There are many people who have helped take this story from idea to the finished book you’re holding in your hands. Thank you to everyone at my publisher, Penguin, particularly my talented editor, Jessica Wade, and her always helpful assistant, Jesse Feldman. Thank you as well to the staff at BookEnds literary agency, especially my agent, Kim Lionetti, for her patience and guidance.

Lynn Viehl is one of the hardest-working writers in this business, but she’s never too busy to share her wisdom and expertise. Thank you, Lynn. To fellow writers Laura Alden and Krista Davis, I’m grateful for your support, your encouragement and for always making me laugh.

Once again, I am indebted to Police Chief Tim Sletten, of the Red Wing, Minnesota, Police Department, for sharing his expertise and being gracious when I play with the facts to suit the story. Any errors in police procedure are because reality didn’t quite fit the fictional world.

Thank you to all the readers who have embraced Kathleen, Owen and Hercules.

And lastly, but certainly not least, thank you to Patrick and Lauren, who fill my life with magic.
