Chapter Five

The high that Darya experienced on her return to Sentinel Gate had to end. She knew that. She just hadn’t expected to come down so far and so fast.

It was not that she was hoping for a big parade, or cheering crowds at the spaceport. What she had accomplished was hot stuff, but only to the scattered specialists for whom the Lang Universal Artifact Catalog (Fourth Edition) had become a kind of bible.

What had she done? Well, she had confirmed all new Catalog references, and verified their sources. With the fifth edition ready to go to press, Professor Merada should be ecstatic.

Her group had also returned from Genizee with an infant Zardalu in their possession, proving to the whole spiral arm that the old menace was back and breeding. That was important, but she claimed little credit for it — less than she gave to Hans Rebka and Louis Nenda. They had done all the work. And the little Zardalu would never come to Sentinel Gate. It had been taken to Miranda, for careful inspection.

Her personal ego-boost would come at the institute, and only at the institute. But there, at least, she was bursting to tell her story; and they should be bursting to hear it.

“Calm down, Darya.” That was Hans, sitting by her side on the final leg of the journey. “Relax, or you’ll blow a circuit.”

Sound words. It wouldn’t be good to let Professor Merada or Carmina Gold or any of the other institute heavies know how excited she felt. They prized calm, cool logic — or claimed to. You would never know it by listening to the screaming arguments at faculty meetings.

Darya did her best to follow Hans Rebka’s advice. E. Crimson Tally, the embodied computer sitting in front of her, had turned questioningly at Rebka’s final words. She smiled at him reassuringly. “ ‘Blow a circuit’ is just a figure of speech, E.C. I don’t have circuits to blow — a blood vessel, maybe. But really, I’m fine.”

And she was — or would be, as soon as she was inside and had Merada’s ear. Darya jumped out of the hovercraft before it stopped moving. She hurried into the building, up a flight of stairs, and along the corridor to the Administrator’s office.

Something odd about the corridor itself? She was too full of ideas and suppressed excitement to pay attention.

Professor Merada was not in his office. Nor was Carmina Gold, two doors farther down, in hers. Nor — now Darya knew what was wrong with the corridor — was anyone, although at this time of the morning the whole faculty would normally be present.

Darya ran the length of the corridor, and back downstairs. No one on the first floor, either. The building was deserted. She hurried outside, in time to catch sight of Hans Rebka vanishing around the corner of another building. A tall blond woman in a white silk dress swayed at his side.

“Hans!” But he was gone. Darya turned to E. Crimson Tally, still standing patiently by the side of the hovercraft. “E.C., the place is empty. Where is everybody?”

“They are presumably in the main lecture hall.” Tally pointed to the notice board at the entrance to the building. “As you will see, it is described as a two-day event.”

Darya stared at the board. The announcement was certainly big enough. You could only miss it if you were obsessed by something else.

Special two-day seminar:
Quintus Bloom will present full details
of his new and revolutionary theory:
The Nature and Origin of the Builders.

“ ‘The nature and origin of the Builders.’ E.C., I’ve devoted my whole damned life to that subject. But I’ve never heard of Quintus Bloom. Who is he? And where did Hans go?”

“I do not know. But if you are aware of the location of the main institute lecture hall, it should be easy to find an answer to your first question.”

Tally pointed again at the board. Darya read the rest of the announcement. In the main lecture hall — the way Hans Rebka had been heading. And it had started yesterday.

Darya ran, without another word to E.C. Tally. She had missed day one. Unless she moved fast she would miss most of day two.

Darya knew every research member of the institute. Quintus Bloom was not one of them. So who the devil was he?

Her first impression of the man was indirect — the lecture hall was packed as she had never seen it, to the doors and beyond. As she tried to eel her way inside she heard a roar of audience laughter.

She grasped the loose vest of a man who was leaving. “Jaime, what’s going on in there?”

He paused, and frowned in recognition. “Darya? I didn’t know you were back.”

“Just got here. What’s happening?”

“More of the same.” And, at her blank expression, “Yesterday, he went over the physical properties of all the Builder artifacts. Today he’s supposed to present his general theory of the Builders. But yesterday he didn’t quite get through, so he’s wrapping up the rest of the artifacts this morning. I’ve got something back at my office that just has to go out today — wish it didn’t — but I’ll be around for the main event. If I can just get out of here.”

He was pulling Darya, impatient to be on his way. She held on.

“But who is he?”

“He’s Quintus Bloom. Came here from the Marglom Center on Jerome’s World, to present his new theory.”

“What’s the theory about?”

“I don’t know. No one knows. The only one who has heard it so far is Professor Merada.” Jaime pulled again, freeing his vest from Darya’s grip. “Word is out, though, that it’s something special.”

He pushed away her reaching hand, slipped past a couple standing in the entrance, and was gone.

It was no time for hesitation. Darya ducked her head and pushed her way forward, ignoring the grunts of protest and outrage. She kept her head low. It was like swimming underwater, through a sea of grey and black jackets.

Darya kept going until she saw light in front of her. She surfaced and found she had reached the front row of standing-room-only. The stage was below her and directly ahead. Professor Merada sat in an upright chair on the left side of a big holograph screen. He was looking straight at Darya, probably wondering about the disturbance created by her shoving to the front. He did not respond to her nod and little wave. By Merada’s side, spurning the use of the lectern to the right of the stage, stood a tall and skinny man dressed in a white robe.

It had to be Bloom. His forehead was flat and sloped slightly backwards, his nose was beaky, and his teeth were prominent and unnaturally white. He seemed to smile all the time, even when he was speaking. Darya studied him, and was sure that she had never seen him before. She had never heard of the Marglom Center on Jerome’s World. Yet she believed she knew every significant human worker in the field of Builder research, and every center where artifact analysis was being conducted.

“Which disposes of one more artifact,” Bloom was saying. “Elephant bites the dust. There are two hundred and seventeen more to go. You will be pleased to know, however, that we will not have to work through them, one by one, as we did yesterday. We got all the detail work out of the way then. With the taxonomy that I established, we will find that we can put all the artifacts very rapidly into one of my six overall categories. So. Let’s do it.”

The display behind him began to show artifacts, rapidly, one after another. Bloom, without seeming to look at them, offered one-sentence summaries of their salient features, and assigned each to some previously-defined group.

Darya, in spite of herself, was impressed. She knew every artifact by heart. So, apparently, did Bloom. He spoke easily, fluently, without notes. His summaries were spare and exact. The audience laughter — and there was much of it — came from wry, humorous comments that illuminated what he was saying. Darya had heard many speakers use humor as a distraction, to cover ignorance or some weak point in their argument. Not so Quintus Bloom. His wit arose naturally, spontaneously, from the text of his speech.

“Which brings us,” he said at last, “to the relief I am sure of everyone, to the end of Part One. We have finished the artifacts.”

Darya realized that she had been in the lecture hall for more than an hour. No one had moved. She glanced quickly around, and saw Hans Rebka, far off to her right. He was standing next to Glenna Omar, who wore a dazzling flaunt-it-all dress. So that’s who it had been, walking beside Hans as he vanished from sight. It certainly hadn’t taken them long to make contact. Glenna seemed able to smell any man who came from off-planet. Couldn’t Hans see her for what she was — Miss Flavor-of-the-Month?

Quintus Bloom was continuing, pulling Darya’s attention back to the stage.

“We have completed the data reduction phase. Now comes, if you will, an analysis phase. Finally we will perform the synthesis phase.”

The hologram display blinked off, and Bloom moved a little closer to the center of the stage.

“Twelve hundred and seventy-eight Builder artifacts, scattered around the spiral arm. Every one mysterious, every one ancient, and every one different.

“Let me begin by asking a question that I suspect has been asked many times before: Can we discover, in all the great variety of artifacts, any properties that seem common to all? What features do they share? They are of wildly different sizes. Their functions range from the totally comprehensible, like the Umbilical transit system between Opal and Quake in the Mandel system, to the wholly baffling and almost intangible, like the free-space entity known as Lens. They appear to be totally different. But are they?

“I suggest that their striking common property is space-time manipulation. The Builder artifacts came into existence millions of years ago, but the Builders themselves must possess an ability to work with the structure of space-time — or of space and time — as easily and flexibly as we mould clay or plastics. With that ability comes something else, something that I will discuss in a little while.”

Something else. It was a deliberate tease, inviting the audience to work out for themselves what Bloom was going to say. Darya herself had wondered many times at the apparent ease with which the Builders fabricated space-time anomalies, from the simple Winch of the Umbilical to the monstrous puzzle of the Torvil Anfract. Did Quintus Bloom believe that he had something new to say, when so many others had thought about the problem for so long? Did he even realize that the Anfract was a Builder construct? Behind the casual marshalling of facts and the easy audience command, Darya sensed a massive arrogance.

“Now I want to ask a rather different question. Within the past year, we have seen what appears to be an unprecedented number of changes to the artifacts. It is fair to ask, is this real, or is it merely something of our own imagining? Are we perhaps guilty of temporal chauvinism, believing that our own time is uniquely important, as all generations tend to think that their time is of unique importance?

“We can answer that question, thanks to the work of one of your own researchers, here at the Institute. Professor Darya Lang did the statistical analysis that shows the recent artifact changes to be unlike any recorded earlier.”

Darya felt the shock, and a rush of blood to her face at hearing her own name when she least expected it. Professor Merada was leaning forward and saying something to Quintus Bloom. White teeth flashed, and the beaky nose turned to point in Darya’s direction.

“Professor Merada informs me that Darya Lang is herself in the audience today, after being away from the Institute for a long period. I feel honored, and I hope that we will have a chance to meet after this seminar ends.

“But let me continue. We have available the statistical evidence that recent events involving the artifacts are in fact unique. But it is well known that statistics are not an explanation of anything. We have to ask and answer the question — why? Why has there been a spate of changes in the artifacts, unique in our history of them? Professor Lang’s important work, with all due respect, does not answer that question.”

The knife, sliding in hidden behind the compliment. “With all due respect” meant “with no respect at all.” Darya held her face expressionless, while people in the audience turned to look at her. Bloom went on, ignoring the reaction.

“What is unique about our own time, sufficient to cause a basic change in Builder artifacts — in all Builder artifacts? Why did the new artifact, which I described yesterday and called Labyrinth, come into existence?”

A new artifact? But every one was at least three million years old! Bloom must mean there was a newly-discovered artifact. Even that was hard to believe. Darya had scoured every record in the spiral arm. She wanted to interrupt, to make Bloom stop and repeat whatever it was he had said the previous day. But she could not do it, and he was sweeping on:

“I want to suggest an answer, and also to make a prediction. The changes are occurring because the artifacts have at last achieved their intended purpose.

“And what is that intended purpose? It is to shape the development of the spiral arm, so that it follows a certain path into the future. Now we can ask, how is it possible that the Builders knew what shape the future might take?

“To answer that question, I return to my earlier point. The Builders, we know, had a mastery over space and time that is far beyond us. It is far beyond us, literally, because the Builders are not from the distant past, an ancient race who built their artifacts and then somehow vanished. They are from the future, the far future, where they built the artifacts and returned them to the past. The Builders are beings from the future, who have mastered time travel. Let me say that again, in other words, because it is so important. The Builders did not vanish from the spiral arm at some time in the past. They were never in the arm in the past — that is why we find no trace of them there. They are in the future.

“And which beings are they? Given their interest in human affairs, and the way that they have shaped human affairs, there is only one plausible answer: the Builders are us — our own distant descendants. We are, or will be, the Builders.

“And so, my overall prediction: the Builder artifacts have achieved their main purpose, steering us along the desired path of spiral arm development. Since that primary purpose is fulfilled, the Builder artifacts will continue to change, and even to disappear from existence. They will return whence they came — to the future.”

The lecture hall was in an uproar. Only Merada, who had known what was coming, remained calm. Quintus Bloom was standing at the front of the stage, gesturing at Darya.

“I wonder, Professor Lang.” His voice carried over the hubbub. “I wonder if you have any comments. I would appreciate your opinion.”

But Darya’s mind was spinning. She could not give her opinion. Not because Bloom’s suggestion that the Builders were time travelers from humanity’s own future was unthinkable.

No. Because Darya had considered that possibility herself, long ago — and rejected it, for reasons too subtle to present off the cuff, and in public. She shook her head at Quintus Bloom, turned and began to push her way back toward the entrance. She had to think. If there really was a new artifact, as he had suggested, she had to find out all there was to know about it; then she had to re-evaluate everything she had ever thought and done in her whole blessed career.

“So that was it. The talk by Quintus Bloom left Darya fit to burst. Anyone could tell that by looking at her. After she’d had a session or two with Bloom she took off. Left Sentinel Gate.”

Hans Rebka stopped speaking. He showed no signs of starting again.

Louis Nenda, who had been offering pheromonal simultaneous translation for the benefit of Atvar H’sial, glared at him. The transition had been abrupt, from detailed description to a sudden two sentence cut-off. It was certainly not a logical end point.

“Are you saying that’s it? That’s all you’re going to say about what happened, and where and why she went?”

Rebka shrugged. “I’ve told you all I know.”

“And you let her go, just like that. Didn’t try to talk her out of it, or stop her, or go with her?”

“I didn’t.”

“He is lying, Louis.” The pheromonal message from Atvar H’sial came quickly. It was not necessary.

“Damn right he’s lying. But why?” Out loud he said, “Were you in on the sessions she had with Quintus Bloom?”

Rebka shrugged. “I sat in on the seminar, until it was clear to me that I wasn’t going to understand more than three words.” He looked Nenda straight in the eye. “I don’t know what they said to each other.”

Nenda stared right back. “I believe you.” He added to Atvar H’sial, “In a pig’s eye. I can lie with a straight face as well as anybody. What now, At?”

“We have something of a problem, Louis. I do not wish to reveal to him that Bloom’s prediction, of changing and vanishing artifacts, appears to be coming true.”

Hans Rebka snapped his fingers. “Oh, there was one other thing that will interest you, Nenda. Soon after we arrived at Sentinel Gate, J’merlia and Kallik rolled up at the institute.”

As a distraction, it was first-rate. Nenda went pop-eyed. “Kallik is here now? And J’merlia? Why didn’t you tell us that before?”

“Because they aren’t here now. Darya took them with her.”

“She can’t do that! They don’t belong to her. They belong to me and Atvar H’sial.”

“Not any more. They have the rights of free beings.”

“Nuts. I have their slave cubes, right here.” Nenda began to fumble at his tight head-to-toe clothing, which proved almost as hard to get into as it was uncomfortable.

“Louis, what is going on?” The exchange between Nenda and Rebka had been too fast for Atvar H’sial to receive a pheromonal translation.

“J’merlia and Kallik. Been here — and gone. With Darya Lang.”

“My J’merlia!”

“And my Kallik. I know what I said, At, but we better be ready for more than a day’s stay. You and me got lots of work to do before we can leave Sentinel Gate.”
