended. “I want you safe, Sonia. And make no mistake, I’ll do whatever it takes to make certain no harm comes to you. You are the only thing standing between me and my demons. If any harm were to come to you—” He broke off, unable to finish the statement. He knew if anything happened to her he was capable of razing the entire city in his grief.

“I’ll be fine. You just make sure you take care of yourself. Don’t underestimate this other vampire, Damek. Remember what you always tell me. No two vampires are the same and all have different skills. Just because he’s younger than you doesn’t mean he isn’t powerful.”

“I remember,” he promised. “Now call Jerome and head home.”

“I’m on my way. Love you.” She ended the call.

Damek tucked his phone inside his coat. “I love you too,” he whispered. He set off down the street, keeping to the shadows. He detected several other humans outside the house he was interested in.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Damek sped through the darkness, stopping right behind one of the men.
